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→‎Move Freedom of Panorama images Commons -> jawp?: sorry, pagename corrected to wikipedia:利用案内.
タグ: 2017年版ソースエディター
I owe you a confession that my weakest part is with the Panorama rights/permissions... Cheers, {{0}}--sorry, pagename corrected. [[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月20日 (木) 08:46 (UTC)/[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月20日 (木) 08:41 (UTC)
: Hi! I agree that some of those photos may be a problem for Commons. [[c:Commons:Copyright_rules_by_territory/Japan#Freedom_of_panorama|Freedom of panorama]] does only apply for buildings.
: There may be 2 things that could make the photos acceptable anyway. First is if [[c:Commons:Threshold_of_originality#Japan|Threshold of originality]] is not met because the work is too simple (seems in Japan reguirements are high). Second even if copyrighted the copyrighted part could be accepted if [[:c:COM:DM|De minimis]] apply (if the copyrighted part is only a small part of the photo).
: The monument in [[:File:恋人峠 INFINIBELL.jpg]] is the main focus so DM would not apply. But to me it is just a bell in a circle so I'm not sure TOO is meet.
: The plate in [[:File:恋人峠 廉貞星宮殿 説明文.jpg]] is also in focus so DM does not apply. But I can't read the text so I do not know if the text is copyrightable.
: Similar with [[:File:恋人峠 廉貞星宮殿 説明文.jpg]] but if the plate is old it may be PD due to age. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2022年10月20日 (木) 19:07 (UTC)
::{{reply to/ja|MGA73}}, thank you sorting out the problem. May I convey your idea, by saying by MGA73 to the 利用案内 board?
::Wow, I see it's not simple copyright issue if we protect the rights of the original creator. DM is very subjective IMHO per cultural context, yes, ja communities have ppl either no idea of DM or very protective. Will expand my knowledge and experience, as you showed me a clear metrics. Arigatow gozaimasu. {{0}}--[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月21日 (金) 03:44 (UTC)
::Thank you for very crisp reply, so it's more than copyright, hmm. Do you agree I will relay your insight back there with noting per MGA73?
::A small note.
::Re: [[:File:恋人峠 廉貞星宮殿 説明文.jpg]], it is a signboard, and it reads:
::* title:ラッキースポット「廉貞星宮殿」について(れんじょせいきゅうでん)
::* body text: commented out, [[:Omotecho|Omotecho]][[:Omotecho|]] 20221027 () 15:53 (UTC) <!-- [line break][line break][line break][line break]7殿-->
::* date: 7 July, 1997 (平成9年7月7日): imagined they tried to keep a pun, as then Anabuki-cho, now incorporated to Mima-shi, Tokushima pref held a postal code 777-77 (thus calling itself a city of luck)
::* who placed it: no insciption in the image, could be on the supporting base part below? My hunch is by the town/city office. Not sure if the property (mountain pass) is a private property or not. To enhance bigger tourist attraction.
::I'd learn by looking at more images, and pls ping me anytime if I could assist you. (: {{0}}--[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月21日 (金) 04:48 (UTC)
:::Hi [[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]! You are welcome to translate my comment and copy to other discussion. I copied the text from the sign to Google Translate and it seems rather simple to me. It is short and mostly facts so I do not think it is copyrightable. But others may disagree. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2022年10月21日 (金) 08:25 (UTC)
::::{{reply to/ja|MGA73}}, appreciate your kind offer, and let me update you that the discussion on 利用案内 has a reply telling all those signboards are not usable on Commons.
::::I summed up the points, and will add a list on that page to sort out things.
::::; delete from jawp
::::One example is shown for a deleted case on jawp: a monument on a public space.
::::* #01, #03 & #04: similar cases with the one being deleted from jawp. I guess at least #03 & #04 are on a public land with land keepers.
::::TOO or not: "01, #04, #05, #07". Maybe jawp will delete them. Honestly, it is strange to me the poster replied said any tourist site signboards fall under the same criteria like a plate of poem. I don't see why a paragraph of utility holds a copyright, or do we need written agreement from the public entity which put those signboards at photogenic spots and so forth? They are on national roads.
::::Anyway, well, let's concentrate on which ones to keep on Commons. Here, I test myself and see how far I understood the points you taught me. A list below narrowed down questionable images.
::::* #01: Not sure about the bell in a circle, I can't find its location on Google maps or other sites other than Commons.
::::* #05: a drawing and several inserted images. Can we believe the original copyright holders are not claiming their rights, when they were contracted their works for the public entity/city office?
::::* #06: it lists the name of neighbors who has decided to relocate a monk's statue, does it mean the inscription is copyrighted? Dates back to 1988, so maybe PD on Commons?
::::* #07: How old something becomes PD on Commons? It reads the signboard dates from the late 1980s.
