
Touch Press

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Touch Press
設立日 2010年
設立者 セオドア・グレイ、マックス・ウィトビー、ジョン・クロミー、スティーブン・ウルフラム
本社所在地 ロンドン
出版物 書籍、iPadアプリ
公式サイト www.touchpress.com

Touch Press[1][2][3]西Touch Press[4][5][6]TS[7][8]Touch PressBarefoot World AtlasApple101[9] Touch PressDisney AnimatediTunes[10]


Touch PressiPad[11][12] The Elements[13] 


Touch Press[14] Touch Press21[15][16] Touch PressTouch Press[17][18][3][19][20][21][1][22]

Touch Press[]

2010 The Elements

2011 X is for X-Ray

2011 Skulls by Simon Winchester

2011 Gems and Jewels

2011 The Waste Land

2012 March of the Dinosaurs

2012 Solar System

2012 Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomy

2012 The Sonnets by William Shakespeare

2012 Pyramids 3D

2012 War Horse

2012 The Orchestra

2012 Barefoot World Atlas

2013 Beethoven's 9th Symphony

2013 The Liszt Sonata

2013 Disney Animated


(一)^ abWall, Seth Colter (20121221). The Perfect Classical Music App. Slate. http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/culturebox/2012/12/the_orchestra_the_best_classical_music_ipad_app_from_esa_pekka_salonen.html 2013812 

(二)^ Banks, Dave (2013614). App is Truly an Ode to Joy. Geek Dad. http://geekdad.com/2013/06/beethovens-9th-symphony-app/ 2013812 

(三)^ abRichmond, Shane (2011715). The Waste Land iPad app review. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-app-reviews/8575855/The-Waste-Land-iPad-app-review.html 2013812 

(四)^ The Elements: A Visual Exploration. PC Mag.com.  PC Magazine. 2013812

(五)^ Thompson, Damian (2013525). Four recordings of Beethovens Ninth on a $15.47 app. The Spectator. http://www.spectator.co.uk/arts/music/8914291/four-recordings-of-beethovens-ninth-on-a-10-app/ 2013812 

(六)^ Lawton, Chuck (2011131). Touch The Solar System on Your iPad. Wired. http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/01/touch-the-solar-system-on-your-ipad/ 2013812 

(七)^ Dredge, Stuart (201188). The Waste Land iPad app earns back its costs in six weeks on the App Store. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/appsblog/2011/aug/08/ipad-the-waste-land-app 2013812 

(八)^ Ng, David (2013520). Shakespeare's sonnets get a new iPad, iPhone app. The Los Angeles Times. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/may/20/entertainment/la-et-cm-shakespeare-sonnets-20130520 2013812 

(九)^ Rosen, Judith (201379). Two Book Apps Among Apples All-Time Top 10. Publishers Weekly. http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/digital/Apps/article/58150-two-book-apps-among-apple-s-all-time-top-10.html 2013812 

(十)^ [https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/disney-animated/id632312737?mt=8 Disney Animated By Disney]. iTunes.  Apple. 2013822

(11)^ Roush, Wade (2011729). TouchPress: Theodore Gray Tests His Mettle in the App World. Publisher's Weekly. http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/digital/content-and-e-books/article/48187-touchpress-theodore-gray-tests-his-mettle-in-the-app-world.html 2013812 

(12)^ Wolfram, Stephen (20101224). Touch Press: The Second Book. Stephen Wolfram Blog. http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2010/12/touch-press-the-second-book/ 2013812 

(13)^ Pham, Alex (2010427). The curious tale of the wooden table that became an iPad book. The Los Angeles Times. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2010/04/the-curious-tale-of-the-wooden-table-that-became-an-ipad-book.html 2013812 

(14)^ Ng, David (2012427). The Coffee Table eBook: iPad Apps From Touch Press Transform The Act Of Reading. Forbes. http://www.forbes.com/sites/tedgreenwald/2012/04/27/the-coffee-table-ebook-ipad-apps-from-touch-press-transform-the-act-of-reading/ 2013812 

(15)^ Roush, Wade (2012511). Touch Press, the iPad, and the New Golden Age of Multimedia. Xconomy. http://www.xconomy.com/national/2012/05/11/touch-press-the-ipad-and-the-new-golden-age-of-multimedia/ 2013812 

(16)^ Boehret, Katherine (201047). For the iPad, Apps With Their Own Wow Factor. The Wall Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303411604575167932497910828.html 2013812 

(17)^ Padilla, Richard (201388). 'Disney Animated' for iPad Covers the History of All 53 Disney Films. Mac Rumors. http://www.macrumors.com/2013/08/08/disney-animated-for-ipad-covers-the-history-of-all-53-disney-films/ 2013812 

(18)^ Service, Tom (2013531). 'Beethoven's Ninth, the app: an Ode to iJoy. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/music/tomserviceblog/2013/may/31/beethoven-ninth-symphony-app 2013812 

(19)^ Burton, Charlie (2011726). 'In depth: How Bjork's 'Biophilia' album fuses music with iPad apps. Wired. http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2011/08/features/music-nature-science/page/2 2013813 

(20)^ Caplan, Lisa (20121214). 'Touch Press brushes the dust off The Sonnets by Shakespeare. Appolicious. http://www.appolicious.com/articles/12419-touch-press-brushes-the-dust-off-the-sonnets-by-shakespeare 2013812 

(21)^ Stephen Hough And Touch Press Release Ground-Breaking iPad App Coinciding With Opening Concert Of BBC Proms. Classical Source. (2013710). http://www.classicalsource.com/db_control/db_news.php?id=2497 2013812 

(22)^ Grabarek, Daryl (20111021). Review: March of the Dinosaurs for iOS. School Library Journal. http://blogs.slj.com/touchandgo/2011/10/21/review-march-of-the-dinosaurs-for-ios-2/ 2013812 

(23)^  (2010723). . ITmedia PC USER. https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/1007/23/news068.html 201393 

(24)^  (2011830). iPad for iPad. ITmedia PC USER. https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/1108/30/news086.html 201393 
