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2021 in archosaur paleontology






This article records new taxaoffossil archosaurs of every kind that are scheduled described during the year 2021, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleontology of archosaurs that are scheduled to occur in the year 2021.

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    New Pseudosuchian taxa

    Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

    Allodaposuchus iberoarmoricanus[16]

    Sp. nov



    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)


    Anallodaposuchid eusuchian, a species of Allodaposuchus.

    Amphicotylus milesi[17]

    Sp. nov


    Yoshida et al.

    Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

    Morrison Formation

      United States
    (  Wyoming)

    Agoniopholidid crocodyliform, a species of Amphicotylus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Nicholl et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian)

    Kem Kem Group


    Apeirosaurid crocodylomorph. The type species is A. taouzensis.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Darlim, Montefeltro & Langer

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)

    Bauru Basin


    Abaurusuchid crocodylomorph. The type species is A. escharafacies.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    Salih et al.

    Late Cretaceous

    Kababish Formation


    Adyrosaurid crocodylomorph. The type species is B. kababishensis.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Novas et al.

    Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

    Toqui Formation


    An early member of Mesoeucrocodylia. The type species is B. mallingrandensis.


    Caipirasuchus attenboroughi[22]

    Sp. nov


    Ruiz et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Campanian)

    Santo Anastácio Formation


    Asphagesaurid crocodylomorph, a species of Caipirasuchus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Stocker, Brochu & Kirk

    Eocene (Uintan-Duchesnean)

    Devil's Graveyard Formation

      United States
    (  Texas)

    Acaiman. The type species is C. wilsonorum.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Pinheiro et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

    Araçatuba Formation


    Asphagesaurian crocodylomorph. The type species is C. civali

    Cricosaurus albersdoerferi[25]

    Sp. nov


    Sachs, Young, Abel, & Mallison

    Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

    Torleite Formation


    Ametriorhynchid thalattosuchian, a species of Cricosaurus.

    Cricosaurus puelchorum[26] Sp. nov Valid Herrera, Fernández & Vennari Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Vaca Muerta   Argentina Ametriorhynchid thalattosuchian, a species of Cricosaurus. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.  

    Cricosaurus rauhuti[27]

    Sp. nov


    Herrera, Aiglstorfer & Bronzati

    Late Jurassic (Tithonian)

    Mörnsheim Formation


    Ametriorhynchid thalattosuchian, a species of Cricosaurus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Shan et al.


    Youganwo Formation


    Analligatoroid belonging to the group Orientalosuchina. The type species is D. hsui.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Marinho et al.

    Late Cretaceous

    Uberaba Formation


    Anotosuchian crocodylomorph. The type species is E. viridi. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2022.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Tolchard et al.

    Middle Triassic

    Omingonde Formation


    A non-crocodylomorph loricatan. The type species is E. recurvidens.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Ristevski et al.



    Atomistomine crocodylian. The type species is G. maunala.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Czepiński et al.

    Late Triassic (Norian)

    Lissauer Breccia


    Anaetosaur. The type species is K. silvestris.

    Sebecus ayrampu[33]

    Sp. nov


    Bravo, Pol & García-López


    Mealla Formation


    Asebecid mesoeucrocodylian, a species of Sebecus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Rummy et al.

    Cretaceous (AlbianCenomanian)

    Longjing Formation


    Aparalligatorid crocodyliform. The type species is Y. longshanensis. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2022.

    Crocodylomorph research


    Aetosaur research


    General pseudosuchian research


    Non-avian dinosaurs


    New non-avian dinosaur taxa

    Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
    Ajnabia[86] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Longrich et al. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Ouled Abdoun Basin   Morocco Alambeosaurine hadrosaurid. The type species is A. odysseus. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.  


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Rubilar-Rogers et al.

    Late Cretaceous (CampanianMaastrichtian)

    Hornitos Formation


    Alithostrotian titanosaur sauropod. The type species is A. licanantay.



