

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

11: Elf Neue Bagatellen 119 56


Bagatelle[1]1717使[2][3]Kleinigkeiten[4][5]7 3318036 1261825[6]


618001804156182211[7][8]41820[8][ 1]1822







Allegretto 3/4 調



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key g \minor \time 3/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Allegretto." 4=126 \partial 4
    d8. es16 d4-. c-. bes-. a r a8.( c16) bes4-. a-. g-. gis r a8 f
    a d fis d g d d( c) c( a c bes) bes a c bes a g fis4 r
   \new Staff { \key g \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
    r4 <d bes>-. <d a>-. <d g,>-. <d fis,>-. r r
    <d g,>-. <d f,!>-. <cis es,>-. <d d,>-. r r
    d, c bes a fis g d' es cis d d, 


Andante con moto 2/4拍子 ハ長調

[7][11][ 2]83[3][15]232[7]3[4]


\relative c' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff = "R" {
    \key c \major \time 2/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Andante con moto." 4=62 \partial 4
    <e c>8 g, <f' d> g, <d' b> g, <e' c> g, \change Staff = "L" \stemUp <c e,> g
    <d' f,> g, <b d,> g <c e,> e
   \new Staff = "L" { \key c \major \time 2/4 \clef bass
    r4 r \clef treble g'16*2/3[ fis a] g fis a g8 r \clef bass s4
    r \stemDown g,,,16*2/3[ a g] f e d c8 r


à l'Allemande 3/8拍子 ニ長調



\relative c''' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key d \major \time 3/8 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "à l'Allemande." 4=105 \partial 8
      \stemDown d8\p e16 d cis d fis a d8 r \stemUp fis,,~ fis g e fis[ d]
      \stemDown d' e16 d cis d fis a d8 r \stemUp fis,,~ fis g e d4 \bar ":|."
     { s8 s4. s g,4. fis4 s8 s4. s g4. fis4 }
   \new Staff { \key d \major \time 3/8 \clef bass
     { s8 s4. s a,4 cis8 d4 s8 s4. s a4 cis8 d4 }
      \override MultiMeasureRest.staff-position = #0
      d,8\rest R4. \once \stemUp d,8\sustainOn d'4~ d4.~ d4 d8\rest\sustainOff R4.
      \once \stemUp d,8\sustainOn d'4~ d4.~ d4


Andante cantabile 4/4拍子 イ長調



\relative c' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key a \major \time 4/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Andante cantabile." 4=72 \partial 2
      e4( a8 cis) cis( b a b) cis4 cis8( e) e( d cis d e4) fis8( e)
      \stemDown d( cis b a gis b a cis) \stemUp <cis a>4 <b gis>8 b\rest e,4( a8 cis)
     { e,2 gis e4 e8 g g fis e fis e4 s s1 s2 e2 }
   \new Staff { \key a \major \time 4/4 \clef bass
      \stemNeutral cis,4 a e'2 a4 a, d2 cis8 cis' a cis
      b( a gis fis e d cis a) \stemUp e'2~ e
     { s2 s1 s s e4. d8 cis4 a }


Risoluto 6/8拍子 ハ短調



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key c \minor \time 6/8 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Risolute." 4=84 \partial 8
    g8 \grace g32 c8. c,16 es8 \grace es32 g8. c16 es8
    \grace es32 g4.~ g8. es16 c8 \grace f32 g8. f16 d8 \grace es32 g8. es16 c8
    b8.\trill c16 d8 g,4 g8
   \new Staff { \key c \minor \time 6/8 \clef bass
    r8 <g, es c>4 q8 q4 q8 q4 q8 q4 q8 <g d b>4 q8 <g es c>4 q8
    <g f d>4 <g d b>8 aes16 g f es d g


