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CANの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 1327件

  • GitHub - aws/aws-mysql-odbc: The Amazon Web Services (AWS) ODBC Driver for MySQL allows an application to take advantage of the features of clustered MySQL databases. It is based on and can be used as a drop-in compatible for the MySQL Connector/ODBC driv

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      GitHub - aws/aws-mysql-odbc: The Amazon Web Services (AWS) ODBC Driver for MySQL allows an application to take advantage of the features of clustered MySQL databases. It is based on and can be used as a drop-in compatible for the MySQL Connector/ODBC driv
    • GitHub - aws/aws-secretsmanager-agent: The AWS Secrets Manager Agent is a local HTTP service that you can install and use in your compute environments to read secrets from Secrets Manager and cache them in memory.

      The AWS Secrets Manager Agent is a client-side HTTP service that you can use to standardize consumption of secrets from Secrets Manager across environments such as AWS Lambda, Amazon Elastic Container Service, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. The Secrets Manager Agent can retrieve and cache secrets in memory so that your applications can consume secrets directly

        GitHub - aws/aws-secretsmanager-agent: The AWS Secrets Manager Agent is a local HTTP service that you can install and use in your compute environments to read secrets from Secrets Manager and cache them in memory.
      • jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data

        jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data The trojanized jQuery attack has been spread on npm, GitHub and elsewhere since May. A trojanized version of jQuery has been spreading on the npm JavaScript package manager, GitHub and elsewhere, for use in a jQuery attack, security researchers have discovered. Phylum researchers said they have been monitoring the “persistent supply chai

          jQuery Attack Hits NPM and GitHub; Can Extract Web Form Data
        • GitHub - glasskube/glasskube: 🧊 The next generation Package Manager for Kubernetes 📦 Featuring a GUI and a CLI. Glasskube packages are dependency aware, GitOps ready and can get automatic updates via a central public package repository.

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            GitHub - glasskube/glasskube: 🧊 The next generation Package Manager for Kubernetes 📦 Featuring a GUI and a CLI. Glasskube packages are dependency aware, GitOps ready and can get automatic updates via a central public package repository.
          • ドクター・スースの「I Can Read with My Eyes Shut」目を閉じて読める?

            「I Can Read with My Eyes Shut」は、ドクター・スースらしいユニークなユーモアとリズム感あふれる絵本です。今回は、この絵本を通して、お子さんと一緒に楽しく英語を聞き流してみませんか? ここでは「I Can Read with My Eyes Shut」の簡単なあらすじの他、文中に出てくる日常の英語表現、おすすめの読み聞かせ動画のご紹介や日本語訳などを掲載しています。 お話のあらすじ主人公は、目を閉じていろんなことを読めると豪語します。ミシシッピ、インディアナポリス、ハレルヤ… 難しい単語も目を閉じて読めちゃうんだって!でも、目を閉じて読むのは難しいし、眉が熱くなっちゃうんだとか。 目を閉じて読むのは大変だけど、目を覚ましたまま読むと、たくさんのことを学べます。木、ハチ、ひざ、足首、アリ、ホース… 想像力を掻き立てるような言葉が次々に登場します。 さらに、魚の骨、願

              ドクター・スースの「I Can Read with My Eyes Shut」目を閉じて読める?
            • レクサス窃盗疑い、男2人逮捕 CANインベーダー悪用か - 日本経済新聞


                レクサス窃盗疑い、男2人逮捕 CANインベーダー悪用か - 日本経済新聞
              • B‐BOYイズム / Mummy-D(RHYMESTER)× LITTLE(KICK THE CAN CREW)× Hilcrhyme 【空へ蹴り出すラップセレクション②/5】

                シリーズvol.2はMummy-D、LITTLE 、HilcrhymeがセッションするRHYMESTERのシンボル的ナンバー「B-BOYイズム」をお届けします 20年以上の時を経ても色褪せない、エネルギッシュなラップセッションをお楽しみください OPEN MIC 24thシリーズはLITTLE(KICK THE CAN CREW)、Mummy-D(RHYMESTER)、Hilcrhymeの3人+フルバンドでセッションするラップセレクション スキルフルな生バンドサウンドが盛り上げる、ここでしか聴けないスペシャルなセッション musicians Ba. TOMOHIKO HEAVYLOOPER Gt. 越野竜太 Dr. 松浦千昇 Key 木村イオリ SAX kaaamen Artist Coordinator Yoshihiro - DJFUNK - Mizoguchi(FROG) 24