    Gen. et comb. nov


    Silva Junior et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)

    Adamantina Formation


    A titanosaur sauropod; a new genus for "Aeolosaurus" maximus.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Hocknull et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-? Turonian)

    Winton Formation


    A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is A. cooperensis. Considered to be an indeterminate diamantinasaurian and a possible junior synonymofDiamantinasaurus matildae by Beeston et al. (2024).[90]



    Gen. et sp. nov


    De Souza et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian)

    Goio-Erê Formation


    Anoasaurid theropod. The type species is B. leopoldinae.

    Brighstoneus[92] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Lockwood et al. Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation   United Kingdom A non-hadrosaurid hadrosauriform. The type species is B. simmondsi.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Barker et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

    Wessex Formation

      United Kingdom

    Aspinosaurid theropod. The type species is C. inferodios.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Averianov & Sues

    Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

    Bissekty Formation


    A sauropod of uncertain phylogenetic placement. Originally described as a rebbachisaurid, but subsequently argued to be a member of Titanosauria.[95] The type species is D. kingi.



    Gen. et sp. nov



    Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian)

    Candelária Formation


    Abasal theropod. The type species is E. jacuiensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Prieto-Márquez and Carrera Farias

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Figuerola Formation


    A non-hadrosaurid hadrosauromorph. The type species is F. thyrakolasus.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Díez Díaz et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Grès à Reptiles


    A titanosaur sauropod. Genus includes new species G. meridionalis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Wang et al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Shengjinkou Formation


    A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is H. xinjiangensis.

    Issi[100] Gen. et sp. nov Beccari et al. Late Triassic (Norian) Malmros Klint Formation   Greenland Aplateosaurid sauropodomorph. The type species is I. saaneq.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Averianov and Lopatin

    Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

    Ialovachsk Formation


    Avelociraptorine dromaeosaurid. The type species is K. sogdianus.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Averianov & Lopatin

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Barun Goyot Formation


    Analvarezsaurid theropod. The type species is K. magnificus.

    Kuru[103] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Napoli et al. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Barun Goyot Formation   Mongolia Adromaeosaurid theropod. The type species is K. kulla.
    Kurupi[104] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Iori et al. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Marília Formation   Brazil Anabelisaurid theropod. The type species is K. itaata.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Gianechini et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Santonian)

    Bajo de la Carpa Formation


    Afurileusaurian abelisaurid. The type species is L. aliocranianus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Dalman et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Menefee Formation

      United States
    (  New Mexico)

    Acentrosaurine ceratopsid, possibly a member of the tribe Nasutoceratopsini. The type species is M. sealeyi.



    Gen. et sp. nov Valid Rolando et al. Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Allen Formation   Argentina A titanosaur sauropod. The type species is M. arriagadai. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2022.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Ji & Zhang

    Early Cretaceous

    Xinlong Formation


    A basal member of Iguanodontia. The type species is N. guangxiensis. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2022.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Gallina, Canale, & Carballido

    Early Cretaceous (BerriasianValanginian)

    Bajada Colorada Formation


    The earliest known titanosaur sauropod found. The type species is N. zapatai.

    Omeisaurus puxiani[110]

    Sp. nov


    Tan et al.

    Middle Jurassic



    Amamenchisaurid sauropod, a species of Omeisaurus. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming was published in 2021.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    McDonald et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Menefee Formation

      United States
    (  New Mexico)

    Asaurolophine hadrosaurid belonging to the tribe Brachylophosaurini. The type species is O. incantatus.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Pei et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Bayan Mandahu Formation


    Atroodontid theropod. The type species is P. neimengguensis. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it must be published in 2022.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Spiekman et al.

    Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian)

    Pant-y-Ffynnon Quarry

      United Kingdom

    A basal theropod. The type species is P. milnerae



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Santos-Cubedo et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

    Margas de Mirambell Formation


    Astyracosternan hadrosauroid. The type species is P. sosbaynati



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Upchurch et al.

