
pdfに関するtuneのブックマーク (24)

  • PDF加工ツールとしてのTeXの実力とデジタル採点への活用

    TeX Conf 2017 での講演「PDF加工ツールとしてのTeXの実力とデジタル採点への活用」の発表資料です。 # 次のサイトから画像を引用させて頂きました。 * CTAN (lion drawing by Duane Bibby) * Apple 公式サイト (iPad, Apple Pencil, iMac) * GoodNotes 公式サイト (GootNotes) * Fuji Xerox 公式サイト(Xerox複合機) * いらすとや(テストを見て喜ぶ生徒のイラスト

    tune 2017/10/26
  • process-book

     *nix  gist github       prefork  kill  epub  pdf epubpdf release thanks to mitukiii & moznion       -  3.0 
  • eBook to PDF - Free Online Converter


  • Ruby で PDF と戯れるの巻 - Qiita

    require 'origami' puts Origami::PDF.read("keigo_tousin.pdf").pages.first.Contents.data BT /Part <</MCID 0 >>BDC /CS0 cs 0 0 0 scn /GS0 gs /C2_0 1 Tf 0.5103 Tc 31.98 0 0 31.98 184.98 623.9603 Tm <18982E8607E91730328E>Tj 0.0055 Tc 15 0 0 15 229.8 176.7203 Tm <1414169139DD39E5141539DE19AC39DE18E3>Tj 22.02 0 0 22.02 220.2 116.4803 Tm <18A50D7B12AD2F0F0AB3257521B3>Tj EMC ET はぁ。「なんかライブラリに喰わせればテキストがポンと出て

    Ruby で PDF と戯れるの巻 - Qiita
    tune 2013/12/22
  • 「2カラムの論文PDF」を「1カラムの余白にメモしやすいPDF」に変換する方法

    22PDF11PDF  1. 2. 3. K2pdfopt4. 使5. 6. 6.1. 7.  8. 9. k2pdfopt9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. GhostScript使9.6. pdfk2pdfopt.exe9.7. PDF9.8. 
  • PDF校正にはFDFの活用をおすすめしますが... - 名もないテクノ手

    PDFPDF 404 Blog Not Found:tips - #PDF_ -  PDFFDFFDFPDFPDFFDF使使FDF使2  PDF PDFMB
    PDF校正にはFDFの活用をおすすめしますが... - 名もないテクノ手
  • DiffPDF — Windows PDF comparison application

    DiffPDF DiffPDF is used to compare two PDF files—textually or visually. Use DiffPDF to compare PDF files quickly and easily: Click to choose one PDF; click to choose another PDF; click Compare. The changes are shown as if you'd used highlighter pens to show added, changed, or deleted text. This Windows application is our easiest to use and most affordable and popular product. Some customers report

    tune 2012/06/09
  • Whyteboard in Launchpad

    An easy-to-use whiteboard application for Linux, Windows and Mac FEATURES * Draw on a canvas using common tools: pen, rectangle, circle, text * Annotate over PDF files * Drawn shapes can be resized, moved, rotated and re-coloured * Your drawing history is stored, allowing it to be replayed * Tabbed drawing: each tab represents a whiteboard "sheet". * Each sheet has a thumbnail, and unlimited undo/

    tune 2009/05/09
  • Impressive

    “the simplest way of keeping your audience from yawning” The stylish way of giving presentations Impressive is a program that displays presentation slides. But unlike OpenOffice.org Impress or other similar applications, it does so with style. Smooth alpha-blended slide transitions are provided for the sake of eye candy, but in addition to this, Impressive offers some unique tools that are really

    tune 2009/05/09
  • Hadoopの解析資料

    オープンソース分散システム「Hadoop」に関する解析資料を公開させて頂いております。この調査はNTTレゾナント株式会社様と共同で行いました(プレスリリース)。 Hadoop解析資料(PDF), 最終更新: 2008/08/25, 公開: 2008/08/25 Hadoopの実際のインストール方法などにつきましては、弊社太田による以下の記事もご参考下さい。 Hadoop、hBaseで構築する大規模分散データ処理システム Hadoopのインストールとサンプルプログラムの実行 複数マシンへHadoopをインストールする

  • Math book

     /    2024 318 稿       2  3  
    tune 2008/03/26
  • Scribd

    Looking for our ebooks and audiobooks? Visit Everand. Browse millions of titles, including ebooks, audiobooks, podcasts, magazines, newspapers, and sheet music, now included in your subscription at no extra cost. Check it out

    tune 2007/11/04
  • PDFill: Free PDF Editor, Free PDF Tools and Free PDF Writer

    Looking for an inexpensive alternative to Adobe Acrobat? Please try PDFill! You can use the Free PDF Writer to create free PDF or Image from any printable application. You can use the Free PDF Tools to merge, split, reorder, delete, encrypt, decrypt, rotate, crop and reformat PDF pages, add information/header/footer/watermark, convert image to PDF or PDF to image,  scan a Paper to PDF, and more. Y

    tune 2007/07/25
  • GreenPDF.com | Reduce Carbon Emissions | PDF Printing Research | Awareness Software

    PDF documents are an environmentally friendly way to communicate, but only if you don’t click the Print button. Join with us to raise World awareness on this issue. Put the "Print Less" awareness pop-up box on all of your PDF documents today. Upload your PDF document: The document will be returned to you with the the GreenPDF awareness objects injected.

  • 軽量で持ち出し簡単なPDF管理ソフト Mokuji

    Mokuji  PDF  PDF Mokuji PDFPDF PDF PDF5PDF  MokujimkjUSBPDF
  • 無効なURLです

  • PDFView

    Notice PDFView is no longer in development. Thanks to all the people who supported it, but I have no time any more. You may wanna try Skim as a replacement/improvement. About PDFView is a lightweight Mac OS X application to display PDF files. What does it offers more than Preview? By default, the main window will open up maximized, and the zoom level will be automatically the highest possible to f

  • PDF 千夜一夜

    20120104 PDF  PDF PDFEPUB0.1 稿 koba : 07:57 |  (0) |  (0) 20080712 PDF  PDF Every Where 1000PDF 19841980MS-DOS
    tune 2007/03/05
  • HTML → PDF

    Mixes pages from 2 or more documents, alternating between them

    HTML → PDF
  • BRAVA | 高速・多機能ファイルビューア