                  B‐BOYイズム / Mummy-D(RHYMESTER)× LITTLE(KICK THE CAN CREW)× Hilcrhyme 【空へ蹴り出すラップセレクション②/5】
                • GitHub - openrecall/openrecall: OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your memory and productivity with

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                    GitHub - openrecall/openrecall: OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your memory and productivity with
                  • Bluesky and Mastodon users can now talk to each other with Bridgy Fed | TechCrunch

                    An important step toward a more interoperable “fediverse” — the broader network of decentralized social media apps like Mastodon, Bluesky and others — has been achieved. Now users on decentralized apps like Mastodon, powered by the ActivityPub protocol, and those powered by Bluesky’s AT Protocol, can easily follow people on other networks, see their posts, and like, reply and repost them. Those sa

                      Bluesky and Mastodon users can now talk to each other with Bridgy Fed | TechCrunch
                    • Connect RPC joins CNCF: gRPC you can bet your business on

                      Authored by Derek Perez Connect RPC, Buf’s family of fully protocol-conformant and battle-tested alternatives to Google’s gRPC project, has joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. We joined the CNCF to demonstrate our deep commitment to sustainably and responsibly growing Connect as a well-governed and community-led open source project. Today, Connect integrates seamlessly with gRPC systems

                        Connect RPC joins CNCF: gRPC you can bet your business on
                      • 和訳「アンド・ユア・バード・キャン・シング」ビートルズの And Your Bird Can Sing を英語の歌詞の意味つきで聴く - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」

                        ビートルズ「アンド・ユア・バード・キャン・シング」(And Your Bird Can Sing) youtu.be 和訳つきで聴く コチラですね 【ビートルズ】鳥は歌うけど(And Your Bird Can Sing)【日本語で歌ってみた】 - YouTube いかにもジョンの歌詞ですよね ありがとうございます 思い出 この曲のことも書いていました www.aiaoko.com やはり 母が生きていてくれた頃の思い出は優しいです 今は私が窓からそとを眺めることが多くなりました 空は 木々は 鳥たちの囀りは 癒しですよね ありがとうございます ジョンはどんな思いで 「君の鳥」のことを歌ったんでしょうね ひとついえるのは 人の心など、ほかの人に見えるはずがないってことだけかもしれませんね 自分自身ですらハッキリしないことだってあります だからこそ 「ほかの人にどう思われるか」なんてことばか

                          和訳「アンド・ユア・バード・キャン・シング」ビートルズの And Your Bird Can Sing を英語の歌詞の意味つきで聴く - あい青子「大好きだった曲」と「手離し服」で幸せを感じる「認知症の予防と介護」
                        • For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I Can.

                          Television The Donald Trump I Saw on The Apprentice For 20 years, I couldn’t say what I watched the former president do on the set of the show that changed everything. Now I can. On Jan. 8, 2004, just more than 20 years ago, the first episode of The Apprentice aired. It was called “Meet the Billionaire,” and 18 million people watched. The episodes that followed climbed to roughly 20 million each w

                            For 20 Years, I Couldn’t Say What Donald Trump Did on the Set of The Apprentice. Now I Can.
                          • I CAN’T STOP 悲しみがとまらなくはなかった話 - 素直な天邪鬼

                            悲しみがとまらない  I  CAN’T STOP こちらは杏里さんの名曲 昨日、久しぶりに 聴きました♪ www.youtube.com 失恋ソング 友達に彼氏を紹介したら 友達と彼氏がビビビ😍ときて恋仲に… そして、友達も恋人も失う 悲しい歌なのですが… 私も経験があります! けれども 杏里さんの曲のように 悲しみがとまらなくはなかったw まだまだ幼い中3の恋でしたので それもあってショックをうけなかったのだと思います 聞いてください 私の悲しみがとまらなくはなかった話 (ふざけてる?) 隣の中学校 以前、こんなブログを書きました akiko42life.hatenablog.com この時に登場しました 優子ちゃん 顔の広い優子ちゃん 優子ちゃんは 隣の中学校の男の子と付き合ってました 私は 優子ちゃんの彼氏と その仲間達と コンビニや公園でよく遊んでました ヤンキー? うーん 見た

                              I CAN’T STOP 悲しみがとまらなくはなかった話 - 素直な天邪鬼
                            • BIMI and DMARC Can't Save You: The Overlooked DKIM Exploit