Andante 3/4拍子 - Allegretto 2/4拍子 イ短調



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff = "R" {
    \key g \major \time 3/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Andante." 4=60 \partial 4
      \stemNeutral c8.( e16 a,8. b16 c4) a8( g) g4( fis) \stemUp g8( d')
      d4. cis8 g' g g gis a4 a8\fermata \stemNeutral
      \grace { a32[ fis cis d fis d gis, a] d[ a eis fis a fis cis d]
      \stemDown fis[ d \change Staff = "L" \clef bass \stemUp gis, a d a eis fis]
      << { a[ fis cis] } \\ { b16\rest s32 } >> << { b'16\rest s32 } \\ { d,[ a fis] } >> }
     { s4 s2. s g''4. g8 cis cis cis4 b8( <g' cis,>) <fis d> }
   \new Staff = "L" { \key g \major \time 3/4 \clef bass
    r4 r r c,8.( e16 a,8. b16 <d c>4) <d b> q <e bes>8 q <e a,> q
    \clef treble << { e4( d8[ <g e>] ) <fis d>\fermata } \\ { a,2 } >> 



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key g \major \time 2/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Allegretto." 4=90 \partial 8
    \override TextScript #'whiteout = ##t
    d16( _\markup \italic leggiermente g e8-.) b16( d c8-.) g16( b c8-.) a16( d b8-.) d16( g
    e8-.) b16( d c8-.) g16( b c8-.) a16( d g,8-.)
   \new Staff { \key g \major \time 2/4 \clef bass
    <b, g>8 <c! g> <d g,> <e g,> <d g,> <e g,> <fis g,> <g g,> <b, g>
    <c g> <d g,> <e g,> <d g,> <e g,> <fis g,> g,


Allegro ma non troppo 3/4拍子 ハ長調



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key c \major \time 3/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Allegro ma non troppo." 4=78
      g2.*5/6\startTrillSpan \once \hideNotes g8\stopTrillSpan f'4. dis8 f e
      g,2.*5/6\startTrillSpan \once \hideNotes g8\stopTrillSpan f'4. dis8 f e
      d![ d] <fis, c> <fis a,> <g d b>4 e\rest s2
      f4.( dis8 f e) g2.*5/6\startTrillSpan \once \hideNotes g8\stopTrillSpan
      f4.( dis8 f e) g2.*5/6\startTrillSpan \once \hideNotes g8\stopTrillSpan g8[ b]
   \new Staff { \key c \major \time 3/4 \clef bass
      r8 g,4 b c8 r g4 b c8 r g4 b c8 r g4 b c8
      s2. s4 <d c a>8 q <d b g>4
     { c,2. c c c <b' d,>8[ <g d>] <a d,> <c d,> <g g,>4 d8-.[ d-.] fis,-. fis-. g4 }


Moderato cantabile 3/4拍子 ハ長調

[23][ 3]4[11]9彿[5][11]


\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key c \major \time 3/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Moderato cantabile." 4=86
      \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-permission = ##f
      \override TextScript #'whiteout = ##t
      g8._\markup { \italic { Molto legato } } a16 g4 gis a2 ais4 b2 cis4( d2) c!4
      e2 d4 fis2 g4 e2 d4 <d a>8 <c~ e,> c a <g b,>4 \bar ":|."
     { e2 c4~ c d2~ d8. e16 f2~ f e4~ e8. fis16 g2~ g8. fis16 g2~ g4 e2~ e8 s fis4 }
     { s2. s s s s s g8 fis g gis~ \stemDown gis4 }
   \new Staff { \key c \major \time 3/4 \clef bass
      d,4\rest c2~ c4 f d~ d2. d8 e f g g4
      g4.. a16 b4~ b~ b8. c16 b4 c4 s2 f,8\rest c a'[ fis]
     { c,2 e4 f2 fis4 g2 a8 bes b!4 g c c2 b4 d dis e c2 b4 a d <d' g,> }


Vivace moderato 3/4拍子 イ短調

[11][24]vivace assai ed un poco sentimentale[7]310[3][5][13]3[13]


\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key a \minor \time 3/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Vivace moderato." 4=198
      b8\rest c, a' e c' a \stemDown e' c a' e c'4 \stemUp c2 bes4 a2 gis4
      b,8\rest c, a' e c' a \stemDown e' c a' e c'4~ \stemUp c4 bes4 gis
      a4 b,\rest b\rest \bar ":|."
     { s2. s b4\rest f'2 <d b!>2. s s <f d>2 <d b!>4 <c a> }
   \new Dynamics {
    s8 s\p s s\< s4 s2. s s\p s2 s4\< s2. s4\! s s\f s\p
   \new Staff { \key a \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
    a,,4 <c' a> q a, <c' a> q d, <d' bes> q e, <d' b!> q
    a, <c' a> q a, <c' a> q d, <d' bes> <d b e,> <a a,> r r


