
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


i18nに関するwillnetのブックマーク (4)

  • エンジニア・Webデザイナー必読: アプリケーションを国際化・多言語展開する前に知っておくべきこと - Qiita

      Advent Calendar 2015 : taka-oyama : 17Tips : 使 : i18n - Qiita  Web 
    エンジニア・Webデザイナー必読: アプリケーションを国際化・多言語展開する前に知っておくべきこと - Qiita
    willnet 2016/02/10
  • I18n.tでHTMLを出力するのにrawやhtml_safeを使ってはいけない - Qiita

     html_safe  <strong>tnj</strong>   HTML   Rails I18n  raw  html_safe   @username  XSS ? Rai
    I18n.tでHTMLを出力するのにrawやhtml_safeを使ってはいけない - Qiita
    willnet 2014/04/04
  • Using FastGettext to translate a Rails application - Rendered Text

    Ruby on Rails is shipped with i18n gem, which provides an internationalization and localization system. It basically allows the developer to abstract all the locale specific elements, mainly strings and date formats, out of the application. The i18n gem is split into two parts: 1) the public API and 2) the default backend, intentionally named Simple. As the Rails guide suggests, the Simple backend

    willnet 2012/10/05
  • Rails 3 I18n changes « Plataformatec Blog

    As we already know, in Rails 3 all dependencies will be bundled. This means you will be able to use latest I18n version which includes several improvements by itself. Besides that, a couple things changed on Rails 3 I18n, some features were added and others were deprecated. This post is a quick walkthrough it: 1) Error messages defaults With the addition of ActiveModel, it’s easy to add I18n behav

    willnet 2010/02/06
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