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Binary relation






Transitive binary relations
  • t
  • e
  • Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
    Total, Semiconnex Anti-
    Equivalence relation Green tickY Green tickY
    Preorder (Quasiorder) Green tickY
    Partial order Green tickY Green tickY
    Total preorder Green tickY Green tickY
    Total order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Prewellordering Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Well-quasi-ordering Green tickY Green tickY
    Well-ordering Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Lattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Join-semilattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Meet-semilattice Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Strict partial order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Strict weak order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Strict total order Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY Green tickY
    Symmetric Antisymmetric Connected Well-founded Has joins Has meets Reflexive Irreflexive Asymmetric
    Definitions, for all and
    Green tickY indicates that the column's property is always true the row's term (at the very left), while indicates that the property is not guaranteed in general (it might, or might not, hold). For example, that every equivalence relation is symmetric, but not necessarily antisymmetric, is indicated by Green tickY in the "Symmetric" column and in the "Antisymmetric" column, respectively.

    All definitions tacitly require the homogeneous relation betransitive: for all if and then
    A term's definition may require additional properties that are not listed in this table.

    Inmathematics, a binary relation associates elements of one set, called the domain, with elements of another set, called the codomain.[1] A binary relation over sets and is a set of ordered pairs consisting of elements from and from .[2] It is a generalization of the more widely understood idea of a unary function. It encodes the common concept of relation: an element isrelated to an element , if and only if the pair belongs to the set of ordered pairs that defines the binary relation. A binary relation is the most studied special case of an -ary relation over sets , which is a subset of the Cartesian product [2]

    An example of a binary relation is the "divides" relation over the set of prime numbers and the set of integers , in which each prime is related to each integer that is a multipleof, but not to an integer that is not a multiple of . In this relation, for instance, the prime number is related to numbers such as , , , , but not to or, just as the prime number is related to , , and , but not to or.

    Binary relations are used in many branches of mathematics to model a wide variety of concepts. These include, among others:

    Afunction may be defined as a binary relation that meets additional constraints.[3] Binary relations are also heavily used in computer science.

    A binary relation over sets and is an element of the power setof Since the latter set is ordered by inclusion (), each relation has a place in the lattice of subsets of A binary relation is called a homogeneous relation when . A binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation when it is not necessary that .

    Since relations are sets, they can be manipulated using set operations, including union, intersection, and complementation, and satisfying the laws of an algebra of sets. Beyond that, operations like the converse of a relation and the composition of relations are available, satisfying the laws of a calculus of relations, for which there are textbooks by Ernst Schröder,[4] Clarence Lewis,[5] and Gunther Schmidt.[6] A deeper analysis of relations involves decomposing them into subsets called concepts, and placing them in a complete lattice.

    In some systems of axiomatic set theory, relations are extended to classes, which are generalizations of sets. This extension is needed for, among other things, modeling the concepts of "is an element of" or "is a subset of" in set theory, without running into logical inconsistencies such as Russell's paradox.

    The terms correspondence,[7] dyadic relation and two-place relation are synonyms for binary relation, though some authors use the term "binary relation" for any subset of a Cartesian product without reference to and , and reserve the term "correspondence" for a binary relation with reference to and .[citation needed]



    Given sets   and  , the Cartesian product   is defined as   and its elements are called ordered pairs.

    Abinary relation   over sets   and   is a subset of  [2][8] The set   is called the domain[2]orset of departureof , and the set   the codomainorset of destinationof . In order to specify the choices of the sets   and  , some authors define a binary relationorcorrespondence as an ordered triple  , where   is a subset of   called the graph of the binary relation. The statement   reads " is -related to  " and is denoted by  .[4][5][6][note 1] The domain of definitionoractive domain[2]of  is the set of all   such that   for at least one  . The codomain of definition, active codomain,[2] imageorrangeof  is the set of all   such that   for at least one  . The fieldof  is the union of its domain of definition and its codomain of definition.[10][11][12]

    When   a binary relation is called a homogeneous relation (orendorelation). To emphasize the fact that   and   are allowed to be different, a binary relation is also called a heterogeneous relation.[13][14][15]

    In a binary relation, the order of the elements is important; if   then   can be true or false independently of  . For example,   divides  , but   does not divide  .





    If  and   are binary relations over sets   and   then   is the union relationof  and   over   and  .

    The identity element is the empty relation. For example,   is the union of < and =, and   is the union of > and =.



    If  and   are binary relations over sets   and   then   is the intersection relationof  and   over   and  .

