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::: If the statue is still copyrighted the license template should be {{tl|Self屋外美術}} and there should be a {{tl|Non-free use rationale}}. If unused it should probably be deleted.
::: If the copyright is expired then the file can be moved to Commons. Usually it is enough to add the information directly to the file page in the relevant field in the {{tl|information}} template. In author you can write "Photo: mariemon, statue: <who created the statue> (<death year if known>)". In date you can add: "Photo: 2010-04-16, Statue: 1975" (if made in 1975). But if from 1975 it is still copyrighted. --[[利用者:MGA73|MGA73]]([[利用者‐会話:MGA73|会話]]) 2022年7月20日 (水) 10:40 (UTC)
::::: [[c:Commons:Freedom of panorama]] (FOP: )  FOP 
::::* <nowiki>著作権がまだ有効なら、著作権テンプレート欄(license template)は {{</nowiki>[[Template:Self屋外美術|Self屋外美術]]<nowiki>}} を採用するし、許可なく使用できないので {{</nowiki>[[Template:Non-free use rationale|Non-free use rationale]]<nowiki>}} をつける必要があります。使えないなら、コモンズでは削除し、載せないです。</nowiki>
::::* <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Template:Information|information]]<nowiki>}}</nowiki> author
::::* "Photo: mariemon, statue: <像を作った人の名前> (<わかるなら没年>)"
::::* 日付(date)欄の記入方法は写真撮影の時期と像そのものの制作年として: "Photo: 2010-04-16, Statue: 1975" (制作年が1975年なら)。でも、1975年制作なら、著作権はまだ有効です。
::::OK, so your idea is that jawp editors will add data on Commons, not on jawp filepages?
::::If you'd ask ppl to add those info locally on jawp, as easy as to fill in fields on a wikitable or such, I imagine you might find more input, but of course you might break your back even more. /:
::::IMHO, inviting ppl to editing Commons, that's a bit a tall ambition; or involves at least one certain barrier. When I think of how-to documents and norms on Commons: some same to jawp but much diff, and being rolled back is not that enjoyable.
::::Anyhow, great outline what you are planning. Cheers, {{0}}--[[利用者:Omotecho|Omotecho]]([[利用者‐会話:Omotecho|会話]]) 2022年7月20日 (水) 11:14 (UTC)