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articulation1sound articulationsyllable articulation





syllable articulation 

sound articulation 
vowel articulation 

consonant articulation 




Articulation IndexAI

Speech Intelligibility IndexSII

Speech Transmission IndexSTI

Room Acoustical Speech Transmission IndexRASTI


Articulation IndexAI1947N.R. FrenchJ.C. Steinberg [3] 1950H. Fletcher[4]1969 ANSI  ANSI S3.5-1969  [5]


AI 0

Speech Intelligibility Index[]

Speech Intelligibility IndexSII1997 ANSI  ANSI S3.5-1997  [6]Speech Transmission IndexSII  0 1


Critical band (21 bands)

1/3 octave band (1/318 bands)

Equally-contributing critical band (17 bands)

Octave band (6 bands)

Speech Transmission Index[]

Speech Transmission IndexSTISTI H.J.M. SteenekenT. Houtgast1973 [7] ISO 9921  IEC 60268-16 STI  0 1

STI 使調modulation transfer functionMTFMTF MTF  STI  MTF 

調調調 AI MTF  125Hz8kHz7使 MTF 14調0.63Hz12.5Hz1/3 STI-14  STI-3STITELSTIPARASTI  [8]


RASTIRoom Acoustical Speech Transmission Index STI [8]PA[8]RASTI  IEC 268-16 

RASTI  500Hz  2kHz 2調15[8]使


1910G.A. CampbellCV使[9] 1920 1929H. FletcherJ.C. SteinbergCVC[10]

H. Fletcher1921AI[11]

1960 ANSI ANSI S3.2-1960[12]


  1. ^ 板橋 秀一 (ed). 音声工学. 森北出版, pp.51-52. 2005. ISBN 978-4627828117
  2. ^ 近藤 和弘, 泉 良, 藤森 雅也, 加賀 類, 中川 清司. 二者択一型日本語音声了解度試験方法の検討. 日本音響学会誌, 63巻4号, pp.196-204. 2005.
  3. ^ N.R. French, J.C. Steinberg: Factors governing the intelligibility of speech sounds, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 19, pp.90–119. 1947.
  4. ^ H. Fletcher, R.H. Galt: The perception of speech and its relation to telephony, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 22, pp.89-151. 1950.
  5. ^ ANSI: Methods for the calculation of the articulation index, ANSI S3.5-1969, 1969.
  6. ^ ANSI: Methods for calculation of the speech intelligibility index, ANSI S3.5-1997. 1997.
  7. ^ H.J.M. Steeneken, T. Houtgast. Predicting speech intelligibility in rooms from the modulation transfer function. I. General room acoustics. Acustica 46, pp.60-72. 1973.
  8. ^ a b c d H.J.M. Steeneken, T. Houtgast. Basics of the STI-measuring method. "Past, Present, and Future of the Speech Transmission Index", Int. Sympo. on STI, The Netherlands, pp.13-44, 2002.
  9. ^ G.A. Campbell, Telephonic Intelligibility, Philosophical Magazine, Jan. 1910, pp.152-159. 1910.
  10. ^ H. Fletcher, J.C. Steinberg. Articulation Testing Methods. Bell System Technical Journal vol 8, pp.806-854, 1929.
  11. ^ J. B. Allen. Articulation and Intelligibility. pp.29-34. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2005. ISBN 978-1598290080.
  12. ^ A. Schmidt-Nielsen. Intelligibility and Acceptability Testing for Speech Technology. AD-A252 015, Naval Research Laboratory. 1992.


  • Jacob Benesty, M. M. Sondhi, Yiteng Huang (ed). Springer Handbook of Speech Processing. Springer-Verlag, 2007. ISBN 978-3540491255.
  • J. Flanagan (ed). Speech Analysis Synthesis and Perception. Springer-Verlag, 1972. ISBN 978-3540055617
  • A. Schmidt-Nielsen. Intelligibility and Acceptability Testing for Speech Technology. AD-A252 015, Naval Research Laboratory. 1992.
  • H.J.M. Steeneken, T. Houtgast. Basics of the STI-measuring method. "Past, Present, and Future of the Speech Transmission Index", Int. Sympo. on STI, The Netherlands, pp.13-44, 2002.
  • 板橋 秀一 (ed). 音声工学. 森北出版, 2005. ISBN 978-4627828117
  • 近藤 和弘, 泉 良, 藤森 雅也, 加賀 類, 中川 清司. 二者択一型日本語音声了解度試験方法の検討. 日本音響学会誌, 63巻4号, pp.196-204. 2005.