                              Analysts at Zone.eu, one of the leading domain registrars and web hosting providers in Europe, have observed a vulnerability affecting the global e-mail ecosystem, stemming from unaddressed warnings in the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standard that puts billions of users in risk. This is not an issue in a particular software product but rather a vulnerability resulting from loose interpretati

                                BIMI and DMARC Can't Save You: The Overlooked DKIM Exploit
                              • ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’t

                                ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’tWhy is OpenAI’s superalignment team imploding? Sam Altman (left), CEO of artificial intelligence company OpenAI, and the company’s co-founder and then-chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, speak together at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv on June 5, 2023. Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images Kelsey Piper is a senior writer at Future Perfect, Vox’s effective alt

                                  ChatGPT can talk, but OpenAI employees sure can’t
                                • Opinion | Can Biden Revive the Fortunes of American Workers?

                                  Celebrating the Tennessee Volkswagen workers’ vote to unionize.Credit...Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images Last week, employees at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tenn., voted by almost three to one to join the United Automobile Workers. By the numbers, this wasn’t a big deal: It involved only a few thousand workers in an economy that employs almost 160 million people. But it was an important symbol

                                    Opinion | Can Biden Revive the Fortunes of American Workers?
                                  • メールクライアントごとにHTMLメールで使用できる機能を一目でわかる形式でまとめてくれるサイト「Can I email…」

                                    世の中には多数のメールクライアントアプリが存在していますが、アプリごとにHTMLメールのどの機能に対応しているかはバラバラです。「Can I email…」ではHTMLメール作成時に「この機能は使ってもいいのかな……?」と疑問を持ったときに、世の中のメールクライアントアプリのどれくらいが機能に対応しているのかを一目で確認できます。 Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails https://www.caniemail.com/ サイトにアクセスし、中央の入力欄に使用したい機能を入力すると下部にメールクライアントごとの対応状況が表示されます。緑色は「対応」で、黄色は「部分的に対応」、赤色は「非対応」です。同じクライアントでもバージョンごとに対応が分かれている場合は「どのバージョンから使用できるようになったのか」が表示されていま

                                      メールクライアントごとにHTMLメールで使用できる機能を一目でわかる形式でまとめてくれるサイト「Can I email…」
                                    • This sound-suppressing silk can create quiet spaces

                                      We are living in a very noisy world. From the hum of traffic outside your window to the next-door neighbor’s blaring TV to sounds from a co-worker’s cubicle, unwanted noise remains a resounding problem. To cut through the din, an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers from MIT and elsewhere developed a sound-suppressing silk fabric that could be used to create quiet spaces. The fabric, whi

                                        This sound-suppressing silk can create quiet spaces
                                      • 大分裕福なエリアをイヌ連れで歩いていたら、通りがかった白人女性がイヌを一瞥し 怪訝な顔で”you can’t go any further…”と言うので差別かと身構えた話

                                        ノリーーーン @happyylemon そういえばこの前大分裕福なエリアをイヌ連れで歩いていたら、通りがかった白人女性がイヌを一瞥し 怪訝な顔で”you can’t go any further…” 2024-04-30 05:59:56

                                          大分裕福なエリアをイヌ連れで歩いていたら、通りがかった白人女性がイヌを一瞥し 怪訝な顔で”you can’t go any further…”と言うので差別かと身構えた話
                                        • How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode

                                          Update AWS started investigating the issue: https://twitter.com/jeffbarr/status/1785386554372042890 Imagine you create an empty, private AWS S3 bucket in a region of your preference. What will your AWS bill be the next morning? A few weeks ago, I began working on a PoC of a document indexing system for my client. I created a single S3 bucket in the eu-west-1 region and uploaded some files there fo

                                            How an empty S3 bucket can make your AWS bill explode
                                          • You can't just assume UTF-8

                                            Humans speak countless different languages. Not only are these languages incompatible, but runtime transpilation is a real pain. Sadly, every standardisation initiative has failed. At least there is someone to blame for this state-of-affairs: God. It was him, after-all, who cursed humanity to speak different languages, in an early dispute over a controversial property development. However, mankind

                                              You can't just assume UTF-8
                                            • 新宿駅で外国人の道案内をしてた御老体が「I can't speak English, I'm French」と伝えられたらフランス語に切り替えててかっこいい話

                                              吟遊詩人ヴァネロピ @Vane11ope 新宿駅でくっっっっっっっっそ美人が(しかもエロい)「I can't speak English, I'm French」とか言ってて、なにやらご老体ががんばって迷ったその女性を道案内してるっぽくて、さあそのご老体どうするかと思って見てたら普通にフランス語に切り替えてて意味がわからなかった 2024-04-26 11:40:46