    Late Jurassic (KimmeridgianTithonian)

    Kalazha Formation


    A sauropod belonging to the family Mamenchisauridae. The type species is R. turpanensis.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Barker et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Barremian)

    Wessex Formation

      United Kingdom

    Aspinosaurid theropod. The type species is R. milnerae.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Turner, Montanari & Norell

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Barun Goyot Formation


    Adromaeosaurid theropod. The type species is S. devi.

    Sierraceratops[117] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Dalman, Lucas Jasinski, & Longrich Late Cretaceous (latest CampanianMaastrichtian) Hall Lake Formation   United States
    (  New Mexico)
    Achasmosaurine ceratopsid. The type species is S. turneri. Announced in 2021; the final version of the article naming it must be published in 2022.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Wang et al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Shengjinkou Formation


    A sauropod belonging to the family Euhelopodidae. The type species is S. sinensis.



    Gen. et comb. nov


    Evans et al.

    Late Cretaceous

    Ulansuhai Formation


    Apachycephalosaur previously classified as Stegoceras. The type species is "Troodon" bexelli Bohlin (1953).

    Spicomellus[119] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Maidment et al. Middle Jurassic (Bathonian-Callovian) El Mers Group   Morocco Anankylosaur. The type species is S. afer.
    Stegouros[120] Gen. et sp. nov Soto-Acuña et al. Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Dorotea Formation   Chile An ankylosaur. The type species is S. elengassen.  


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Sellés et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Talarn Formation


    Atroodontid theropod. The type species is T. insperatus.


    Tarchia tumanovae[122]

    Sp. nov


    Park et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian)

    Nemegt Formation


    Anankylosaurid, a species of Tarchia.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Ramírez-Velasco et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Campanian)

    Cerro del Pueblo Formation


    Alambeosaurine hadrosaurid belonging to the tribe Parasaurolophini. The type species is T. galorum.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Tanaka et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Turonian)

    Bissekty Formation


    A theropod of uncertain affinities; originally assigned to the group Carcharodontosauria, but Sues, Averianov & Britt (2022) subsequently argued that it lacked unambiguous diagnostic features of that clade.[125] The type species is U. uzbekistanensis.

    Vectiraptor[126] Gen. et sp. nov In press Longrich, Martill, & Jacobs Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation   United Kingdom Adromaeosaurid theropod. The type species is V. greeni.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Kobayashi et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Kita-Ama Formation


    A basal hadrosaurid. The type species is Y. izanagii.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Brum et al.

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Marília Formation


    Anunenlagiine dromaeosaurid. The type species is Y. lopai.












    New Bird taxa

    Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images

    Apteryx littoralis[302]

    Sp. nov


    Tennyson & Tomotani


    Upper Rangitikei Formation

      New Zealand



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Mather et al.

    Late Oligocene

    Namba Formation


    A member of the family Accipitridae. The type species is A. sylvestris.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Eocene (Ypresian)

    London Clay

      United Kingdom

    A member of the family Archaeotrogonidae. The type species is A. anglicus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Campbell & Bocheński

    Late Pleistocene

    La Brea Tar Pits

      United States
    (  California)

    A woodpecker. The type species is B. minimus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Campbell & Bocheński

    Late Pleistocene

    La Brea Tar Pits

      United States
    (  California)

    A woodpecker. The type species is B. garretti.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    O'Connor et al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Xiagou Formation


    An early member of Ornithuromorpha. The type species is B. zhangi. The generic name "Brachydontornis" is also used by the authors.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    Liet al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Jiufotang Formation


    A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is B. macrohyoideus.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Late Paleocene-early Eocene

    Naran-Bulak Formation


    A member of the family Presbyornithidae. The type species is B. anatoides.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Early Eocene


    A member of Gruiformes showing the greatest similarity with modern limpkin. The type species is B. aramoides.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Early Eocene


    A member of Galliformes showing morphological similarities with Argillipes aurorum and members of the family Quercymegapodiidae. The type species is B. magnus.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Early Eocene


    Bird described on the basis of a coracoid, morphologically intermediate between those of Walbeckornis and members of the family Messelornithidae. The type species is B. walbeckornithoides.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Early Eocene


    A small galliform bird showing morphological similarities with members of the families Quercymegapodiidae and Gallinuloididae. The type species is B. transitoria.

