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Agostino Basside Lodi1773925  1856281844Beauveria bassiana

1807mal de segno18051841184925Del mal del segno, calcinaccio o moscardino (1835)[1] 


  1. ^ See, for example: Jacques Barbo, De la muscardine (maladie des vers à soie),... [On muscardine (illness of silkworms)], (Paris, France: Bonbée, 1836).
  • Kyle, R A; Shampo M A (April 1979). "Agostino Bassi". JAMA 241 (15): 1584. doi:10.1001/jama.241.15.1584. PMID 372592.
  • Ronchese, F (March 1976). "Agostino Bassi (1773-1856)". Rhode Island medical journal 59 (3): 111–2. PMID 778982.
  • Porter, J R (September 1973). "Agostino Bassi bicentennial (1773-1973)". Bacteriological reviews 37 (3): 284–8. PMC 413819. PMID 4585794. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=413819.
  • HUARD, P (November 1956). "[Anniversary of the death of Agostino Bassi.]". Le Progrés médical 84 (22): 421–2. PMID 13389569.
  • HARANT, H; THEODORIDES J (November 1956). "[A pioneer of parasitology and a forerunner of the Pasteur doctrine: Agostino Bassi (1773-1856).]". Montpellier médical 50 (3): 393–9. PMID 13407643.
  • ARCIERI, G P (1956). "Agostino Bassi in the history of medical thought: A. Bassi and L. Pasteur". Rivista di storia delle scienze mediche e naturali 47 (Suppl): 1–40. PMID 13421588.
  • DOSSENA, G (January 1954). "[Debt of medicine to Agostino Bassi.]". Rivista d'ostetricia e ginecologia pratica 36 (1): 43–53. PMID 13168166.