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矢刺幹人 (会話 | 投稿記録)
矢刺幹人 (会話 | 投稿記録)
→‎Influence: 英語版(00:13, 13 October 2005)の記事から訳
57行目: 57行目:

Chekhov disliked [[Symbolist]] [[drama]] and Konstantin's play parodies it in ''The Seagull''. All the same, he confessed that one of his great influences was [[Maeterlink]]. And then there was [[Ibsen]]: without ''The Wild Duck'' (one of Chekhov's favorite plays) ''The Seagull'' would not be as it is, indeed perhaps would not exist at all.-->

Chekhov disliked [[Symbolist]] [[drama]] and Konstantin's play parodies it in ''The Seagull''. All the same, he confessed that one of his great influences was [[Maeterlink]]. And then there was [[Ibsen]]: without ''The Wild Duck'' (one of Chekhov's favorite plays) ''The Seagull'' would not be as it is, indeed perhaps would not exist at all.-->





Though already celebrated by the [[Russia]]n literary public at the time of his death, Chekhov did not become internationally famous until the years after [[World War I]], by which time the translations of [[Constance Garnett]] (into English) and of others had helped to publicize his work. Yet his elusive, superficially guileless style of writing--in which what is left unsaid often seems so much more important than what is said--has defied effective analysis by literary critics, as well as effective imitation by creative writers


またチェーホフの作品を元に制作された映画では、[[エミーリ・ロチャヌー]]の『My Tender and Affectionate Beast』(1978年)や、[[ニキータ・ミハルコフ]]と[[マルチェロ・マストロヤンニ]]の合作の『Dark Eyes』(1987年)、[[ルイ・マル]]の『Vanya on 42nd Street』(1994年)、[[アンソニー・ホプキンス]]の『August』などがあり数え上げればきりがない。

<!--Though already celebrated by the [[Russia]]n literary public at the time of his death, Chekhov did not become internationally famous until the years after [[World War I]], by which time the translations of [[Constance Garnett]] (into English) and of others had helped to publicize his work. Yet his elusive, superficially guileless style of writing--in which what is left unsaid often seems so much more important than what is said--has defied effective analysis by literary critics, as well as effective imitation by creative writers

Chekhov's plays were immensely popular in [[England]] in the 1920s and have become classics of the [[United Kingdom|British]] stage. In the [[United States]] his fame came somewhat later, through the influence of Stanislavsky's technique for achieving realistic acting. American [[playwright]]s such as [[Tennessee Williams]], [[Arthur Miller]], and Clifford Odets have used Chekhovian techniques, and few important writers of short stories in the 20th century can have escaped Chekhov's influence entirely.

Chekhov's plays were immensely popular in [[England]] in the 1920s and have become classics of the [[United Kingdom|British]] stage. In the [[United States]] his fame came somewhat later, through the influence of Stanislavsky's technique for achieving realistic acting. American [[playwright]]s such as [[Tennessee Williams]], [[Arthur Miller]], and Clifford Odets have used Chekhovian techniques, and few important writers of short stories in the 20th century can have escaped Chekhov's influence entirely.

91行目: 98行目:

[[Belgium|Belgian]]-born American playwright Jean Claude Van Italliehas also adapted works by Chekhov and other Russian writers in English dramatic versions.

[[Belgium|Belgian]]-born American playwright Jean Claude Van Italliehas also adapted works by Chekhov and other Russian writers in English dramatic versions.

Lanford Wilson is one of the most prolific playwrights in contemporary American theater. His version of Anton Chekhov's ''The Three Sisters'' was produced in [[New York]] City in 1997.

Lanford Wilson is one of the most prolific playwrights in contemporary American theater. His version of Anton Chekhov's ''The Three Sisters'' was produced in [[New York]] City in 1997.-->

== 作品 ==

== 作品 ==

2005年10月14日 (金) 09:33時点における版


Антон Паврович ЧеховAnton Pavlovich Chekhov, 1860129 - 1904715





 A.S. 西 Eventually Chekhov broke with Suvorin over the attitude taken by the paper toward the notorious Alfred Dreyfus affair in France, with Chekhov championing Dreyfus.


Especially noteworthy amongst his stories are "Skuchnaya istoriya" (written 1889; "A Dreary Story"), "Duel" (written 1891; "The Duel"), "Palata No. 6" (written 1892; "Ward Number Six"), "Kryzhovnik" (written 1898; "Gooseberries"), "Dushechka" (written 1899; "The Darling"), "Dama s sobachkoy" (written 1899; "The Lady with the Dog"), "Arkhiyerey" (written 1902; "The Bishop"), and "Nevesta" (written 1903; "The Betrothed").

Stories like "The Grasshopper" (1892), "The Darling" (1898), and "In the Ravine" (1900)--to name only three--all reveal Chekhov's perception, his compassion, and his subtle humour and irony. One critic says of Chekhov that he is no moralist--he simply says "you live badly, ladies and gentlemen," but his smile has the indulgence of a very wise man.

