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Agenda 47 (styled by the Trump campaign as Agenda47) is the manifesto of the Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump, which details policies that would be implemented upon his election as the 47th president of the United States.[a] Agenda 47 is a collection of formal policy plans of Donald Trump,[1] which will see several reforms to the economy, presidential powers, foreign policy, education, healthcare, immigration, national security and American media and journalism.[2] Agenda 47 affects LGBT individuals, makes changes to law enforcement, and discusses social issues and infrastructure planning.

Agenda 47 logo

The main critiques of the platform have focused on its feasibility, the risk of more inflation, and threat of authoritarianism.


Agenda 47 is Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign formal policy plans.[1] According to the Trump campaign, it is "the only official comprehensive and detailed look at what President Trump will do if he returns to the White House".[3] It is presented on the campaign's website in a series of videos with Trump outlining each proposal.[4] According to Philip Bump, some Agenda 47 videos appeared scattershot and responsive to current events around early 2023.[5][6] The proposals appeared to be aimed towards Republican primary voters and slowed down once his primary lead grew in April 2023,[5] to the point where Philip Bump wrote in the Washington Post in June 2024 that neither Trump nor his campaign regularly brings up the plan.[5]

In 2023, Trump campaign officials acknowledged the Project 2025 aligned well with Agenda 47.[7] Project 2025 has, as of June 2024, reportedly caused some annoyance in the Trump campaign which had historically preferred fewer and more vague policy proposals to limit opportunities for criticism and maintain flexibility.[5] Some commentators have argued that Project 2025 is the most detailed look at what a Trump administration would look like.[5] Agenda 47 and Project 2025 share many themes and policies, including expanding presidential power such as through reissuing Schedule F,[8]: min.00:14[9] cuts to the Department of Education, mass deportations of illegal immigrants,[10] death penalty for drug dealers, and using the US National Guard in liberal cities with high crime rates or those that are "disorderly".[11][12][13]

The plans include constructing "freedom cities" on empty federal land, investing in flying car manufacturing, introducing baby bonuses to encourage a baby boom, implementing protectionist trade policies, and over forty others. Seventeen of the policies that Trump says he will implement if elected would require congressional approval. Some of his plans are legally controversial, such as ending birthright citizenship, and may require amending the U.S. Constitution.[14][4]

Many of the proposals are contentious. One Agenda 47 proposal would impose the death penalty on drug dealers and human traffickers, as well as place Mexican cartels on the United States list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.[13]


These are summaries of the policies proposed by Donald Trump on his website that are categorized with policies that have a similar theme. As of July 8, 2024, there are 46 videos, the first one uploaded on December 15, 2022, and the last one on December 22, 2023.[15][5][b]



According to The Nation, "Many experts in higher education have begun to sound the alarm that such actions may infringe on academic freedom and institutional autonomy—two cornerstones of American higher education," whereas Trump’s National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt stated, "By increasing access to school choice, empowering parents to have a voice in their child’s education, and supporting good teachers, President Trump will improve academic excellence for all students."[35]