    The identity element is the universal relation. For example, the relation "is divisible by 6" is the intersection of the relations "is divisible by 3" and "is divisible by 2".



    If  is a binary relation over sets   and  , and   is a binary relation over sets   and   then   (also denoted by  ) is the composition relationof  and   over   and  .

    The identity element is the identity relation. The order of   and   in the notation   used here agrees with the standard notational order for composition of functions. For example, the composition (is parent of) (is mother of) yields (is maternal grandparent of), while the composition (is mother of) (is parent of) yields (is grandmother of). For the former case, if   is the parent of   and   is the mother of  , then   is the maternal grandparent of  .



    If  is a binary relation over sets   and   then   is the converse relation,[16] also called inverse relation,[17]of  over   and  .

    For example,   is the converse of itself, as is   and   and   are each other's converse, as are   and  . A binary relation is equal to its converse if and only if it is symmetric.



    If  is a binary relation over sets   and   then   (also denoted by  ) is the complementary relationof  over   and  .

    For example,   and   are each other's complement, as are   and  ,   and  ,   and  , and for total orders also   and  , and   and  .

    The complement of the converse relation   is the converse of the complement:  

    If  the complement has the following properties:



    If  is a binary homogeneous relation over a set   and   is a subset of   then   is the restriction relationof to  over  .

    If  is a binary relation over sets   and   and if   is a subset of   then   is the left-restriction relationof to  over   and  .[clarification needed]

    If  is a binary relation over sets   and   and if   is a subset of   then   is the right-restriction relationof to  over   and  .

    If a relation is reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, asymmetric, transitive, total, trichotomous, a partial order, total order, strict weak order, total preorder (weak order), or an equivalence relation, then so too are its restrictions.

    However, the transitive closure of a restriction is a subset of the restriction of the transitive closure, i.e., in general not equal. For example, restricting the relation "  is parent of  " to females yields the relation "  is mother of the woman  "; its transitive closure does not relate a woman with her paternal grandmother. On the other hand, the transitive closure of "is parent of" is "is ancestor of"; its restriction to females does relate a woman with her paternal grandmother.

    Also, the various concepts of completeness (not to be confused with being "total") do not carry over to restrictions. For example, over the real numbers a property of the relation   is that every non-empty subset   with an upper boundin  has a least upper bound (also called supremum) in   However, for the rational numbers this supremum is not necessarily rational, so the same property does not hold on the restriction of the relation   to the rational numbers.

    A binary relation   over sets   and   is said to be contained in a relation   over   and  , written  if  is a subset of  , that is, for all   and  if , then  . If   is contained in   and   is contained in  , then   and   are called equal written  . If   is contained in   but   is not contained in  , then   is said to be smaller than  , written   For example, on the rational numbers, the relation   is smaller than  , and equal to the composition  .

    Matrix representation


    Binary relations over sets   and   can be represented algebraically by logical matrices indexed by   and   with entries in the Boolean semiring (addition corresponds to OR and multiplication to AND) where matrix addition corresponds to union of relations, matrix multiplication corresponds to composition of relations (of a relation over   and   and a relation over   and  ),[18] the Hadamard product corresponds to intersection of relations, the zero matrix corresponds to the empty relation, and the matrix of ones corresponds to the universal relation. Homogeneous relations (when  ) form a matrix semiring (indeed, a matrix semialgebra over the Boolean semiring) where the identity matrix corresponds to the identity relation.[19]