::::* #08: we see small stone sculptures lined on the foreground, are they subject of TOO? They are buddhist image which you will donate at intersections to memorize some fatal traffic incident had happened, or folk believes to ward off evil spirits, and a message to invite those strangers with goodwills (and perhaps some goodies to share). Usually, you buy those at nearby temple, involves faith but still a commodity in my personal perception.
::::There are so many case-by-case to learn, I am amazed! Cheers,--[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月22日 (土) 13:01 (UTC)
:::::Hello, @[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]-san, last three inscriptions on those plates/signboards.
:::::* 1 [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/%E6%81%8B%E4%BA%BA%E5%B3%A0_INFINIBELL.jpg INFINIBELL.jpg] reads:
:::::: text: commented out, [[:Omotecho|Omotecho]][[:Omotecho|]] 20221027 () 15:53 (UTC) <!--殿1377殿[line break] 殿[lb][lb]  [lb]  [lb] -->
:::::: date: 7 July Heisei 16th (2004)
:::::: dedicated by: the Youth Division, Anabuki Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry
:::::* 5. [[c:File:恋人峠_案内看板.jpg|恋人峠 案内看板.jpg]]
:::::: text: "周辺観光案内" [lb, reads horizontally/top to bottom, right to left]] text on the left same as #7.
:::::: map: illustration map indicating tourist attractions: small photos as DM.
:::::: date: none
:::::: builder: 剣峡総合開発協議会(穴吹町・木島平)Tsurugi Gorge Development Association (Anabuki Town, Kijima-daira Village)
:::::* 6 [https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%E8%90%BD%E5%90%88%E5%B3%A0_%E8%90%BD%E5%90%88%E5%B3%A0%E3%81%A8%E5%B3%A0%E5%A4%A7%E5%B8%AB%E3%81%AE%E7%94%B1%E6%9D%A5%E6%A1%88%E5%86%85%E6%96%87.jpg 落合峠 落合峠と峠大師の由来案内文.jpg]
:::::: text: commented out, [[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月27日 (木) 15:53 (UTC) <!--落合峠と峠大師の由来 [lb] 落合峠阿波加茂祖谷に通ずる唯一の文 [lb] 化の交流と生活道であった。又西日本一の [lb] ススキの名所として有名である。此処 [lb] に鎮座する大師は文政年号に落合部落民 [lb] の総意により峠越しの交通の安全と人の [lb] 幸せを見守って来のであるが時代の変移 [lb] により峠道廃り車道即ち自動車利 [lb] 用で深淵を経て加茂に至るのである [lb] 故に旧歩道より落合部落の総意により次の世 [lb] 話人と部落全員のご奉仕により此処に還 [lb] 座し再び部落民と出入の者の交通安全と [lb] 幸せを見守っているのである [lb] 南無大師遍照金剛 -->
:::::: date:23 April Heisei 1st (1998)
:::::: builder: 総世話人 (head representative of the village): 曽我善信 [lb] 世話人 (rep of the village) 12 names [lb] (stonesmith's name)
:::::* 7 [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%E6%81%8B%E4%BA%BA%E5%B3%A0_%E6%A1%88%E5%86%85%E6%96%87.jpg?uselang=ja 恋人峠 案内文.jpg]
:::::: text: commented out, [[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月27日 (木) 15:53 (UTC) <!--"恋人岬" [lb, reads horizontally/top to bottom, right to left] 源平の昔、屋島の [lb] 合戦に敗れた平家 [lb] の公達が剣山に落ち [lb] のびた時、後を慕った [lb] 娘はこの難所にさえぎ [lb] られ、悲涙のうちに袖 [lb] を分かったところからこの [lb] 名が伝えられています。 -->
:::::: date: none
:::::: builder: 穴吹町 [lb] 新とくしま県民運動 [lb] 穴吹町推進協議会
:::::--[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月22日 (土) 16:51 (UTC)
If #6 is just a list of names then I think it will not be copyrighted. As for#7 it is also facts so I would not delete it. files will be PD after 70 years if unknown or cooperative work and life + 70 years if author is known per [[:c:Commons:Copyright_rules_by_territory/Japan#Durations]].
