User:OSM Ethiopia

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  • OpenStreetMap(OSM) Ethiopia: Building Maps, Promoting Community Mapping and Open Source Tools in Ethiopia

    Welcome to the OpenStreetMap(OSM) Ethiopia wiki page, where you can find information about the OSM community in Ethiopia, its projects, activities, and resources.

    About OSM Ethiopia

    OSM Ethiopia is a community-based organization focused on collecting and sharing geospatial data , creating cutting-edge technologies that leverage the power of geospatial data in Ethiopia. Our mission is to promote open mapping, open source practices and support sustainable and inclusive development in Ethiopia. To achieve this goal, we use open standards, open-source technologies, and advanced AI models to enhance the accuracy of our data.

    We are part of the global OpenStreetMap project, which creates and distributes free geographic data for the world. We believe that free and open geospatial data can benefit a wide range of stakeholders, such as government agencies, NGOs, businesses, researchers, and citizens.

    How to Contribute

    We invite you to join us and contribute to the OSM project in Ethiopia. You can contribute by:

    Contact us

    You can also find more information about OSM Ethiopia here:

    Driving Technological Innovation in Geospatial Data for Informed Decision-Making

    Our team of experts is constantly exploring new ways to apply these technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of our data, and to create new tools and applications that can help stakeholders across Ethiopia make more informed decisions.

    We are committed to staying at the forefront of technological innovation in the geospatial data space, and we welcome collaboration and partnership opportunities with organizations and individuals who share our vision.

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