    2nd example relation



    ball car doll cup
    John +
    Mary +
    Venus +
    1st example relation



    ball car doll cup
    John +
    Mary +
    Venus +
    1. The following example shows that the choice of codomain is important. Suppose there are four objects   and four people   A possible relation on   and   is the relation "is owned by", given by   That is, John owns the ball, Mary owns the doll, and Venus owns the car. Nobody owns the cup and Ian owns nothing; see the 1st example. As a set,   does not involve Ian, and therefore   could have been viewed as a subset of   i.e. a relation over   and   see the 2nd example. While the 2nd example relation is surjective (see below), the 1st is not.
      Oceans and continents (islands omitted)
      Ocean borders continent
      Indian 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
      Arctic 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
      Atlantic 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
      Pacific 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
  • Let  , the oceans of the globe, and  , the continents. Let   represent that ocean   borders continent  . Then the logical matrix for this relation is:
    The connectivity of the planet Earth can be viewed through   and  , the former being a   relation on  , which is the universal relation (  or a logical matrix of all ones). This universal relation reflects the fact that every ocean is separated from the others by at most one continent. On the other hand,   is a relation on   which fails to be universal because at least two oceans must be traversed to voyage from EuropetoAustralia.
  • Visualization of relations leans on graph theory: For relations on a set (homogeneous relations), a directed graph illustrates a relation and a graphasymmetric relation. For heterogeneous relations a hypergraph has edges possibly with more than two nodes, and can be illustrated by a bipartite graph. Just as the clique is integral to relations on a set, so bicliques are used to describe heterogeneous relations; indeed, they are the "concepts" that generate a lattice associated with a relation.
    The various   axes represent time for observers in motion, the corresponding   axes are their lines of simultaneity
  • Hyperbolic orthogonality: Time and space are different categories, and temporal properties are separate from spatial properties. The idea of simultaneous events is simple in absolute time and space since each time   determines a simultaneous hyperplane in that cosmology. Hermann Minkowski changed that when he articulated the notion of relative simultaneity, which exists when spatial events are "normal" to a time characterized by a velocity. He used an indefinite inner product, and specified that a time vector is normal to a space vector when that product is zero. The indefinite inner product in a composition algebra is given by
      where the overbar denotes conjugation.
    As a relation between some temporal events and some spatial events, hyperbolic orthogonality (as found in split-complex numbers) is a heterogeneous relation.[20]
  • Ageometric configuration can be considered a relation between its points and its lines. The relation is expressed as incidence. Finite and infinite projective and affine planes are included. Jakob Steiner pioneered the cataloguing of configurations with the Steiner systems   which have an n-element set   and a set of k-element subsets called blocks, such that a subset with   elements lies in just one block. These incidence structures have been generalized with block designs. The incidence matrix used in these geometrical contexts corresponds to the logical matrix used generally with binary relations.
    An incidence structure is a triple   where   and   are any two disjoint sets and   is a binary relation between   and  , i.e.   The elements of   will be called points, those of   blocks, and those of   flags.[21]
  • Types of binary relations

    Examples of four types of binary relations over the real numbers: one-to-one (in green), one-to-many (in blue), many-to-one (in red), many-to-many (in black).

    Some important types of binary relations   over sets   and   are listed below.

    Uniqueness properties:

    Totality properties (only definable if the domain   and codomain   are specified):

    Uniqueness and totality properties (only definable if the domain   and codomain   are specified):

    If relations over proper classes are allowed:

    Sets versus classes


    Certain mathematical "relations", such as "equal to", "subset of", and "member of", cannot be understood to be binary relations as defined above, because their domains and codomains cannot be taken to be sets in the usual systems of axiomatic set theory. For example, to model the general concept of "equality" as a binary relation  , take the domain and codomain to be the "class of all sets", which is not a set in the usual set theory.

    In most mathematical contexts, references to the relations of equality, membership and subset are harmless because they can be understood implicitly to be restricted to some set in the context. The usual work-around to this problem is to select a "large enough" set  , that contains all the objects of interest, and work with the restriction   instead of  . Similarly, the "subset of" relation   needs to be restricted to have domain and codomain   (the power set of a specific set  ): the resulting set relation can be denoted by   Also, the "member of" relation needs to be restricted to have domain   and codomain   to obtain a binary relation   that is a set. Bertrand Russell has shown that assuming   to be defined over all sets leads to a contradiction in naive set theory, see Russell's paradox.

    Another solution to this problem is to use a set theory with proper classes, such as NBGorMorse–Kelley set theory, and allow the domain and codomain (and so the graph) to be proper classes: in such a theory, equality, membership, and subset are binary relations without special comment. (A minor modification needs to be made to the concept of the ordered triple  , as normally a proper class cannot be a member of an ordered tuple; or of course one can identify the binary relation with its graph in this context.)[30] With this definition one can for instance define a binary relation over every set and its power set.

    Homogeneous relation


    Ahomogeneous relation over a set   is a binary relation over   and itself, i.e. it is a subset of the Cartesian product  [15][31][32] It is also simply called a (binary) relation over  .

    A homogeneous relation   over a set   may be identified with a directed simple graph permitting loops, where   is the vertex set and   is the edge set (there is an edge from a vertex   to a vertex   if and only if  ). The set of all homogeneous relations   over a set   is the power set   which is a Boolean algebra augmented with the involution of mapping of a relation to its converse relation. Considering composition of relations as a binary operationon , it forms a semigroup with involution.