    Buteo dondasi[310]

    Sp. nov


    Degrange et al.

    Pliocene (Piacenzian)

    Chapadmalal Formation


    A large buzzard, a species of Buteo.

    Buteogallus irpus[311]

    Sp. nov


    Suárez & Olson

    Quaternary (probably late Pleistocene)

      Dominican Republic

    A species of Buteogallus.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    Bocheński et al.

    Oligocene (Rupelian)


    Apasserine, an early member of Suboscines. The type species is C. nargizia.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    El Adli et al.

    Eocene (Priabonian)

    Birket Qarun Formation


    A pelican. The type species is E. aegyptiacus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Clark & O'Connor

    Early Cretaceous (Albian)

    Burmese amber


    A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is F. prehendens.

    Gallirallus astolfoi[315]

    Sp. nov


    Salvador, Anderson & Tennyson


      French Polynesia

    A species of Gallirallus.

    Kairuku waewaeroa[316]

    Sp. nov


    Giovanardi, Ksepka & Thomas

    Oligocene (Whaingaroan)

    Glen Massey Formation

      New Zealand

    A penguin, a species of Kairuku.

    Klallamornis buchanani[317]

    Comb nov


    (Dyke, Wang, & Habib)


    Pysht Formation


    Transferred from "Tonsala" buchanani (2011).[318]

    Klallamornis buchanani


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Carvalho et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

    Crato Formation


    An early member of Ornithuromorpha. The type species is K. mater.

    Manuherikia primadividua[320]

    Sp. nov

    In press

    Worthy et al.


    Bannockburn Formation

      New Zealand

    A member of the family Anatidae from the St Bathans fauna.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Jadwiszczak, Reguero & Mörs

    Eocene (Priabonian)

    Submeseta Formation


    A small-sized penguin. The type species is M. sobrali.

    Margarobyas abronensis[322]

    Sp. nov

    In press

    Zelenkov & González

    Late Pleistocene


    A species of Margarobyas.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    O'Connor et al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Xiagou Formation


    An early member of Ornithuromorpha. The type species is M. ductrix.

    Melanerpes shawi[305]

    Sp. nov


    Campbell & Bocheński

    Late Pleistocene

    La Brea Tar Pits

      United States
    (  California)

    A woodpecker, a species of Melanerpes.

    Neimengornis[323] Gen. et sp. nov Wang et al. Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation   China A member of Jeholornithiformes. The type species is N. rectusmim.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Louchart & Duhamel

    Early Oligocene


    A member of Gruoidea related to the limpkin and cranes. The type species is P. tourmenti.


    Gen. et sp. nov



    Early Eocene

    London Clay

      United Kingdom

    A relative of Psittacopes, Pumiliornis and Morsoravis. The type species is P. bergdahli.

    Pica praepica[326]

    Sp. nov



    Early Pleistocene


    A species of Pica.

    Procellaria altirostris[327]

    Sp. nov


    Tennyson & Tomotani

    Pliocene (Piacenzian)

    Tangahoe Formation

      New Zealand

    A species of Procellaria.

    Tynskya waltonensis[328]

    Sp. nov



    Eocene (Ypresian)

    London Clay

      United Kingdom

    A species of the messelasturid Tynskya.


    Gen. et sp. nov

    Degrange et al.

    Eocene (Ypresian)

    Huitrera Formation


    A member of the stem groupofCoracii. The type species is U. tambussiae.

    Vinchinavis[330] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Tambussi et al. Miocene Toro Negro   Argentina A large eagle. The type species is V. paka. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Wang et al.