  1. Restoring Parental Rights, to control the education of their children. This includes being made aware of academic standards, updating on acts of violence, inspecting "professional development materials," being notified about guest speakers, reviewing the school's budget, knowing about bullying, health and mental health concerns, "to have the right to opt out of school healthcare services." and be immediately notified if any school employee "has worked to change their children’s name, pronouns, or understanding of his or her gender."
  2. Great Principals and Great Teachers, i.e. empowering parents and local school boards to hire and fire principals and teachers.
  3. Knowledge and Skills, not Critical Race Theory and Gender Indoctrination, i.e. teaching "reading, writing, math, science, arithmetic, and other truly useful subjects." This includes getting "the left’s “equity” agenda out of our classrooms."
  4. Love of Country. This includes reinstating the 1776 Commission.
  5. Freedom to Pray, i.e. "we will support bringing back prayer to our schools."
  6. Safe, Secure, and Drug-Free, by "immediate expulsion for any student who harms a teacher or another student." This includes sending the "out-of-control troublemakers OUT of the classroom and INTO reform schools and corrections facilities," supporting "school districts that allow highly trained teachers to carry concealed weapons at school," and supporting federal funding to hire trained gun-owners as armed guards. Also, directing the "U.S. Food and Drug Administration to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression, and violence", as well as "whether common psychiatric drugs, as well as genetically engineered cannabis and other narcotics, are causing psychotic breaks." And, immediate suspension or expulsion for illegal drug use or possession in school.
  7. Universal School Choice. This includes, "that parents can send their children to the public, private, or religious school that best suits" them.
  8. Project-Based Learning, "to help train [the students] for meaningful work outside the classroom."
  9. Internships and Work Experiences, for all students. This includes implementing "funding preferences for schools that actively work to help students secure internships, part-time work, and summer jobs."
  10. Jobs and Career Counseling, provided by all schools.
    Also, closing the U.S. Department of Education, and sending all Education matters back to the States.[36][37]

According to Politico, "[u]sing the federal government to create an entirely new educational institution aimed at competing with the thousands of existing schools would drastically reshape American higher education," adding that this policy would likely need U.S. Congress approval, and that it targets the over "40 million Americans who have some college but never completed their degree," similarly to some of the student debt relief efforts by the Biden administration, but differing in the source for its financing. [42]

Expansion of presidential powers

The Washington Post has said that this policy "could upend the balance of power between the three branches of the federal government (...), could provoke a dramatic constitutional showdown, with vast consequences for how the government operates," and that "legal scholars" say it "could violate the Constitution and usurp congressional authority by consolidating more power in the executive branch."[48] Also, that『unilaterally zero[ing] out any program he doesn’t like, or whose recipient has angered him, regardless of Congress’s instructions』would be illegal, even if Trump gets the Impoundment Control Act repealed.[49] On its part, The Hill stated that, on the contrary, impounding is "common sense," and "a key tool for the president to pursue U.S. foreign policy and protect national security."[50]

Foreign affairs

Healthcare and social security

JAMA Health Forum commented on the possible outcome of the 2024 election, saying that it "will have momentous consequences for the future of health care." After comparing the records of Trump and Biden regarding the high price of prescription drugs and health care services, it said, "[h]ow Trump would approach drug price negotiations if elected is unclear. Trump supported federal negotiation of drug prices during his 2016 campaign, however, as president, he did not pursue drug price negotiation and opposed a Democratic price negotiation plan. Recently, Trump said he “will tell big pharma that we will only pay the best price they offer to foreign nations,” claiming that he was the “only president in modern times who ever took on big pharma.” Even though Trump has been inconsistent in his positions on drug prices, his public comments suggest the possibility of bipartisan cooperation."[62]

Immigration reforms

Commenting on these policies, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign said to CNN, “Stopping the invasion at our southern border is an urgent national security necessity and one of President Trump’s top priorities. For that reason, he has laid out – in his own speeches and Agenda 47 platform – by far the most detailed program for securing the border, stopping illegal immigration, and removing those who should never have been allowed into our country in the first place.” To this, CNN added, "[s]hould Congress refuse to fund the operation, Trump could turn to a tactic used in his first term to secure more funding for a border wall – redirecting funds from the Pentagon, the source confirmed."[6] After describing the record of Trump's Immigration policies from the standpoint of healthcare, JAMA Health Forum said, "[they] had a chilling effect on access to care and benefits among immigrants, including those lawfully present (...) Trump has continued these themes in his current campaign, saying that “welfare is a gigantic magnet drawing people from all over the world.”"[62]

Infrastructure and urban planning

Transgender and LGBT rights

Ryan Adamczeski, from The Advocate, called these policies "devastating for LGBTQ+ Americans and other marginalized communities," adding "that [they] threaten the LGBTQ+ community, spanning across education, health care, and the military."[77]

