: worldwide caliphate ISIL[1][2]200648[3][3]2014[4]



2007Islamic Imperialism: A History[10]


出典 編集

  1. ^ A Dictionary of World History - Page 332, Edmund Wright - 2015
  2. ^ Phares, Walid (2008). The Confrontation: Winning the War against Future Jihad: Defeating the Next Generation of Jihad. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 32. ISBN 978-0230603899 
  3. ^ a b Referenced in Oliver-Dee, Sean (2009). The Caliphate Question: The British Government and Islamic Governance. Lexington. p. 9. ISBN 978-0739136010 
  4. ^ The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know - Page 13, James L. Gelvin - 2015
  5. ^ “Hizb ut-Tahrir Emerges in America”. Anti-Defamation League. (2013年7月25日). http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/international-extremism-terrorism/c/hizb-ut-tahrir-emerges-in.html 
  6. ^ Fagan, Geraldine (2012). Believing in Russia: Religious Policy After Communism. Routledge. p. 157. ISBN 978-0415490023 
  7. ^ James Brandon (2006年5月10日). “The Caliphate: One nation, under Allah, with 1.5 billion Muslims”. The Christian Science Monitor (Amman, Jorday). http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0510/p01s04-wome.html 2012年5月26日閲覧。 
  8. ^ Karl Vick (2006年1月14日). “Reunified Islam: Unlikely but Not Entirely Radical”. The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/13/AR2006011301816_pf.html 2012年5月26日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Brigitte Gabriel (2008). They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It. St. Martin's Press. p. 10. ISBN 0312383630 
  10. ^ Karsh, Efraim (2007). Islamic Imperialism: A History. Yale University Press. p. 64. ISBN 978-0300122633 

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