イデオロギー > 政治イデオロギー > 自由主義 > 右派リバタリアニズム

: right-libertarianism1


思想 編集




Anthony Gregory [4]Peter Vallentyne (en)使[5] 

関連項目 編集

脚注 編集

  1. ^ en:Peter Vallentyne, "Libertarianism," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Stanford University, July 20, 2010]).
  2. ^ a b David Boaz. The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao-Tzu to Milton Friedman. Simon and Schuster, 1998. Pp. 104–105. ISBN 0-684-84767-1.
  3. ^ 嶋津格訳『アナーキー・国家・ユートピア――国家の正当性とその限界(上・下)』P388(木鐸社, 1985年二巻本・1995年一巻本) ISBN 4833221705
  4. ^ Anthony Gregory, Left, Right, Moderate and Radical," en:LewRockwell.com (n.p., Dec. 21, 2006) suggests the following might lead to the "right libertarian" description: an exclusive interest in "economic freedoms," preference for a "conservative lifestyle," endorsement of the view that big business should be seen as "a great victim of the state," favoring a "strong national defense," and sharing the Old Right's "opposition to empire."
  5. ^ en:Peter Vallentyne, "Libertarianism," en:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [Stanford University, July 20, 2010]).