Drugs A - Z

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  • Z
  • Abilify
  • Abilify Maintena Therapeutic Kit
  • Abisart
  • Abisart HCTZ
  • Abraxane
  • Abrilada
  • Abrysvo
  • Abstral sublingual tablets
  • Abyraz
  • Acamprosate Viatris
  • Acarbose Viatris
  • Accupril
  • Accuretic
  • Acetec
  • Aciclovir Viatris
  • Acnatac
  • Act-HIB
  • Actemra
  • Actemra PFP AI
  • Actemra PFS
  • Actilyse
  • Actiq
  • Actonel
  • Actonel EC
  • Actrapid Vial, Protaphane Vial
  • Actrapid, Protaphane, Mixtard 30/70, Mixtard 50/50
  • Adacel
  • Adacel Polio
  • Adcetris
  • Adcirca
  • Adefin
  • Adefin XL
  • Adenocor
  • Adenoscan
  • Adenosine Viatris
  • Adenuric tablets
  • Adesan
  • Adesan HCT
  • Adrenaline Jr Viatris
  • Adrenaline Viatris
  • Adriamycin
  • Advate
  • Adynovate
  • Afinitor
  • Agrylin
  • Aimovig
  • Airomir
  • Ajovy
  • Akamin
  • Aldactone
  • Aldara
  • Aldiq
  • Aldurazyme
  • Alecensa
  • Alepam
  • Alimta
  • Allereze
  • Allertine
  • Allopurinol Alphapharm
  • Alodorm
  • Alphaclav Duo Viatris 500/125 and Alphaclav Duo Forte Viatris 875/125
  • Alphamox
  • Alphapress
  • Alprim
  • Alprolix
  • Alunbrig
  • Amaryl
  • Ambrisentan Viatris
  • Amgevita
  • Amira 150 and Amira 300
  • Amisulpride Winthrop
  • Amitriptyline Viatris (formerly Amitriptyline Alphapharm)
  • Amlodipine/Valsartan Novartis
  • Amlodipine/Valsartan/HCT Novartis
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid Viatris 500/125 and Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid Viatris 875/125
  • Ampicyn
  • Anaprox
  • Andexxa
  • Androderm
  • Androfeme 1
  • Androforte 5
  • Anoro Ellipta
  • Anpec (new formulation)
  • Antenex
  • Anzatax Injection
  • Apidra
  • Apretude Injection
  • Apretude Tablets
  • APX-Clopidogrel/Aspirin 75/100
  • APX-Paracetamol/Codeine
  • Arabloc
  • Aranesp
  • Aratac
  • Arava
  • Arazil
  • Ardix Gliclazide 60mg MR
  • Arexvy
  • Arianna 1
  • Aricept
  • Arimidex
  • Arnuity Ellipta
  • Aromasin
  • Arthrexin
  • Artige
  • Asmol CFC-Free Inhaler (with counter)
  • Aspalgin
  • Aspecillin VK
  • Ataris
  • Atectura Breezhaler
  • Atgam
  • Atrovent Inhalation Solution
  • Atrovent Metered Dose Inhaler
  • Atrovent Nasal
  • Atrovent Nasal Forte
  • Atrovent UDV
  • Aurorix
  • Austrapen
  • Avamys
  • Avapro
  • Avapro HCT
  • Avaxim
  • Avodart
  • Avonex
  • Axit
  • Axotide Accuhaler
  • Axotide Accuhaler and MDI
  • Azacitidine-Teva
  • Azactam
  • Azarga
  • Azep
  • Azilect
  • Azith
  • Azithromycin Mylan
  • Azithromycin Viatris
  • Azithromycin Viatris Tablets
  • Azopt
  • Research reveals optimal magnesium levels could lower dementia risk
  • J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, says media twisted his remarks on abortion and domestic violence
  • What is the association of Mediterranean diet–based interventions with cardiometabolic biomarkers in children and adolescents?
  • Heart of the Matter: Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Heart Failure with Prof. Martin Cowie & Dr. Lisa Anderson
  • In this interview conducted at Pittcon 2024 in San Diego, we spoke to Richard Crocombe about his journey in the field of spectroscopy, focusing on the development of portable spectrometers and their transformative potential in wearable health and fitness technologies.

    The Future is Wearable: Advancing Human Health Through Portable Spectroscopy

    Heart of the Matter: Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Heart Failure with Prof. Martin Cowie & Dr. Lisa Anderson

    The future of heart failure treatment with AstraZeneca's Prof. Martin Cowie and Heart Failure Specialist and Consultant Cardiologist at St George’s Hospital Dr. Lisa Anderson.

    Heart of the Matter: Early Diagnosis and Intervention in Heart Failure with Prof. Martin Cowie & Dr. Lisa Anderson

    Accelerate Your Research: Harness the Power of 3D Models with Dispen3D

    Dispen3D is setting new standards in single-cell biology, enabling researchers to conduct high-precision experiments that drive advancements in drug discovery, personalized medicine, and regenerative therapies.

    Accelerate Your Research: Harness the Power of 3D Models with Dispen3D
    Sudden Dizziness and Loss of Balance: Potential Underlying Issues
  • Stomach Cramps and Diarrhea: Distinguishing Between Common and Serious Causes
    Stomach Cramps and Diarrhea: Distinguishing Between Common and Serious Causes
  • The Role of Vitamin D in Hormonal Balance
    The Role of Vitamin D in Hormonal Balance
  • The Connection Between Vitamin D and Mental Health
    The Connection Between Vitamin D and Mental Health
  • Understanding the Glycemic Index
    Understanding the Glycemic Index
  • Latest News

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