美しいのは 夕ぐれの 白い星
空は 澄みわたり
一日が終わる。 ああ
いま そのひとのことが 美しく、愛しい

遠くに星々、白い星 天空にちらばり 
近くに家々のあかり たなびく煙
マキバドリは 巣にかえり
ヨタカは 空をとびまわる
星あかりをぬけて 歌いながら 狩人は家路に 

美しいのは 夕ぐれの 白い星
月は さまよい
空の果てに消える。 ああ
いま そのひとのことを 美しく、大切にかんじる


The English version is after the Japanese text,
please scroll down.

Fair is the white star of twilight,
And the sky clearer
At the day's end;
But she is fairer, and she is dearer.
She, my heart's friend!

Far stars and fair in the skies bending,
Low stars of hearth fires and wood smoke ascending,
The meadow-lark's nested,
The night hawk is winging;
Home through the star-shine the hunter comes singing.

Fair is the white star of twilight,
And the moon roving
To the sky's end;
But she is fairer, better worth loving,
She, my heart's friend.


About the English version of the poems

Some readers may notice that these translations are not in a "modern" mode. The twisted syntax of these poems is not something that appeals to modern readers. The poems are in the public domain, and we could have rewritten them to suit a more sophisticated reading, but we chose not to. Instead, we have left them intact, better to lend a sense of time to the pieces. We hope you enjoy them.

| 1 |2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |7|8|9 | 10| 11|12 |

| メアリー・オースティンについて |
| ミヤギユカリについて|
| エディターズノート|
