

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

: process model

[ 1][1]:


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[Dowson1988][3] 4使:

: [Feiler1993][4]



: ()




[ 2]


Process Weaver [Fernström1991][5][Rolland1998][1]


[Rolland1999][6] Situational Method Engineering 



パースペクティブ 文書 プログラム ハイパーテキスト
利用法 人間同士の間で対話的に用いる マシンが実行する プロセスの異なる観点(製品の部品、決定、論点、課題)を結びつけたネットワーク
特徴 非決定性がある 事前に決めた範囲でのプロセスの可変性をサポート
応用範囲 規範的目的で使用(柔軟な手引き) 規範的目的で使用(厳密な規則) 記述的および説明的目的で使用



: business process modelingBPMBPM BPM IT


 (BPM) (BPM)

BPM 使[13]




Web Services Choreography DescriptionWS-CDL






  1. ^ : Colette Rolland
  2. ^ : granularity


  1. ^ a b c d e C. Rolland. A Comprehensive View of Process Engineering. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference CAiSE'98, B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1413, Pernici, C. Thanos (Eds), Springer. Pisa, Italy, June 1998
  2. ^ C. Rolland. Modeling the Requirements Engineering Process, 3rd European-Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, Budapest, Hungary, June 1993.
  3. ^ M. Dowson. Iteration in the Software Process, Proc 9th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, 1988.
  4. ^ P. H. Feiler, W. S. Humphrey. Software Process Development and Enactment: Concepts and Definitions, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on "Software Process", 1993.
  5. ^ C. Fernström, L. Ohlsson, Integration Needs in Process Enacted Environments, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on the Software Process, IEEE computer Society Press, October 1991.
  6. ^ C. Rolland, N. Prakash, A. Benjamen. A Multi-Model View of Process Modelling. Requirements Engineering. Volume 4, Number 4. Springer-Verlag London Ltd , 1999
  7. ^ A. F. Harmsen, J. N. Brinkkemper, J. L. H. Oei; Situational Method Engineering for information Systems Project Approaches, Int. IFIP WG8. 1 Conf. in CRIS series: Methods and associated Tools for the Information Systems Life Cycle (A-55), North Holland (Pub. ), 1994.
  8. ^ P. Armenise, S. Bandinelli, C. Ghezzi, A. Morzenti, A survey and assessment of software process representation formalisms Int. Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1993.
  9. ^ B. Curtis, M. Kellner, J. Over, Process Modeling, Communications of ACM, vol 35 n°9, september 1992, pp 75-90.
  10. ^ a b c d A. Finkelstein, J. Kramer, B. Nuseibeh (eds). Software process modelling and technology. Wiley, New York, 1994
  11. ^ L. Jacherri, J. O. Larseon, R. Conradi, Software Process Modelling and Evolution in EPOS, in Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'92), Capri, Italy, 1992, pp574-589.
  12. ^ V; Ambriola, M. L. Jaccheri, Definition and Enactment of Oikos software entities, Proc. of the First European Workshop on Software Process Modeling, Milan, Italy, 1991
  13. ^ Business Modeling FAQ”. 2007年2月6日閲覧。