
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


sprk2012に関するtricknotesのブックマーク (2)

  • A Proposal for the Translation of RubyKaigi

    [RubyKaigi](http://rubykaigi.org/) and more recently [Sapporo Ruby Kaigi](http://sapporo.rubykaigi.org/2012/en/) have been providing realtime translation services. The way this has worked is that volunteers listen to the speakers presentation, and simultaneously translate it to an IRC channel that is broadcast next to the main screen, like the photo below. At RubyKaigi 2011, I tried to help, but m

    A Proposal for the Translation of RubyKaigi
    tricknotes 2012/09/18
    国際カンファレンスに日本語だけのプレゼン資料で挑んだのが私です(Paul さんありがとうございました!!) #sprk2012 #反省
  • 札幌Ruby会議2012 事前特集 第1回 | gihyo.jp

     RubyKaigiRuby9 4   RubyRubyRuby2008Rubyist 4Ruby2012 2012914163
    札幌Ruby会議2012 事前特集 第1回 | gihyo.jp
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