

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

 geoglyph[1][2][3]negative geoglyphpositive geoglyph[4]200西650[4]1970[5]410306[6]2000 Desert kites (Works of the Old Men) [7]


  1. ^ 美術館だより第283号 平成19年5月1日発行 石川県立美術館
  2. ^ Daniela Valenzuela, Persis B. Clarkson, "Geoglyphs" in Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 2014, pp 3017-3029
  3. ^ Charles Stanish, Henry Tantaleán, Benjamin T. Nigra, and Laura Griffin, "A 2,300-year-old architectural and astronomical complex in the Chincha Valley, Peru", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, doi:10.1073/pnas.1406501111
  4. ^ a b Martin Sauerbier, "GIS-based management and analysis of the geoglyphs in the Nasca region (Peru)", ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium, Vienna, 12 – 14 July 2006.
  5. ^ サイエンス 最新号のご案内 5 September 2008 Volume321 Number5894
  6. ^ Geoglyphs of Acre - UNESCO World Heritage Centre
  7. ^ Owen Jarus, "Visible Only From Above, Mystifying 'Nazca Lines' Discovered in Mideast", updated 9/15/2011 7:48:32 AM ET
