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2015年12月22日 (火) 09:52時点における版

2R1970[1] [2]1[3]19942 rounds of duplication219992R22R[4]Evolution by Gene Duplication


2R19905445422R2RWojciech Makałowski2001Makałowski調[5][6]Masanori Kasahara20072R[7]


  1. ^ Ohno, Susumu (1970). Evolution by Gene Duplication. Springer-Verlag 
  2. ^ 大野乾 (1977). 遺伝子重複による進化, 山岸秀夫・梁 永弘(訳). 岩波書店 
  3. ^ DNAの大事件! 生命進化の謎
  4. ^ Karsten Hokamp, Aoife McLysaght, and Kenneth H. Wolfe, "The 2R hypothesis and the human genome sequence", Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, vol. 3, pp. 95-110 (2003).
    Hokamp, et al. によれば、2R仮説の呼称が使われはじめたゲノム重複仮説の論文は:
    • Holland, P.W.H., Garcia-Fernandez, J., Williams, N.A. and Sidow, A. (1994) "Gene duplications and the origins of vertebrate development". Development, Suppl. 1994, 125--133.
    Hokamp, et al.によればこの呼称は次の論文でも用いられている:
    • Hughes, A.L. (1999) "Phylogenies of developmentally important proteins do not support the hypothesis of two rounds of genome duplication early in vertebrate history". Journal of Molecular Evolution, 48, 565--576.
  5. ^ a b Makałowski, Wojciech (2001-05-01). “Are We Polyploids? A Brief History of One Hypothesis”. Genome Research 11 (5): 667--670. doi:10.1101/gr.188801. http://www.genome.org/cgi/content/full/11/5/667 2007年8月27日閲覧。. 
  6. ^ Karsten Hokamp, Aoife McLysaght, and Kenneth H. Wolfe, "The 2R hypothesis and the human genome sequence", Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, vol. 3, pp. 95-110 (2003). p. 95
  7. ^ Masanori Kasahara, "The 2R hypothesis: an update", "Current Opinion in Immunology " (2007), doi:10.1016/j.coi.2007.07.009