The sign in #5 is probably copyrighted and so are the photos. You could argue that the photos on the sign are de minimis but there are many of them so the total area of copyrighted elements are big. On the other hand you could argue that the photos are so blurred that it is not really possible to see them. So again it will be up for discussion. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2022年10月22日 (土) 18:08 (UTC)
:{{reply to/ja|MGA73}}, thank you so much for your insight. The discussion on the other page is almost concluded. While I have not offered to interview/confirm with the possible rights-holder, we will see Commons:RfD will be posted soon. I think we don't need those transcription anymore, and I commented them out. Cheers, and good luck with WAM ! --[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年10月27日 (木) 15:53 (UTC)
== Clean up of "Files uploaded by" categories ==
Hi! In [[Special:PrefixIndex/Category:Files uploaded by]] there seems to be a few categories that are either blank or only consist of images that cannot be moved to Commons. Would you like to nominate some of them for SD?--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月4日 (土) 09:43 (UTC)
: Hi [[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]. I would love to. But some like [[:Category:Files uploaded by Gnsin]] was rejected as a SD. I will check them all. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月4日 (土) 09:55 (UTC)
:: Perhaps [[:Category:国土画像情報]] can be deleted/depreciated? --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月4日 (土) 11:21 (UTC)
:::Forgot to reply; it was done.--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 13:26 (UTC)
:::: Great [[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]! About [[:Category:Files uploaded by Gnsin]] I think you have to start a DR. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 15:18 (UTC)
:::::Started [[Wikipedia:削除依頼/特定の利用者がアップロードしたファイルのカテゴリ]] and will see how it goes. Thank you for notifying!--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 15:30 (UTC)
== Category:機械的に読み取れるライセンスがないファイル ==
Hello - just wonder if you would be able to help fix the files in [[:Category:機械的に読み取れるライセンスがないファイル]]. Most, if not all, are caused by the file description page having {{tl|Non-free use rationale}} while the license template is outside of it. They often have {{para|permission|下記を参照}} (see below).--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 13:30 (UTC)
:And also the files in [[Special:MIMESearch/image/x-bmp]] - reviewed the files and prepared them for move but I think Commons does not accept BMP files now. Perhaps they could be converted to PNG and then the local file can be deleted through an AfD.--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 14:28 (UTC)
:: Hi [[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]! Do you mean fix it like this: [[Special:Diff/94418410]]? And yes BMP is not allowed on Commons. So it has to be converted somehow. I will see if I can do something to bring along the file history. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 15:18 (UTC)
:::Yes, the fix is correct. There are also cases where there are longer descriptions in {{para|permission}}, in which case we can move the license template into the parameter while keeping the description.
:::Thank you for your help!--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 15:21 (UTC)
:::: @[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]. BMP: I moved the first file ([[:ファイル:Kamimuragakuenmae Station-underconstruction 20100222.bmp]]). I found out how NOT to do that. I had to move and delete/undelete waaaaay to many times. Next time I think it is better to upload png-version to jawiki and move to Commons later. I hope the result is okay so that file can be deleted on jawiki. Will move the two other files too.
:::: The category: Okay I will fix the rest with the short version. Then we can see how many files are left in the category. It may be easier to fix manually but time will tell. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 15:48 (UTC)
::::: The bmp-files are now moved. You can nominate for deletion. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 16:08 (UTC)
:::::: @[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]. I have moved/fixed the files with the short text or no text. For the one with a longer text should it be like this [[Special:Diff/94420099]]? --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月21日 (火) 16:50 (UTC)
::::::: @[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]] ping ^-^ --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月26日 (日) 07:51 (UTC)
::::::::Sorry overlooked it! Looks fine to me.--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月26日 (日) 10:26 (UTC)
::::::::: @[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]] yeah I thought so ;-) Anyway the bmp are ready to nominate for deletion and the rest of the files in the category have to be fixed manually. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月26日 (日) 11:22 (UTC)
::::::::::Thank you! Fixed the rest of the files in the category. There are too many AfDs for media files ongoing, so I will postpone the BMP ones for a bit.
::::::::::Another fix required is files in both [[:Category:自由利用できないファイル]] and [[:Category:自由利用できるファイル]] (per [https://petscan.wmflabs.org/?psid=24596682 PSID 24596682] there are around 150). This is probably because the files are missing {{para|dw|yes}} in their license templates.--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月27日 (月) 03:47 (UTC)
:::::::::::{{ping|ネイ}} It seems I can't fix the last files. Perhaps you could check? --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月27日 (月) 14:26 (UTC)
::::::::::::It was because {{tl|GJSTU-2.0}} ignored {{para|dw}}. Fixed it and the remaining files are no longer included in the free media category. Thank you for your help!--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月27日 (月) 15:32 (UTC)
== File:Azem Palace.JPG ==
Not sure if I should ask you or ask on Commons - I was not able to move [[:File:Azem Palace.JPG]] to Commons as FileImporter failed with an ArgumentCountError. The same file on enwiki ([[:en:File:Azem Palace.JPG]]) cannot be moved either as it was blocked by SpamBlacklist even after I removed the related links.--[[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月28日 (火) 00:42 (UTC)
:+[[:ファイル:Sakujo-note.jpg]] where one of the old versions is png while the rest are jpg. [[利用者:ネイ|ネイ]]([[利用者‐会話:ネイ|会話]]) 2023年3月28日 (火) 01:38 (UTC)
::{{ping|ネイ}} I have the same problem. Only option is to delete the bad version(s) or to use CommonsHelper to transfer the files. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2023年3月28日 (火) 13:47 (UTC)