
*Swaggerに関するyamadarのブックマーク (9)

  • SwaggerでRESTful APIの管理を楽にする - Qiita

      API IDE Swagger? SwaggerRESTful API The World's Most Popular Framework for APIs GoogleIBMSmartBearOpen
    SwaggerでRESTful APIの管理を楽にする - Qiita
  • Swaggerの概要をまとめてみた。 - Qiita

     API Blueprint Swagger  Swagger Swagger  RESTful APIOpen APIInitiativeRESTful APISwaggerSwagger便 Swagger Spec  Swagger 
    Swaggerの概要をまとめてみた。 - Qiita
  • OpenAPI Specification | Swagger

    OpenAPI Specification Version 3.1.0 The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC2119 RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. This document is licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0. Introduc

  • CommonMark Spec

    Latest version (0.31.2) (2024-01-28) discussion forum | interactive dingus | repository | changelog All versions: 0.31.2 (2024-01-28) (view changes | test cases) 0.30 (2021-06-19) (view changes | test cases) 0.29 (2019-04-06) (view changes | test cases) 0.28 (2017-08-01) (view changes | test cases) 0.27 (2016-11-18) (view changes | test cases) 0.26 (2016-07-15) (view changes | test cases) 0.25 (20

    yamadar 2018/04/17
  • Does AWS API Gateway support OpenAPI 3.0?

    yamadar 2018/04/16
  • 10分でわかるOpenAPI V3

    The document discusses graph databases and their properties. Graph databases are structured to store graph-based data by using nodes and edges to represent entities and their relationships. They are well-suited for applications with complex relationships between entities that can be modeled as graphs, such as social networks. Key graph database technologies mentioned include Neo4j, OrientDB, and T

    10分でわかるOpenAPI V3
  • OpenAPIはいいぞ - Qiita

     Open API Advent Calendar 2017 1 Open API Specification  Open APIInitiative  REST API  URL  JSON/YAML   2017  3.0.0  Swagger  1, 2  Open API Spec   使  2016 API Blueprint (apiary)  RAML 
    OpenAPIはいいぞ - Qiita
  • Swagger 3.0のOAuth認証にCognito User PoolsのOAuth Clientを使う | DevelopersIO

    Swagger SwaggerRESTful APIAPIYAMLAmazon API Gateway使  () AWS/IoT SwaggerAPI#cmdevio Swagger 3.0 Swagger233API Gateway232
    Swagger 3.0のOAuth認証にCognito User PoolsのOAuth Clientを使う | DevelopersIO
    yamadar 2018/04/16
    Amazon API Gatewayが早く3.0に対応してほしい
  • Swagger-PHPでSwagger2.0に対応したアノテーションサンプル - Qiita

    コントローラ API全体の定義と、各エンドポイントの定義を記述していく。 基底クラスと各コントローラに別れるので、それぞれに記述する。 コントローラの基底クラス use Swagger\Annotations as SWG; /** * @SWG\Swagger( * schemes={"http"}, * host="", * basePath="", * @SWG\Info( * version="1.0.0", * title="sample API", * description="サンプルAPIでswaggerを試す", * @SWG\Contact( * email="" * ), * @SWG\License( * name="", * url="" * ) * ), * @SWG\ExternalDocumentation( * descr

    Swagger-PHPでSwagger2.0に対応したアノテーションサンプル - Qiita
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