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  • Gleam

    Gleam is a friendly language for building type-safe systems that scale! The power of a type system, the expressiveness of functional programming, and the reliability of the highly concurrent, fault tolerant Erlang runtime, with a familiar and modern syntax. Reliable and scalable Running on the battle-tested Erlang virtual machine that powers planet-scale systems such as WhatsApp and Ericsson, Glea

    • Gleam version 1 – Gleam

      Published 04 Mar, 2024 by Louis Pilfold Today Gleam v1.0.0 has been released! This is the first “stable” release of the language (more on what that means later) and a big milestone for the ecosystem. It has been a long journey and I’m proud of both the technology and the community that we’ve built here with Gleam. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part in any way, you’ve all contributed

        Gleam version 1 – Gleam
      • 【8/26リリース!!】『The Gleam in Your Eyes - Brass Rock BGM -』 - 【 SOSOUSO BLOG 】

        >>> 筆者の楽曲が聴けるSpotify Playlistはこちら <<< ちわ!テラムラだよ!! 2022年8月26日 アルバム3タイトル同時リリース!! ★華やかで軽快なブラスセクションと エネルギッシュなロックのBGM!! 『The Gleam in Your Eyes - Brass Rock BGM -』 ★ Spotify ★ Apple Music ★ LINE MUSIC ★ YouTube Music ★ Amazon Music TRACK LIST 01. Rum and Coke 02. Neon Sign 03. Ready Set Go ! 04. The Great Departure 05. Purple and Pink Stripes 06. The Gleam in Your Eyes 07. Gokigen Rainbow 08. I'll Take

          【8/26リリース!!】『The Gleam in Your Eyes - Brass Rock BGM -』 - 【 SOSOUSO BLOG 】
        • TypeScriptユーザーに贈るGleam入門

          最近v1に到達したGleamという静的型付けな関数型言語があります。 GleamはErlangとJavaScriptをターゲットに実行できるため、今TypeScriptを使っている領域でも使うことができます。 この記事ではTypeScriptユーザー向けにGleamの文法を解説していきます。 記事を通してGleamの良さを感じていただければ幸いです。 Gleamの公式サイトでは以下の言語のユーザー向けのチートシートもあるため、この中に知っている言語があるのならそちらを読んでみるのがオススメです。 Elixir Elm Erlang PHP Python Rust また、個人的にGleamの情報をCosense(Scrapbox)にまとめているので、リファレンスがてら覗いてみてください。 organizationとして管理していきたいと考えているので、編集のリクエスト等も歓迎です。 編集した

          • Fault tolerant Gleam – Gleam

            Published 27 May, 2024 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v1.2.0 has been published, a release that focuses on improving the language server and developer experience. It’s a big one both in terms of size and impact, so let’s take a look as what it includes. Fault tolerant compilation Gleam’s compiler has t

              Fault tolerant Gleam – Gleam
            • v0.16 - Gleam compiles to JavaScript! – Gleam

              Published 17 Jun, 2021 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine, and as of today’s v0.16.0 release Gleam compiles to JavaScript as well! Show me! What’s the introduction of a new way to write front end web code without some cliché examples? Here’s a collection of interactive widgets you’ve probably seen countless times before, along with their Glea

                v0.16 - Gleam compiles to JavaScript! – Gleam
              • Multi-target projects – Gleam

                Published 16 Jan, 2024 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v0.34.0 has been published. Let’s take a look at what’s new! Multi-target projects Gleam can compile to one of two targets: Erlang or JavaScript. Some packages may only support one of the two targets, possibly because they make use of Erlang feature

                  Multi-target projects – Gleam
                • GitHub - bcpeinhardt/learn_otp_with_gleam: A resource for learning the OTP framework with the Gleam programming language

                  Hello! I'm Ben, a software engineer who's fond of the Gleam programming language interested in learning OTP. If you haven't heard: Gleam is a programming language that is statically typed, has great tooling, and an even better community. Gleam can compile to Erlang or JavaScript, depending on your needs. Because the concurrency models of these languages are fundamentally different, concurrency is

                    GitHub - bcpeinhardt/learn_otp_with_gleam: A resource for learning the OTP framework with the Gleam programming language
                  • Erlangにインスパイアされた言語GleamがJavaScriptにコンパイルされるようになった

                    Spring BootによるAPIバックエンド構築実践ガイド 第2版 何千人もの開発者が、InfoQのミニブック「Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot」から、Spring Bootを使ったREST API構築の基礎を学んだ。この本では、出版時に新しくリリースされたバージョンである Spring Boot 2 を使用している。しかし、Spring Boot3が最近リリースされ、重要な変...

                    • Gleam's New Interactive Language Tour – Gleam

                      Published 19 Jan, 2024 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam’s new language tour has been launched, a way to try and to learn Gleam without having to install anything on your computer. Check it out, it looks like this: The language tour guides you through the language, from the basics to the most advanced fea

                        Gleam's New Interactive Language Tour – Gleam
                      • Gleam v0.8 released! – lpil.uk

                        May 7 2020 It’s been a really good couple months for Gleam. The community has been growing, we’ve been getting new features and improvements, and now it’s time for another release. Let’s take a look! HTML Documentation Documentation has been a bit of sore point up until now. If you wanted to write a program in Gleam there was no other way to see what types functions were available to use. More tha

                          Gleam v0.8 released! – lpil.uk
                        • Polishing syntax for stability – Gleam

                          Published 01 Nov, 2023 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v0.32.0 has been published, a release that focuses on getting Gleam ready for a v1.0 release by making some breaking changes before the language is declared stable. Resolving import ambiguity Here is what Gleam’s import syntax looks like: import gle

                            Polishing syntax for stability – Gleam
                          • Gleam v0.14 released! – Gleam

                            Published 18 Feb, 2021 by Louis Pilfold Hot on the heels of Gleam v0.13 comes another release, Gleam v0.14! As always, let’s take a look at some of the highlights. Dialyzer & Erlang typespecs Many dynamically typed BEAM languages support Erlang’s typespecs, type annotations that can be analysed with the Dialyzer tool. While not as powerful or reliable as Gleam’s type system it can be a useful tool

                              Gleam v0.14 released! – Gleam
                            • Incremental compilation, and hello Deno! – Gleam

                              Published 19 Jan, 2023 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v0.26.0 has been released, let’s take a look at what’s new. Incremental compilation A Gleam project is made of packages, typically a top level package and several dependency packages fetched by the package manager, and each package contains a collec

                                Incremental compilation, and hello Deno! – Gleam
                              • Things I like about Gleam's Syntax

                                Things I like about Gleam’s Syntax Gleam is a Type-Safe programming language that transpiles to ErlangAnd javascript., so you can run its code on the BEAM. I’ve slept on Gleam for a while because its syntax. It was too much Rust and not enough Elixir for me. Recently, I was reminded of Gleam when someone mentioned that Gleam doesn’t have an if statement, but instead uses case for everything. As a

                                • Introducing use expressions! – Gleam

                                  Published 24 Nov, 2022 by Louis Pilfold Gleam is a type safe and scalable language for the Erlang virtual machine and JavaScript runtimes. Today Gleam v0.25.0 has been released, featuring a long-awaited new feature: use expressions. The motivation Two of Gleam’s main goals are to be easy to learn and easy to work with. In aid of these goals Gleam the language is designed to be as small and consist

                                    Introducing use expressions! – Gleam