    Early Cretaceous

    Jiufotang Formation


    A member of Enantiornithes belonging to the family Pengornithidae. The type species is Y. kompsosoura.



    Gen. et sp. nov

    In press

    Xuet al.

    Late Cretaceous

    Qiupa Formation


    A member of Enantiornithes. The type species is Y. junchangi.





    New pterosaur taxa

    Name Novelty Status Authors Age Type locality Country Notes Images
    Draigwenia[402] Gen. et comb. nov Valid Holgado Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Cambridge Greensand   United Kingdom Anornithocheiromorph. The type species is "Ornithocheirus" platystomus Seeley (1870).  


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Cerqueira et al.

    Early Cretaceous (Aptian)

    Romualdo Formation


    A member of the subfamily Thalassodrominae. The type species is K. dianae.


    Kunpengopterus antipollicatus[404]

    Sp. nov


    Zhou et al.

    Late Jurassic (Oxfordian)

    Tiaojishan Formation


    Awukongopterid, a species of Kunpengopterus.
    Leptostomia[405] Gen. et sp. nov Valid Smith et al. Cretaceous (?AlbianCenomanian) Kem Kem   Morocco A small, long-beaked pterosaur, likely a member of Azhdarchoidea. The type species is L. begaaensis. Announced in 2020; the final version of the article naming it was published in 2021.  
    Quetzalcoatlus lawsoni[406]

    Sp. nov


    Andres and Langston Jr.

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Javelina Formation

      United States
    (  Texas)

    A quetzalcoatline azhdarchid, a species of Quetzalcoatlus.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Wei et al.

    MiddleLate Jurassic (Callovian–Oxfordian)

    Tiaojishan Formation


    Ananurognathid. The type species is S. bondei.



    Gen. et sp. nov


    Soto et al.

    Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian)

    Tacuarembó Formation


    A gnathosaurine ctenochasmatid. The type species is T. luciae


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Richards, Stumkat & Salisbury

    Early Cretaceous (Albian)

    Toolebuc Formation


    A member of the family Anhangueridae. The type species is T. shawi.


    Gen. et sp. nov


    Andres and Langston Jr.

    Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

    Javelina Formation

      United States
    (  Texas)

    Anazhdarchid. The type species is W. brevirostris. Part of the type specimen was independently made the type specimen of the species "Javelinadactylus sagebieli" the same year; however, the article naming that species was subsequently retracted.[410]




    Other archosaurs





    1. ^ Manafzadeh AR, Kambic RE, Gatesy SM (February 2021). "A new role for joint mobility in reconstructing vertebrate locomotor evolution". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 (7): e2023513118. Bibcode:2021PNAS..11820235M. doi:10.1073/pnas.2023513118. PMC 7896293. PMID 33558244.
  • ^ Pintore, R.; Houssaye, A.; Nesbitt, S. J.; Hutchinson, J. R. (2021). "Femoral specializations to locomotor habits in early archosauriforms". Journal of Anatomy. 240 (5): 867–892. doi:10.1111/joa.13598. PMC 9005686. PMID 34841511. S2CID 244752006.
  • ^ Allen VR, Kilbourne BM, Hutchinson JR (March 2021). "The evolution of pelvic limb muscle moment arms in bird-line archosaurs". Science Advances. 7 (12): eabe2778. Bibcode:2021SciA....7.2778A. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe2778. PMC 7978429. PMID 33741593.
  • ^ Heers AM, Varghese SL, Hatier LK, Cabrera JJ (2021). "Multiple Functional Solutions During Flightless to Flight-Capable Transitions". Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8: Article 573411. doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.573411. S2CID 231858466.
  • ^ Bishop PJ, Falisse A, De Groote R, Hutchinson JR (2021). "Predictive simulations of musculoskeletal function and jumping performance in a generalized bird". Integrative Organismal Biology. 3 (1): obab006. doi:10.1093/iob/obab006. PMC 8341896. PMID 34377939.
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