
parserに関するJxckのブックマーク (9)

  • Add a "modern" parsing API · Issue #2993 · whatwg/html

    TL;DR HTML should provide an API for parsing. Why? "Textual" HTML is a widely used syntax. HTML parsing is complex enough to want to use the browser's parser, plus browsers can do implementation tricks with how they create elements, etc. Unfortunately the way the HTML parser is exposed in the web platform is a hodge-podge. Streaming parsing is only available for main document loads; other things r

    Add a "modern" parsing API · Issue #2993 · whatwg/html
    Jxck 2017/09/04
    モダンな HTML Parser API が欲しいという話
  • An Intro to Compilers | Nicole Orchard

    tl;dr: Learning new meanings for front-end and back-end. A compiler is just a program that translates other programs. Traditional compilers translate source code into executable machine code that your computer understands. (Some compilers translate source code into another programming language. These compilers are called source-to-source translators or transpilers.) LLVM is a widely used compiler

  • Writing parsers like it is 2017 | the morning paper

    the morning paper a random walk through Computer Science research, by Adrian Colyer Made delightfully fast by strattic Writing parsers like it is 2017 Chifflier & Couprie, SPW’17 With thanks to Glyn Normington for pointing this paper out to me. Earlier this year we looked at ‘System programming in Rust: beyond safety‘ which made the case for switching from C to Rust as the default language of choi

    Writing parsers like it is 2017 | the morning paper
  • HTTPパーサにおけるSSE4.2最適化の威力と注意点 - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ

     PicoHTTPParser@kazuhoHTTP HTTPH2O使114Node.js使http-parser10http-parser4 IntelCPUSIMD@kazuhoSSE4.21.71.9Improving Parser Performance using SSE Instructions (in
    HTTPパーサにおけるSSE4.2最適化の威力と注意点 - Cybozu Inside Out | サイボウズエンジニアのブログ
    Jxck 2016/08/08
    "SSE4.2 文字列処理専用命令"
  • JavaScriptでパーサコンビネータのコンセプトを理解する(「正規表現だけに頼ってはいけない」の続き) - id:anatooのブログ

    使使  JavaScript - Parsimmon Ruby - rparsec treetop Python - parsy PHP - PHPPEG 使使使使 使
    JavaScriptでパーサコンビネータのコンセプトを理解する(「正規表現だけに頼ってはいけない」の続き) - id:anatooのブログ
  • Spaghetti Source - 再帰下降型構文解析 ( LL(1) )

      BNF  BNF  LL(1)  1. BNF   BNF BNF ()  BNF  BNF  equation := equation + factor | factor factor := factor * term | term term := (equation) | Num
  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11Y9EtyM6wUSFEdU_c_DEhgkEV1UMl7K29Zk__hjpxCI/present

  • boost::spiritで構文解析を行う。(多分)その1 » おかゆ倶楽部―ソースが全然洗われない迷走ブログ

    boost::spiritExpression    使便使 BNFLL boost1.42 boost::spirit::classicspiritboost::spirit::qiboost::spirit::lexboost::spirit::karma 使
  • 構文解析(parser)

    1.  1. parser [EOF] 調BNFBackus Naur FormBNF 2 LL LR 
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