    Some important properties that a homogeneous relation   over a set   may have are:

    Apartial order is a relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. A strict partial order is a relation that is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive. A total order is a relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive and connected.[36]Astrict total order is a relation that is irreflexive, asymmetric, transitive and connected. An equivalence relation is a relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. For example, "  divides  " is a partial, but not a total order on natural numbers   " " is a strict total order on   and "  is parallel to  " is an equivalence relation on the set of all lines in the Euclidean plane.

    All operations defined in section § Operations also apply to homogeneous relations. Beyond that, a homogeneous relation over a set   may be subjected to closure operations like:

    Reflexive closure
    the smallest reflexive relation over   containing  ,
    Transitive closure
    the smallest transitive relation over   containing  ,
    Equivalence closure
    the smallest equivalence relation over   containing  .

    Heterogeneous relation


    Inmathematics, a heterogeneous relation is a binary relation, a subset of a Cartesian product   where   and   are possibly distinct sets.[37] The prefix hetero is from the Greek ἕτερος (heteros, "other, another, different").

    A heterogeneous relation has been called a rectangular relation,[15] suggesting that it does not have the square-like symmetry of a homogeneous relation on a set where   Commenting on the development of binary relations beyond homogeneous relations, researchers wrote, "... a variant of the theory has evolved that treats relations from the very beginning as heterogeneousorrectangular, i.e. as relations where the normal case is that they are relations between different sets."[38]

    Calculus of relations


    Developments in algebraic logic have facilitated usage of binary relations. The calculus of relations includes the algebra of sets, extended by composition of relations and the use of converse relations. The inclusion   meaning that   implies  , sets the scene in a lattice of relations. But since   the inclusion symbol is superfluous. Nevertheless, composition of relations and manipulation of the operators according to Schröder rules, provides a calculus to work in the power setof 

    In contrast to homogeneous relations, the composition of relations operation is only a partial function. The necessity of matching target to source of composed relations has led to the suggestion that the study of heterogeneous relations is a chapter of category theory as in the category of sets, except that the morphisms of this category are relations. The objects of the category Rel are sets, and the relation-morphisms compose as required in a category.[citation needed]

    Induced concept lattice


    Binary relations have been described through their induced concept lattices: A concept   satisfies two properties:

    For a given relation   the set of concepts, enlarged by their joins and meets, forms an "induced lattice of concepts", with inclusion   forming a preorder.

    The MacNeille completion theorem (1937) (that any partial order may be embedded in a complete lattice) is cited in a 2013 survey article "Decomposition of relations on concept lattices".[39] The decomposition is

     , where   and   are functions, called mappings or left-total, functional relations in this context. The "induced concept lattice is isomorphic to the cut completion of the partial order   that belongs to the minimal decomposition   of the relation  ."

    Particular cases are considered below:   total order corresponds to Ferrers type, and   identity corresponds to difunctional, a generalization of equivalence relation on a set.

    Relations may be ranked by the Schein rank which counts the number of concepts necessary to cover a relation.[40] Structural analysis of relations with concepts provides an approach for data mining.[41]

    Particular relations




    The idea of a difunctional relation is to partition objects by distinguishing attributes, as a generalization of the concept of an equivalence relation. One way this can be done is with an intervening set  ofindicators. The partitioning relation   is a composition of relations using functional relations   Jacques Riguet named these relations difunctional since the composition   involves functional relations, commonly called partial functions.

    In 1950 Riguet showed that such relations satisfy the inclusion:[42]


    Inautomata theory, the term rectangular relation has also been used to denote a difunctional relation. This terminology recalls the fact that, when represented as a logical matrix, the columns and rows of a difunctional relation can be arranged as a block matrix with rectangular blocks of ones on the (asymmetric) main diagonal.[43] More formally, a relation  on  is difunctional if and only if it can be written as the union of Cartesian products  , where the   are a partition of a subset of   and the   likewise a partition of a subset of  .[44]

    Using the notation  , a difunctional relation can also be characterized as a relation   such that wherever   and   have a non-empty intersection, then these two sets coincide; formally   implies  [45]

    In 1997 researchers found "utility of binary decomposition based on difunctional dependencies in database management."[46] Furthermore, difunctional relations are fundamental in the study of bisimulations.[47]

    In the context of homogeneous relations, a partial equivalence relation is difunctional.

