
シリアに関するmshkhのブックマーク (14)

  • 墓穴を掘り続ける12歳の少年「自分の人生に苦しめられている」 | NHK

    12    12   使  12  2011315 
    墓穴を掘り続ける12歳の少年「自分の人生に苦しめられている」 | NHK
  • Opinion: Putin is calling in favors from Syria and Africa. It’s a dangerous move | CNN

    mshkh 2022/03/17
    "African states have been divided over Russia's invasion." "the return of fighters with military experience has prompted instability and violence" "The influx of more diverse actors, could also cloud the legal minefield and prompt potential tensions between counterterrorism and humanitarian law."
  • How the Ukraine war revealed Europe’s selective empathy on refugees | CNN

    The West has shown unprecedented coordination and unity in its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Governments, corporations and individuals have come together to sanction and boycott Moscow, and Europe has opened its doors to a flood of refugees. Amid this outpouring of empathy, however, stark contrasts have arisen in the way Europe has dealt with Ukrainian refugees over those coming from c

    How the Ukraine war revealed Europe’s selective empathy on refugees | CNN
    mshkh 2022/03/17
    "(Denmark) has welcomed Ukrainian refugees with open arms and, ... it is urging some Syrian refugees living there to return home," "Such examples are plenty across Europe." ""Our hope is that the same ... support can be extended to the 84 million other people forced to flee around the world.""
  • 「人道回廊」、シリア内戦と酷似 市民退避後の攻撃強化懸念:時事ドットコム

     退 2022030907047 退 5 退 2
    「人道回廊」、シリア内戦と酷似 市民退避後の攻撃強化懸念:時事ドットコム
    mshkh 2022/03/09
  • Opinion: The gross hypocrisy of the West’s refugee response | CNN

    - Source: CNN " data-fave-thumbnails="{"big": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220304183339-evacuation-train-ill-kids-damon-dnt-lead-03042022-vpx-thumb-2.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" }, "small": { "uri": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/220304183339-evacuation-train-ill-kids-damon-dnt-lead-03042022-vpx-thumb-2.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_540,w_960,c_fill" } }" dat

    Opinion: The gross hypocrisy of the West’s refugee response | CNN
    mshkh 2022/03/08
    "We are painfully seeing that refugees are selectively welcomed, and war criminals are selectively punished. It's not just the western media that is biased; it's the western world." "The ugly truth is our humanity is skin deep." "That pain is universal. The reaction to it should be as well."
  • Russia sets cease-fire for evacuations amid heavy shelling

    mshkh 2022/03/08
    "In 2016, a joint Russian and Syrian proposal to set up humanitarian corridors out of besieged opposition-held eastern Aleppo was deeply criticized on humanitarian grounds." "(Moscow tactics for) Chechnya and Syria, where surrounded cities were pulverized by airstrikes and artillery."
  • シリアのアサド大統領の長男、数学オリンピックで惨敗

      15 56 197120003  615528
    mshkh 2017/07/27
  • コラム:ベルギー攻撃、中枢狙われた欧州の「脆弱性」露呈

    3242225 /Vincent Kessler 24  - 221
  • シリア難民を訓練して「祖国解放軍」に、ポーランド新外相が提案

    西NATO20141123(c)AFP/ANP/BAS CZERWINSKI 1116 AFPWitold Waszczykowski1516Berlin iPad
    mshkh 2015/11/16
  • コラム:米国が踏み出した「終わりなき戦争」

    92423  24  - 23 
  • シリア 300万人の子どもが学校通えず NHKニュース

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    mshkh 2014/01/29
  • Firing rockets at Assad? There¿s an app for that

  • シリア情勢、そのアイロニカルな現状: 極東ブログ

    使使 G8 (EU)西(NATO) 
  • アラブ諸国の若者人口構成が抱える爆弾: 極東ブログ

    : Newsweek  -  -  1 20069 PDF 20
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