As samples of the Russian epistolary art, Chekhov's letters have been rated second only to Aleksandr Pushkin's by the literary historian D.S. Mirsky. Although Chekhov is still chiefly known for his plays, critical opinion shows signs of establishing the stories--and particularly those that were written after 1888--as an even more significant and creative literary achievement.

In his dramatic works Chekhov sought to convey the texture of everyday life, moving away from traditional ideas of plot and conventions of dramatic speech. Dialogue in his plays is not smooth or continuous: characters interrupt each other, several different conversations often take place at the same time, and lengthy pauses occur when no one speaks at all. His plays commonly feature the struggle of a sensitive individual to maintain his integrity against the temptations of worldly success. A recurring theme is the pointlessness of radical, human/mechanical change, versus the powerful inertia of slow natural/organic cycles.

One of the actors once told Chekhov that Stanislavsky intended to have frogs croaking, the sound of dragonflies, and dogs barking on the stage. "Why?" Chekhov asked with a note of dissatisfaction in his voice. "It is realistic," the actor replied. "Realistic," Chekhov repeated with a laugh, and after a slight pause he said: "The stage is art. There is a canvas of Kranskoi (a famous Russian painter) in which he wonderfully depicts human faces and substituted a real one. The nose will be realistic but the picture will be spoiled."

"The stage reflects in itself the quintessence of life, so one must not introduce on it anything that is superfluous," he said.



My Tender and Affectionate Beast1978Dark Eyes1987Vanya on 42nd Street1994August

That Worthless Fellow Platonov (c.1881) - one act

On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco (1886, 1902)

 (1887) - four acts

 (1888) - one act comedy

The ProposalorA Marriage Proposal (c.1888-1889) - one act

The Wood Demon (1889) - four-act comedy


 (1899-1900) - based on The Wood Demon


 (1904) (Set in the Russian village of Abramtsevo Colony, which is famous for its folk art.)

A Journey to Sakhalin (1895), including:
Saghalien [or Sakhalin] Island (1891-1895)

Across Siberia


  • "陰謀" (1879年-1884年) - nine stories
  • "咲き遅れた花" (1882年)
  • "The Swedish Match" (1883年)
  • "Lights" (1883年-1888年)
  • "牡蠣" (1884年)
  • "Perpetuum Mobile" (1884年)
  • "Motley Stories" ("Pëstrye Rasskazy") (1886年)
  • "Excellent People" (1886年)
  • "Misery" (1886年)
  • "The Princess" (1886年)
  • "The Scholmaster" (1886年)
  • "A Work of Art" (1886年)
  • "Hydrophobia" (1886年-1901年)
  • "The Beggar" (1887年)
  • "The Doctor" (1887年)
  • "Enemies" (1887年)
  • "The Examining Magistrate" (1887年)
  • "幸福" (1887年)
  • "接吻" (1887年)
  • "On Easter Eve" (1887年)
  • "Typhus" (1887年)
  • "Volodya" (1887年)
  • "The Steppe" (1888年) - won the Pushkin Prize
  • "An Attack of Nerves" (1888年)
  • "An Awkward Business" (1888年)
  • "美女" (1888年)
  • "白鳥の歌" (1888年)
  • "睡い" (1888年)
  • "The Name-Day Party" (1888年)
  • "憂鬱な話" (1889年)
  • "グーセフ" (1890年)
  • "泥棒" (1890年)
  • "決闘" (1891年)
  • "Peasant Wives" (1891年)
  • "六号室" (1892年)
  • "In Exile" (1892年)
  • "The Grasshopper" (1892年)
  • "隣人" (1892年)
  • "恐怖" (1892年)
  • "妻" (1892年)
  • "The Butterfly" (1892年)
  • "The Two Volodyas" (1893年)
  • "An Anonymous Story" (1893年)
  • "黒衣の僧" (1894年)
  • "The Head Gardener's Story" (1894年)
  • "ロスチヤイルドのヴァヰオリン" (1894年)
  • "学生" (1894年)
  • "文学教師" (1894年)
  • "女の王国" (1894年)
  • "三年" (1895年)
  • "アリアードナ" (1895年)
  • "殺人" (1895年)
  • "屋根部屋のある家" (1896年)
  • "わが生活" (1896年)
  • "郷里で" (1897年)
  • "百姓" (1897年)
  • "馬車で" (1897年)
  • "箱の中の男", "Gooseberries", "About Love" - the 'Little Trilogy' (1898年)
  • "ヨヌイチ" (1898年)
  • "往診" (1898年)
  • "新らしき別荘" (1898年)
  • "職務" (1898年)
  • "The Darling" (1899年)
  • "犬を連れた奥さん" (1899年)
  • "聖期祭" (1899年)
  • "谷間" (1900年)
  • "The Bishop" (1902年)
  • "賭" (1904年)
  • "いいなずけ" or "A Marriageable Girl" (1903年)


  • 狩場の悲劇(1884年-1885年)
