
cliに関するtuneのブックマーク (9)

  • AWS CLI のコンフィグファイルと環境変数とコマンドラインオプションで指定できる内容をまとめて確認してみた | DevelopersIO

    コンバンハ、千葉(幸)です。 ~/.aws/config、いじってますか? ~/.aws/configの例 [default] region = ap-northeast-1 output = json [profile chiba] region = ap-northeast-1 output = json role_arn = arn:aws:iam::999999999999:role/chibayuki-role source_profile = jump-account mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::000000000000:mfa/cm-chiba.yukihiro ~/.aws/configでデフォルトリージョンや出力形式、スイッチロールのための設定などを行う機会は多いかと思います。ここで設定可能な項目は他にもたくさんあり、その数は30個以上にのぼります

    AWS CLI のコンフィグファイルと環境変数とコマンドラインオプションで指定できる内容をまとめて確認してみた | DevelopersIO
    tune 2021/11/12
  • 「Angular CLIがわかる本」の近況報告

     Angular CLI  Angular CLI52$470 🎉🎉 $100 60%11 1110 - Angular CLI v1.5 - N
  • コマンドラインツールを作るときに参考にしている資料 | SOTA

     - YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2014  YAPC   UNIX UNIX Mike GancarzUNIX  
  • cmder | Console Emulator

    cmder is software package that provides great console experience even on WindowsCmder is a software package created out of pure frustration over absence of nice console emulator on Windows. It is based on amazing software, spiced up with Monokai color scheme and custom prompt layout. Looking sexy from the start. With help of the best Think about cmder more as a software package than a separate app

    cmder | Console Emulator
  • 高速にGo言語のCLIツールをつくるcli-initというツールをつくった

    GoCLIcli-init tcnkms/cli-initGitHub cli-init使Go   addlistdeletetodotcnksm/sample-cli-init  Gocodegangsta/cli使 使Usagebash
  • ConEmu 突っ込んだら Git for Windows の Git Bash がカッコよくなった

    Git for Windows Git Bash Console2  ConEmu使Stack Overflow  ConEmu (Console2 使) Git Bash ConEmu   ConEmu [OK]  MS-DOS  [Win] + [N]  
    ConEmu 突っ込んだら Git for Windows の Git Bash がカッコよくなった
  • jq

    jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, awk, grep and friends let you play with text. jq is written in portable C, and it has zero runtime dependencies. You can download a single binary, scp it to a far away machine of the same type, and expect

  • GLI: Make Awesome Command-Line Applications the Easy Way

    GLI The easy way to make command-suite CLI apps GLI is the easiest way to make a CLI app that takes commands, in a vein similar to git or gem (GLI stands for "Git-Like Interface"). GLI uses a simple DSL, but retains all the power you'd expect from the built-int OptionParser. If you're looking to make a vanilla CLI app that doesn't need command support, be sure to check out optparse-plus, which giv

    tune 2012/10/29
  • Ruby で作る、簡単 CLI ツールのススメ - Qiita

    Ruby  AdventCalendar 10  aereal   Ctrl+R   CLI  vim  emacs  railsg guard 便    Twitter 
    Ruby で作る、簡単 CLI ツールのススメ - Qiita
    tune 2012/07/19
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