                                                新宿駅で外国人の道案内をしてた御老体が「I can't speak English, I'm French」と伝えられたらフランス語に切り替えててかっこいい話
                                              • tofubeats - I CAN FEEL IT (Single mix)

                                                EP「NOBODY」 https://tofubeats.lnk.to/NOBODY SONG CREDITS Produced by tofubeats Art Direction - Tamio Iwaya (GraphersRock.) Illustration - Yoshitake Yamane Mastering - Stuart Hawkes (Metropolis Studio) FILM CREDITS Starring : Saori Izawa Director : Shunsuke Sugiyama (mimoid) Director of Photography : Yasuyuki Kanazawa [Demon Pictures co.,ltd.] Camera Assistant : Sho Nishiyama , negistag Stylis

                                                  tofubeats - I CAN FEEL IT (Single mix)
                                                • ‘The working class can’t afford it’: the shocking truth about the money bands make on tour

                                                  When you see a band playing to thousands of fans in a sun-drenched festival field, signing a record deal with a major label or playing endlessly from the airwaves, it’s easy to conjure an image of success that comes with some serious cash to boot – particularly when Taylor Swift has broken $1bn in revenue for her current Eras tour. But looks can be deceiving. “I don’t blame the public for seeing a

                                                    ‘The working class can’t afford it’: the shocking truth about the money bands make on tour
                                                  • Hilary Cass: I can’t travel on public transport after gender report

                                                    We've tried to contact you several times as we haven't been able to take payment. You must update your payment details via My Account or by clicking update payment details to keep your subscription.

                                                      Hilary Cass: I can’t travel on public transport after gender report
                                                    • 巨大なテーブルのテーブル定義を無停止で安全に誰でも変更できるようにする / Table-definitions-for-huge-tables-can-be-modified-by-anyone-safely-and-non-disruptively

                                                      巨大なテーブルのテーブル定義を無停止で安全に誰でも変更できるようにする / Table-definitions-for-huge-tables-can-be-modified-by-anyone-safely-and-non-disruptively

                                                        巨大なテーブルのテーブル定義を無停止で安全に誰でも変更できるようにする / Table-definitions-for-huge-tables-can-be-modified-by-anyone-safely-and-non-disruptively
                                                      • LattePanda Mu, a Micro x86 Compute Module with Intel N100 Processor which can run Windows and Linux.

                                                        NAS Carrier Freely allocate the interfaces and form factors you need in the carrier board design. Design an ultra-energy-saving NAS, or a high-performance NAS equipped with a 10GbE network. The IBECC-supported LattePanda Mu can run stably for a long time like a real server. Router Carrier With the excellent processing and encryption/decryption performance of the N100 processor, you can expand mult

                                                        • BatBadBut: You can't securely execute commands on Windows

                                                          BatBadBut: You can't securely execute commands on Windows Posted on April 9, 2024 • 10 minutes • 2109 words Table of contents Introduction TL;DR CVSS Score Technical Details Root Cause Wrapping CreateProcess Parsing rule of cmd.exe Mitigation Escaping double quotes? As a Developer As a User As a Maintainer of the runtime Conclusion Appendix Appendix A: Flowchart to determine if your applications a

                                                            BatBadBut: You can't securely execute commands on Windows
                                                          • 幼児向け英語絵本『Spot Can Count』数字の読み聞かせにおすすめ

                                                            日本語訳Dad, I can count from 1 to 10. 父さん、僕は1から10まで数えることができるよ。 Good boy, Spot! See what you can count on the farm. えらいぞ、スポット!農場で何が数えられるか見てみよう。 How many mice are behind the sacks? 袋の後ろにいるネズミは何匹? 1 one Hello. 袋の後ろにはネズミが1匹。こんにちは。 How many squirrels are in the tree? 木にいるリスは何匹? Don’t count me. 2 two 私を数えないで。2匹 How many horses are in the stable? 厩舎にいる馬は何頭? I know. 3 three 知ってる。3頭 How many ducks on the pond

                                                              幼児向け英語絵本『Spot Can Count』数字の読み聞かせにおすすめ
                                                            • GitHub - nilsherzig/LLocalSearch: LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the

                                                              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                GitHub - nilsherzig/LLocalSearch: LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the
                                                              • App Router への移行は「改善」となり得るのか?/ Can migration to App Router be an improvement