    Ferrers type


    Astrict order on a set is a homogeneous relation arising in order theory. In 1951 Jacques Riguet adopted the ordering of an integer partition, called a Ferrers diagram, to extend ordering to binary relations in general.[48]

    The corresponding logical matrix of a general binary relation has rows which finish with a sequence of ones. Thus the dots of a Ferrer's diagram are changed to ones and aligned on the right in the matrix.

    An algebraic statement required for a Ferrers type relation R is  

    If any one of the relations   is of Ferrers type, then all of them are. [37]



    Suppose   is the power setof , the set of all subsetsof . Then a relation   is a contact relation if it satisfies three properties:


    The set membership relation,   "is an element of", satisfies these properties so   is a contact relation. The notion of a general contact relation was introduced by Georg Aumann in 1970.[49][50]

    In terms of the calculus of relations, sufficient conditions for a contact relation include   where   is the converse of set membership ( ).[51]: 280 

    Preorder R\R


    Every relation   generates a preorder   which is the left residual.[52] In terms of converse and complements,   Forming the diagonal of  , the corresponding row of   and column of   will be of opposite logical values, so the diagonal is all zeros. Then

     , so that   is a reflexive relation.

    To show transitivity, one requires that   Recall that   is the largest relation such that   Then

      (Schröder's rule)

    The inclusion relation Ω on the power setof  can be obtained in this way from the membership relation   on subsets of  :

     [51]: 283 

    Fringe of a relation


    Given a relation  , its fringe is the sub-relation defined as  

    When   is a partial identity relation, difunctional, or a block diagonal relation, then  . Otherwise the   operator selects a boundary sub-relation described in terms of its logical matrix:   is the side diagonal if   is an upper right triangular linear orderorstrict order.   is the block fringe if   is irreflexive ( ) or upper right block triangular.   is a sequence of boundary rectangles when   is of Ferrers type.

    On the other hand,   when   is a dense, linear, strict order.[51]

    Mathematical heaps


    Given two sets   and  , the set of binary relations between them   can be equipped with a ternary operation   where   denotes the converse relationof . In 1953 Viktor Wagner used properties of this ternary operation to define semiheaps, heaps, and generalized heaps.[53][54] The contrast of heterogeneous and homogeneous relations is highlighted by these definitions:

    There is a pleasant symmetry in Wagner's work between heaps, semiheaps, and generalised heaps on the one hand, and groups, semigroups, and generalised groups on the other. Essentially, the various types of semiheaps appear whenever we consider binary relations (and partial one-one mappings) between different sets   and  , while the various types of semigroups appear in the case where  .

    — Christopher Hollings, "Mathematics across the Iron Curtain: a history of the algebraic theory of semigroups"[55]

    See also

  • Additive relation, a many-valued homomorphism between modules
  • Allegory (category theory)
  • Category of relations, a category having sets as objects and binary relations as morphisms
  • Confluence (term rewriting), discusses several unusual but fundamental properties of binary relations
  • Correspondence (algebraic geometry), a binary relation defined by algebraic equations
  • Hasse diagram, a graphic means to display an order relation
  • Incidence structure, a heterogeneous relation between set of points and lines
  • Logic of relatives, a theory of relations by Charles Sanders Peirce
  • Order theory, investigates properties of order relations
  • Notes

    1. ^ Authors who deal with binary relations only as a special case of  -ary relations for arbitrary   usually write   as a special case of   (prefix notation).[9]


