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[1][2]1937201938[3] 19491950681954629[4][5]1960[6]1967[5]19701988851988[5][7]20156[8][8]




  1. ^ Alfred Stead (1901). China and Her Mysteries. Hood, Douglas, & Howard. pp. 99–. https://books.google.com/books?id=WKRFAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA99&dq=recent+visit+of+li+hung+chang+to+our+shores&hl=en&ei=yILZTa3gEs_r0QGr0YT9Aw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=burma%20was%20a%20tributary%20state%20of%20china%20british%20forward%20tribute%20peking&f=false 
  2. ^ William Woodville Rockhill (1905). China's Intercourse with Korea from the XVth Century to 1895. Luzac & Company. pp. 5–. https://books.google.com/books?id=v2NCAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA5&dq=tribute+china&hl=en&ei=YnYLTtCxE4Ls0gGB4q2WAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=tribute%20china&f=false 
  3. ^ Seagrave, Gordon S., Burma Surgeon, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1943
  4. ^ a b c d Yangon still under Beijing's thumb (February 11, 2005). AsiaTimes.com. Accessed 2008-05-30.
  5. ^ a b c d Sino-Myanmar Relations: Analysis and Prospects by Lixin Geng, The Culture Mandala, Vol. 7, no. 2, December 2006. Accessed 2008-05-30.
  6. ^ Richard Michael Gibson. The Secret Army: Chiang Kai-shek and the Drug Warlords of the Golden Triangle. John Wiley & Sons. 4 August 2011: 171–172. ISBN 978-0-470-83021-5.
  7. ^ Shambaugh, David (2000). Power Shift: China and Asia's New Dynamics. Nazrul Institute. pp. 218. ISBN 0-520-24570-9 
  8. ^ a b Mcluaghlin & Zaw (June 11, 2015). Under pressure from China, Kokang rebels declare Myanmar ceasefire. Reuters.
  9. ^ India and China compete for Burma's resources (21 August 2006). World Politics Review. Accessed 2008-05-30.
  10. ^ “ミャンマー「一帯一路」事業縮小 港湾開発、中国が譲歩”. 東京新聞. (2018年11月10日). http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/world/list/201811/CK2018111002000126.html 2018年12月18日閲覧。 
