
冬に関するmshkhのブックマーク (15)

  • 寒い日本の家は「静かなる殺し屋」招く? WHO「冬は最低18度」:朝日新聞デジタル

    A-stories  20221029    調 14調21902
    寒い日本の家は「静かなる殺し屋」招く? WHO「冬は最低18度」:朝日新聞デジタル
    mshkh 2023/01/04
  • クリスマスの夜から年末寒波襲来 過去最強クラス 大雪をもたらすJPCZとは?(気象予報士 福冨 里香)

    1217()18()50JPCZ ()()(:2744)()() ()
    クリスマスの夜から年末寒波襲来 過去最強クラス 大雪をもたらすJPCZとは?(気象予報士 福冨 里香)
    mshkh 2021/12/21
    うひー、今年は楽しみにしてるんだから勘弁してよー。ちなみに日本海寒帯気団収束帯(JPCZ)はWikipedia にも項目があった https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%B5%B7%E5%AF%92%E5%B8%AF%E6%B0%97%E5%9B%A3%E5%8F%8E%E6%9D%9F%E5%B8%AF
  • 12月以降は厳しい寒さ 大雪のおそれも 気象庁3か月予報 | NHKニュース

    西西 12 253西 121西 西   西
    12月以降は厳しい寒さ 大雪のおそれも 気象庁3か月予報 | NHKニュース
    mshkh 2021/10/26
  • まさに大暖冬で異常気象、豪雪地帯の新潟県魚沼市の積雪が0に(杉江勇次) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース

    0 280 0  11124 0129調 40
    まさに大暖冬で異常気象、豪雪地帯の新潟県魚沼市の積雪が0に(杉江勇次) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
    mshkh 2020/01/30
  • スキー場に雪がない 「死活問題だ」ホテル悲鳴:朝日新聞デジタル

    ","naka5":"<!-- BFF501 PC記事下(中⑤企画)パーツ=1541 -->","naka6":"<!-- BFF486 PC記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 --><!-- /news/esi/ichikiji/c6/default.htm -->","naka6Sp":"<!-- BFF3053 SP記事下(中⑥デジ編)パーツ=8826 -->","adcreative72":"<!-- BFF920 広告枠)ADCREATIVE-72 こんな特集も -->\n<!-- Ad BGN -->\n<!-- dfptag PC誘導枠5行 ★ここから -->\n<div class=\"p_infeed_list_wrapper\" id=\"p_infeed_list1\">\n <div class=\"p_infeed_list\">\n <div class=\"

    スキー場に雪がない 「死活問題だ」ホテル悲鳴:朝日新聞デジタル
    mshkh 2020/01/22
  • この冬は暖冬 降雪量が記録的少なさのところも | NHKニュース

    西 1821西132 1104 西 西736 2664 
    この冬は暖冬 降雪量が記録的少なさのところも | NHKニュース
    mshkh 2019/03/02
  • 北海道上空に史上最強の寒気 あす東京23区でも大雪のおそれ | NHKニュース

    810923 32 3 143 137 118 76 52  8 調 923
    北海道上空に史上最強の寒気 あす東京23区でも大雪のおそれ | NHKニュース
  • JR加古川線で架線凍結、40人閉じ込め 兵庫:朝日新聞デジタル

    166391西40 西8調西
    JR加古川線で架線凍結、40人閉じ込め 兵庫:朝日新聞デジタル
    mshkh 2017/01/16
  • Winter weather

    Here in the northern hemisphere spring is but a rumor. Record snowfalls have taxed budgets and patience, and slowed transit from planes to pedestrians. Not that some aren't enjoying the abundance, as winter sports play out on beautiful frozen blankets of snow. Gathered here are images of people struggling with and enjoying their wintery blasts. -- Lane Turner (47 photos total) Ice crystals form fr

    Winter weather
  • Extreme cold weather hits Europe

    Frigid temperatures have gripped Europe in the last week, with the mercury reaching as low as 35 degrees Celsius below zero. After what had been a relatively mild winter, the sudden cold caught many unprepared. Eastern Europe is hardest hit, with over 100 deaths in Ukraine, and with over 11,000 people in remote villages cut off by snow in Serbia. Most of the fatalities recorded have been homeless

    Extreme cold weather hits Europe
  • 2010 Winter Paralympics

    Over 500 athletes from 44 countries around the world have once again descended on Vancouver Canada, for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Paralympic Games, (officially known as the X Paralympic Winter Games). After a separate torch relay and opening ceremony, competitors faced off in five different sports: Sledge hockey, Wheelchair curling, Alpine skiing, Biathlon, and Cross-country skiing - the last thre

    2010 Winter Paralympics
  • Snowy scenes

    Last Monday was December 21st - the Winter Solstice, or the shortest day of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere). The 21st would also have also been the first day of Nivôse, the first winter month of the long-abandoned French Republican Calendar, named after the Latin word nivosus, which, appropriately means "snow or snowy". Collected here are a handful of recent photographs of these snowy days

    Snowy scenes
    mshkh 2009/12/24
  • BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China freeze 'has cost billions'

  • BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Severe snow hits central China

  • BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Winter warmth breaks all records

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