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  • ^ a b c d e f g h Codd, Edgar Frank (June 1970). "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" (PDF). Communications of the ACM. 13 (6): 377–387. doi:10.1145/362384.362685. S2CID 207549016. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2004-09-08. Retrieved 2020-04-29.
  • ^ "Relation definition – Math Insight". mathinsight.org. Retrieved 2019-12-11.
  • ^ a b Ernst Schröder (1895) Algebra und Logic der Relative, via Internet Archive
  • ^ a b C. I. Lewis (1918) A Survey of Symbolic Logic, pages 269–279, via internet Archive
  • ^ a b Gunther Schmidt, 2010. Relational Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-76268-7, Chapt. 5
  • ^ Jacobson, Nathan (2009), Basic Algebra II (2nd ed.) § 2.1.
  • ^ Enderton 1977, Ch 3. pg. 40
  • ^ Hans Hermes (1973). Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Hochschultext (Springer-Verlag). London: Springer. ISBN 3540058192. ISSN 1431-4657. Sect.II.§1.1.4
  • ^ Suppes, Patrick (1972) [originally published by D. van Nostrand Company in 1960]. Axiomatic Set Theory. Dover. ISBN 0-486-61630-4.
  • ^ Smullyan, Raymond M.; Fitting, Melvin (2010) [revised and corrected republication of the work originally published in 1996 by Oxford University Press, New York]. Set Theory and the Continuum Problem. Dover. ISBN 978-0-486-47484-7.
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  • ^ Schmidt, Gunther; Ströhlein, Thomas (2012). Relations and Graphs: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists. Springer Science & Business Media. Definition 4.1.1. ISBN 978-3-642-77968-8.
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  • ^   Relative simultaneity at Wikibooks
  • ^ Beth, Thomas; Jungnickel, Dieter; Lenz, Hanfried (1986). Design Theory. Cambridge University Press. p. 15.. 2nd ed. (1999) ISBN 978-0-521-44432-3
  • ^ a b c d Van Gasteren 1990, p. 45.
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  • ^ Joseph G. Rosenstein, Linear orderings, Academic Press, 1982, ISBN 0-12-597680-1, p. 4
  • ^ a b Schmidt, Gunther; Ströhlein, Thomas (2012). Relations and Graphs: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 77. ISBN 978-3-642-77968-8.
  • ^ G. Schmidt, Claudia Haltensperger, and Michael Winter (1997) "Heterogeneous relation algebra", chapter 3 (pages 37 to 53) in Relational Methods in Computer Science, Advances in Computer Science, Springer books ISBN 3-211-82971-7
  • ^ R. Berghammer & M. Winter (2013) "Decomposition of relations on concept lattices", Fundamenta Informaticae 126(1): 37–82 doi:10.3233/FI-2013-871
  • ^ Ki-Hang Kim (1982) Boolean Matrix Theory and Applications, page 37, Marcel Dekker ISBN 0-8247-1788-0
  • ^ Ali Jaoua, Rehab Duwairi, Samir Elloumi, and Sadok Ben Yahia (2009) "Data mining, reasoning and incremental information retrieval through non enlargeable rectangular relation coverage", pages 199 to 210 in Relations and Kleene algebras in computer science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5827, Springer MR2781235
  • ^ Riguet, Jacques (January 1950). "Quelques proprietes des relations difonctionelles". Comptes rendus (in French). 230: 1999–2000.
  • ^ Julius Richard Büchi (1989). Finite Automata, Their Algebras and Grammars: Towards a Theory of Formal Expressions. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 35–37. ISBN 978-1-4613-8853-1.
  • ^ East, James; Vernitski, Alexei (February 2018). "Ranks of ideals in inverse semigroups of difunctional binary relations". Semigroup Forum. 96 (1): 21–30. arXiv:1612.04935. doi:10.1007/s00233-017-9846-9. S2CID 54527913.
  • ^ Chris Brink; Wolfram Kahl; Gunther Schmidt (1997). Relational Methods in Computer Science. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 200. ISBN 978-3-211-82971-4.
  • ^ Ali Jaoua, Nadin Belkhiter, Habib Ounalli, and Theodore Moukam (1997) "Databases", pages 197–210 in Relational Methods in Computer Science, edited by Chris Brink, Wolfram Kahl, and Gunther Schmidt, Springer Science & Business Media ISBN 978-3-211-82971-4
  • ^ Gumm, H. P.; Zarrad, M. (2014). "Coalgebraic Simulations and Congruences". Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 8446. p. 118. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44124-4_7. ISBN 978-3-662-44123-7.
  • ^ J. Riguet (1951) "Les relations de Ferrers", Comptes Rendus 232: 1729,30
  • ^ Georg Aumann (1971). "Kontakt-Relationen". Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften München. 1970 (II): 67–77.
  • ^ Anne K. Steiner (1970) Review:Kontakt-Relationen from Mathematical Reviews
  • ^ a b c Gunther Schmidt (2011) Relational Mathematics, pages 211−15, Cambridge University Press ISBN 978-0-521-76268-7
  • ^ In this context, the symbol   does not mean "set difference".
  • ^ Viktor Wagner (1953) "The theory of generalised heaps and generalised groups", Matematicheskii Sbornik 32(74): 545 to 632 MR0059267
  • ^ C.D. Hollings & M.V. Lawson (2017) Wagner's Theory of Generalised Heaps, Springer books ISBN 978-3-319-63620-7 MR3729305
  • ^ Christopher Hollings (2014) Mathematics across the Iron Curtain: a history of the algebraic theory of semigroups, page 265, History of Mathematics 41, American Mathematical Society ISBN 978-1-4704-1493-1
  • Bibliography


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