
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ICD-9-CM 353.6
DiseasesDB 29431


: phantom pain[1]







(一)^ ? --28720081122917 - 924doi:10.2199/jjsca.28.917NAID 10024432228 

(二)^ 23120071150 - 53doi:10.2199/jjsca.28.917NAID 10018473483 

(三)^ . . 2023422


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  • Bittar, Richard G.; Otero, Sofia; Carter, Helen; Aziz, Tipu Z. (May 2005), “Deep Brain Stimulation for Phantom Limb Pain”, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 12 (4): 399–404, doi:10.1016/j.jocn.2004.07.013 
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  • Karl, Anke; Birbaumer, Niels; Lutzenberger, Werner; Cohen, Leonardo G.; Flor, Herta (May 2001), “Reorganization of Motor and Somatosensory Cortex in Upper Extremity Amputees with Phantom Limb Pain”, The Journal of Neuroscience 21 (10): 3609–3618 
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  • MacLachlan, Malcolm; McDonald, Dympna; Waloch, Justine (2004), “Mirror Treatment of Lower Limb Phantom Pain: A Case Study”, Disability and Rehabilitation 26 (14/15): 901–904, doi:10.1080/09638280410001708913 
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  • Ramachandran, V. S.; Hirstein, William (2008), “The Perception of Phantom Limbs: The D. O. Hebb Lecture”, Brain 121 (1): 1603–1630, doi:10.1093/brain/121.9.1603 
  • Ramachandran, V. S.; Rogers-Ramachandran, D. (April 1996), “Synaesthesia in Phantom Limbs Induced with Mirrors”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B-Biological Sciences 263 (1369): 377–386, doi:10.1098/rspb.1996.0058 
  • Richardson, Cliff; Glenn, Sheila; Horgan, Maureen; Nurmikko, Turo (October 2007), “A Prospective Study of Factors Associated with the Presence of Phantom Limb Pain Six Months After Major Lower Limb Amputation in Patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease”, The Journal of Pain 8 (10): 793–801, doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2007.05.007 

