
OSSに関するtricknotesのブックマーク (4)

  • GitHub - dear-github/dear-github: An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects

    You have done so much to grow the open source community and make it really accessible to users. Somehow you have us chasing stars and filling up squares, improving the world’s software in the process. However, many of us are frustrated. Those of us who run some of the most popular projects on GitHub feel completely ignored by you. We’ve gone through the only support channel that you have given us

    GitHub - dear-github/dear-github: An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
    tricknotes 2016/01/16
    GitHub を使う上で起こっている社会問題
  • io.jsについて知っていること - from scratch

    Node.jsio.js Node.js  2014io.js io.js"Node" io.jsforkOSS OSS io.js  Node.jsForkNode.jsv0.12Fork *1 Node使nod
    io.jsについて知っていること - from scratch
    tricknotes 2014/12/25
  • Contributing to Ember

    Confused about how the release process works? Curious what the heck feature flags are? Wondering which commit prefix you should use for your latest pull request? This talk answers these questions (and many more). It includes insights into the release process, feature flagging, the build process, which commit prefixes to use, and how to create custom builds with features enabled by default.

    Contributing to Ember
    tricknotes 2014/06/17
  • Node.js: Issac Schlueterの語るオープンソースとリーダーシップ - ワザノバ | wazanova.jp

    [Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSv7GIX-XQ0 [Video] http://vimeo.com/77289729  /  /  /  Node.jsIssac Schlueter / podcastNode.js
    tricknotes 2013/10/30
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