
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


dekiwikiに関するwata_dのブックマーク (2)

  • MindTouch OpenGarden - MindTouch OpenGarden

    Deki Wiki  MindTouch Deki Wikiwiki Deki Wiki 使 Deki Wiki wiki  200711Ver.1.8.212Ver1.8.3100% 71.8.3J
  • Open Garden - Open Garden

    About MindTouch Deki MindTouch Deki is a free open source wiki and application platform for communities and enterprises. MindTouch Deki is an easy to use and sophisticated wiki for authoring, aggregating, organizing, and sharing content. MindTouch Deki is also a platform for creating collaborative applications, or adding wiki capabilities to existing applications.

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