Allegramente 2/4拍子 イ長調



\relative c''' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key a \major \time 2/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Allegramente." 4=220
     \set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers \repeat volta 1 {
      <a fis>4-. <fis a,>-. <gis b,>-. <fis a,>-. <e gis,>-. <dis fis,>-. <fis a,>-. <e gis,>-.
     <d' b> <b d,> <cis e,> <b d,> <a cis,> <gis b,> }
    \alternative { { <b d,> <a cis,> } } \bar ":|."
   \new Staff { \key a \major \time 2/4 \clef bass \autoBeamOff
    r8 b,,,4 b'8~ b e,4 b'8~ b b,4 b'8~ b e,,4 e'8~
    e e,4 e'8~ e a,4 e'8~ e e,4 e'8~ e a,,4 e'8*1/2~ \hideNotes e


Andante ma non troppo 4/4拍子 変ロ長調



\relative c'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff {
    \key bes \major \time 4/4 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo "Andante ma non troppo." 4=60
      \override TextScript #'whiteout = ##t
      d4_\markup { \italic { Innocentemente e cantabile } }( c8 bes es4 c f4. g8 f es d c
      d4 c8 bes es4 c8 f f4 es8 d d4 c) \bar ":|."
     { f,4 f g a bes d c a f f g a bes8 d c bes bes4 a }
   \new Staff { \key bes \major \time 4/4 \clef bass
     { f, f f f f f f f f f f f f <f bes,> <f f,>2 }
     { bes,4 f c' f, d' bes a f bes d c es d }



(一)^ 6[4]

(二)^ [15]

(三)^ [11]


(一)^  32003ISBN 4-01-075303-X 

(二)^ Song 2016, p. 3.

(三)^ abcdBooklet for CD, Beethoven: Bagatelles, Naxos, 8.550474.

(四)^ abcdefghijklmDonat, Misha (2012). Beethoven: Bagatelles.  Hyperion records. 20221211

(五)^ abcdefBooklet for CD, Beethoven: Bagatelles, Bryce Morrison, Chandos, CHAN 9201, 1993.

(六)^ Song 2016, p. 6.

(七)^ abcdefghijklmn11 - 

(八)^ abcSong 2016, p. 8.

(九)^ Song 2016, p. 7-8.

(十)^ abSong 2016, p. 9.

(11)^ abcdefghijklmn 1980, p. 429.

(12)^ Song 2016, p. 41.

(13)^ abcdefCummings, Robert. 11 - . 20221212

(14)^ Song 2016, p. 10-11, 41-42.

(15)^ abSong 2016, p. 43.

(16)^ Song 2016, p. 44.

(17)^ Song 2016, p. 45.

(18)^ abSong 2016, p. 46.

(19)^ abSong 2016, p. 47.

(20)^ Song 2016, p. 49.

(21)^ Song 2016, p. 24-25.

(22)^ Song 2016, p. 26.

(23)^ Song 2016, p. 50.

(24)^ Song 2016, p. 51.

(25)^ Song 2016, p. 52.

(26)^ abSong 2016, p. 53.


  • Song, Minkyung (2016). BEETHOVEN’S BAGATELLES: MINIATURE MASTERPIECES (doctoral dissertation). The University of Oregon 
  • 丸山, 桂介『最新名曲解説全集 第14巻 独奏曲I』音楽之友社、1980年。ISBN 978-4276010147 
  • CD解説 Beethoven: Bagatelles, Naxos, 8.550474.
  • CD解説 Misha Donat, Beethoven: Bagatelles, Hyperion records, 2012, CDA67879.
  • CD解説 Bryce Morrison, Beethoven: Bagatelles, Chandos, CHAN 9201, 1993.
  • 楽譜 Beethoven: 11 Bagatelles, Sauer & Leidesdorf, Vienna, 1824