                                                                フロントアーキテクチャ改善NIGHT https://hireroo.connpass.com/event/310150/

                                                                  App Router への移行は「改善」となり得るのか?/ Can migration to App Router be an improvement
                                                                • GitHub - facebookexperimental/hermit: Hermit launches linux x86_64 programs in a special, hermetically isolated sandbox to control their execution. Hermit translates normal, nondeterministic behavior, into deterministic, repeatable behavior. This can be u

                                                                  Hermit launches linux x86_64 programs in a special, hermetically isolated sandbox to control their execution. Hermit translates normal, nondeterministic behavior, into deterministic, repeatable behavior. This can be used for various applications, including replay-debugging, reproducible artifacts, chaos mode concurrency testing and bug analysis. License

                                                                    GitHub - facebookexperimental/hermit: Hermit launches linux x86_64 programs in a special, hermetically isolated sandbox to control their execution. Hermit translates normal, nondeterministic behavior, into deterministic, repeatable behavior. This can be u
                                                                  • GitHub - stitionai/devika: Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. Devika aims to be a competiti

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                                                                      GitHub - stitionai/devika: Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. Devika aims to be a competiti
                                                                    • Testing If You Can Blow Your Own Sail

                                                                      You now know 7 amazing new things and that’s cooler than magic! Get the CrunchLabs Build Box! Two FREE boxes at https://crunchlabs.com/teaser I started a company called CrunchLabs, where we build a toy together, and then I teach you all the juicy physics of how it works. So if you want to learn to think like an engineer and have a really fun time doing it, check out the current promotion where yo

                                                                        Testing If You Can Blow Your Own Sail
                                                                      • GitHub - microsoft/garnet: Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with exis

                                                                        Garnet is a new remote cache-store from Microsoft Research, that offers several unique benefits: Garnet adopts the popular RESP wire protocol as a starting point, which makes it possible to use Garnet from unmodified Redis clients available in most programming languages of today, such as StackExchange.Redis in C#. Garnet offers much better throughput and scalability with many client connections an

                                                                          GitHub - microsoft/garnet: Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with exis
                                                                        • Free Fortnite V-Bucks Codes (March 2024) Epic Player Can Collect free Vbucks generator

                                                                          Agree & Join LinkedIn By clicking Continue, you agree to LinkedIn’s User Agreement, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. Sign in to view more content Create your free account or sign in to continue your search

                                                                            Free Fortnite V-Bucks Codes (March 2024) Epic Player Can Collect free Vbucks generator
                                                                          • Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻

                                                                            Last week, I went on an adventure through the electromagnetic spectrum! It’s like an invisible world that always surrounds us, and allows us to do many amazing things: It’s how radio and TV are transmitted, it’s how we communicate using Wi-Fi or our phones. And there are many more things to discover there, from all over the world. In this post, I’ll show you fifty things you can find there – all y

                                                                              Fifty Things you can do with a Software Defined Radio 📻
                                                                            • You Can't Make Children "Type Safe" in React & TypeScript

                                                                              Matt PocockMatt is a well-regarded TypeScript expert known for his ability to demystify complex TypeScript concepts. If you've worked with TypeScript and JSX for enough time, you'll probably have run into a situation where you want to restrict a component's children to be of a certain type. Let's say you're working on a Select component that takes Option components as children. You want to make su

                                                                                You Can't Make Children "Type Safe" in React & TypeScript
                                                                              • 英語復習レベル14:助動詞 can 「〜できる」の文 - 中学・高校の英語・英検の勉強プリント-大人の英語学び直しにも

                                                                                 can   can  I swim.  can I can swim. =  ()  can   can (s) I swim.  I can swim.  He swims.   He can swim.  can swimssswim  can   can notcan cannot  
                                                                                  英語復習レベル14:助動詞 can 「〜できる」の文 - 中学・高校の英語・英検の勉強プリント-大人の英語学び直しにも
                                                                                • はんだごてで機材修理、プログラミング、サーバー管理までやるIT業務シミュ『ServiceIT: You can do IT』がSteamで本日(3/4)発売 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com

                                                                                  ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com ニュース PCゲーム Steam はんだごてで機材修理、プログラミング、サーバー管理までやるIT業務シミュ『ServiceIT: You can do IT』がSteamで本日(3/4)発売

                                                                                    はんだごてで機材修理、プログラミング、サーバー管理までやるIT業務シミュ『ServiceIT: You can do IT』がSteamで本日(3/4)発売 | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com