*WARRIOR'S SONG : The English version is after the Japanese text, please scroll down.






Weep not for me, Loved Woman,
Should I die;
But for yourself be weeping!

Weep not for warriors who go
Gladly to battle.
Theirs to revenge
Fallen and slain of our people;
Theirs to lay low
All our foes like them,
Death to make, singing.

Weep not for warriors,
But weep for women!
Oh, weep for all women!

Theirs to be pitied
Most of all creatures,
Whose men return not!
How shall their hearts be stayed
When we are fallen?

Weep not for me, Loved Woman,
For yourself alone be weeping!

| 1 | 2 | 3
| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

| About Mary Austin |
| About Yukari Miyagi |
| Editor's Note |

| メアリー・オースティンについて |
| ミヤギユカリについて|
| エディターズノート|