Journalism and information

Law enforcement

National security

Trump has repeatedly mentioned this policy in his rallies, assuring it will create many jobs.[85][86] Regarding this policy, Forbes commented that it would have『limited overall utility. At least 10 Iron Dome systems make up the lower tier of Israel’s multilayered air defense, designed to intercept rockets, mortars, and artillery shells at a maximum distance of under 50 miles.』An American Iron Dome would require hundreds of systems to cover the continental United States and its major population centers, and it would be inadequate to intercept large intercontinental ballistic missiles. However, it could be useful for the defense of military bases (specifically the overseas ones), and critical infrastructure.[87] On its part, Haaretz called it a "fantasy," and after mentioning similar technical issues as Forbes, concluded with, "[b]eyond all this, the United States has already spent hundreds of billions in missile defense research-and-development, and any upgrades similar to the ones Trump is vowing would need congressional support – something he failed to obtain for his border wall."[88]

The China Initiative was launched in November 2018 to address Chinese economic espionage. Of the 28 prosecutions brought under it, four were against professors of Chinese descent, of whom none were convicted for espionage or theft.
On January 5, 2021, APA Justice, the Brennan Center for Justice and Asian Americans Advancing Justice, sent an open letter to then president-elect Joe Biden, stating that a "consequence of these mandates has been that the FBI and federal agencies have put pressure on grant makers, universities and research institutions to participate in racial, ethnic and national origin profiling, collectively leading to discriminatory and stigmatising investigations of people of Chinese descent."[91]
In September 2021, 177 Stanford University faculty members sent an open letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the termination of the initiative, stating that "these actions do not just affect the prosecuted faculty but affect the many more university researchers who are targeted, investigated and feel threatened by inquiries initiated without prior evidence of significant wrongdoing."[92]
Bloomberg stated that by December 2021, "[m]ore than 1,600 scholars and administrators from more than 200 universities have petitioned Garland to end the China Initiative, saying it disproportionately targets researchers of Chinese origin."[93]
In February 2022, more than 150 University of Pennsylvania faculty members addressed an open letter to Attorney General Garland, "urging the U.S. Department of Justice to overturn the “China Initiative” which they allege disproportionately targets researchers of Chinese descent."[94]
On February 23, 2022, Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen announced the initiative "was being cast aside largely because of perceptions that it unfairly painted Chinese Americans and U.S. residents of Chinese origin as disloyal," but he『insisted that the decision amounted to a reframing and recalibration—not an abandonment—of a muscular law enforcement response to the national security threat posed by the People’s Republic of China,』and said that "department officials had concluded that the enforcement program singling out China was ill-advised and better reframed as part of a more wide-ranging effort to counter threats posed by Russia, Iran and other countries."[95]

Social issues

Commenting on the possibility of a second Trump administration, Axios said, "close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color," and quoted Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung: "As President Trump has said, all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden's un-American policy will be immediately terminated."[97]


Anthony Zurcher of BBC News said "some of [Trump's] pronouncements border on the fantastical" and "others are controversial."[14] Margaret Hartmann, writing in New York magazine, described some of the ideas as "unhinged".[102] Frankie Taggart, writing for Barron's, argued that Trump's plans lack coherence and that some could exacerbate existing divisions in American society. He questioned the feasibility and practicality of some ideas, such as the promise to improve cities with classical architecture and create tent cities for the homeless.[13]

Prominent economists and investors criticized the economic agenda of Trump as inflationary, especially noting his proposed 10% universal tariff.[103][104][105][106][107]

Some columnists have described his plans as fascist[108][109] or authoritarian.[110][111]


  1. ^ Trump was previously the 45th president, but the precedent set by Grover Cleveland is that a nonconsecutive second term means a new presidential number.
  • ^ The total number of videos is 46, but two of them, uploaded on different dates, are the same one.[16][17]
  • References

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  • Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Agenda_47&oldid=1236732232"

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