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Xi Zhong

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Xi Zhong (Chinese) was a legendary Xia dynasty minister claimed to have served Yu the Great[1] credited in traditional Chinese sources with the invention of the chariot during the 2nd millennium BC.[2][3][4] Modern archaeological evidence has not found support for that, however, and suggests instead a date closer to 1200 BC for the introduction of small-scale use of chariots.[5]

See also




(一)^ ·

(二)^ Xu Shen, Shuowen Jiezi "Radical ". quote: "輿"

(三)^ Shiben· "Chapter on Inventions () - Xia ()". quote: ""

(四)^ Guyi congshu 11, Yupian, vol. 1, Chariot Section (). quote: "". p. 132 of 157 scanned and transcribed by Chinese Text Project

(五)^ Ebrey, Patricia. East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History, p. 14. Houghton Mifflin Co (Boston), 2006. ISBN 978-0-618-13384-0.