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My return

Hi!! I'm back! I haven't been here in a while so...



tax haven
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 (tax haven) 
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putting others down iswhatpeople who cant bring themselves up do 
 (bring someone up = uplift oneself = improve one's situation)
improveimprove on

Heimproved the design of the car.

on  on

Heimprovedon the design.

the design(

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, 

let us not   lets not  

wallow in luxurywallow in ones sadness

Matt has stepped away from public life 
Let us hold not too fast to his name 
immersion only losers couldn't tell you the difference between  and  to save their lives

to saveone's life
I can't wake up to savemy life. : 
iam atthe bottom of the mountain  (= i've got a long way to go)
im very active w keeping my pronouns available  (consistently and proactively making known or sharing their preferredpronouns)
bcikit can feel awkward to ask sometimes 
You don't wanna get onmy bad side.... 
Go finger your prostate to chill outorsmth 
Look I'm ona stim crash and onedge dwbout it 

beon a stimulant crash = ADHD (= I'm having withdrawals from drugs.)
beon edge 
back onone's feet
Your father will be back onhis feet in no time. : 
curryfavor with

That's a lot [bunch] of hooey, and youknow it! :  bullshit
it's awkward but itgets the point across 
 (awkward = clunky = clumsy = scuffed)

whydoyou think it's awkward?

because I haven't output enough to think of a natural way to output my ideas. Instead I force out somethingthat gets the idea across even if itturns out awkward

because 99% of my Japanesepractice isfrom writing assignments for class (haven't hung outwithmanyJapanese people), so even if I try to speak casually, formal stuff appears

this server isa lot more hateful than I remember itbeing

I can understand being insecure over one's language skills but I think you should own that you're insecure instead of trying to act like you're above others
Addresswhat's causing youtofeel insecure and work onthat

Speaking assomeone who has never interacted with you before and didn't even recogniseyou, youcame off asa massive dickhead in the way you talked, and that's gonna rub people the wrong way. Especially if there's annoyance built before that. But atthe end of the day man, itdoesn't matter much

I meanyou just rubbed some people the wrong way but they didn't expressthat and decided to unload itall onyou atthe sametime x10 when they saw the opportunity


it wasreally irresponsible and wrong of me
yeah I knowthat was fucked up of me
that was dumb of me

ooh buddy not a goodlook

it's basically just a way of saying "you did something bad."
I think mostofit was just pent up aggression towards him over the weeks that everyone found an opportunity to unload atthatmoment

pent-up discontent 
Idk why you're making itseem like i had a fit over him

have a fit
throw a fit
Iwashaving [throwing] a huge fit. : 
You just jumped onthe Jack hate train for no reason

Idon't understand the audacity to come here every single day while youdisrespect me to yourfriends

and you also hop onthe gender thing 

i use she
but yeah
that waswrong of me too
they had that effect onme and I took that asa way out of responsibility

she didn't even think to give me the benefit of the doubt or anything and just straight up pilied onto me when i had no way to defend myself of the misinfo against me

pile ontosomeone: (of a group of people) to attack or criticize someone

what are youprattling about


Hewasprattling onfor hours about boring subjects. : 退
And oh yea you can goona tirade in that server talking about how i need mental health help, suck atjp, and feel threatened bythe very presence of John


i played itwhen itcameout and had the worst experience of my life

ifyou pick a μ's characteryou're in for the worst character interactionsyouhave ever seen

in for be
this pchas served me well for 8+ years

im pushing 5 years onmylenovo legion

i builtthat pcwith my dad and god damnit do I love it
will upgrade eventually

Pray the gay away = 

I wouldn't recommend going off blood thinners cold turkey and my heartrates really fucking high right now, 1:30 3145, and I'm nervous aboutthis.

go cold turkey 
go off a drug 
there's no way these like agencies are gonna be looking atallthismoneyyou're raking in onOnlyfans being like "whatdoyou mean we don't get anyofit?"

whether or not the bitthat it's famous for willsoon wear off a novelty however isdifficult to determine

bit =  = element
myboss has been grilling me for slacking

she flaked onour plans for Christmas together and invited himtohang outwithher during the end of the year 



there were a lot of things that i couldn't fitinhere but i've only ever wrote things that i've had clear evidenceof

idon't think i've clarifiedquite enough but this being somethingthat i've kept in my heart for so long i'm so glad i'm able to talktoyou allabout itnow

steer clear of

You should steer clear of that restaurant or you may get foodpoisoning. : 
Shiinahaving a laughing fitreallybrightens up my day. Thank you Okayun~
使 have a laughing fit
Does  mean Maybeshe even went shopping ? Whatdoes  contribute here
Does demo add the or something to the sentencr
seemappear, feel, look, soundthatit
It seems that ... 
He seems that ...

Feel, look, and sound are very occasionallyfoundwith a content clause too: Itlooks to me that a vendetta has struck up. Content clauses differ from asif phrases in that they are restricted to the impersonal construction: compare Edseemed asif /thathewas trying to hide his true identity. (Camgel p.962)


knowsHelooksas if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)
knewHelooksas if he knew the answer. (he gives the impressionthat he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)

knowsknewknewknewhad known

Helooked asif he knew the answer.

He seems asif he hasn't slept for days. (hehasn't slept for days)
He seems asif he hadn't slept for days. (it seems thathehasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whetherhehas or not)

He seemed asif he hadn't slept for days.

Hedoesn't do listening immersionheonly knowsEnglish from reading and itshows. 
He's not that bad 
But there's a few quirks that tip me off 
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he's mooching off his parents = leeching off

it's infamously difficult to explain
just feel itout isthe best advice here sadly

ok srsly ketchup fried rice has no right beingthis good

 stubbed my toe in the dark and itstill hurts 
 stub out your cigarette now; .
we can only give you a 1-day course of medicine. 1
Always finish a course of medicine unless advisedotherwise  
Hispasthas caught up withhim 
Igot foodpoisoning eating atxxx xxx
Thattook for fucking ever 
talk outofone's ass ︿
talkthrough one's hat 
talk out of both sides of one's mouth 
You can't trust him. He talksout of both sides of hismouth. : 
pull itout of my ass 
comparison isthe thief of joy 
Ah, touche. : 1

"To join the party" means to be(come) part of the party, = 
"To join IN the party" means to take part in the activities of the party. = 
He ran too fast for me to keep up withhim.  himtoo toforhim
lookedon in horror 

Bystanders lookedon in horror ascar plowed through parade 
You have to thread the needle very carefully to make itwork properly, 
Don't lump me in with them. : 
what's the rush?
All youdois talkabout war. Don't you have anything else to talkabout? 
dunno how retarded udhave to be to believethat kinda story 
delusion of persecution 
Does he have persecutory delusions? 
typical paranoid populist with delusions of persecution looking everywhere but within to find scapegoats he can pin the blame for his loser life's pratfallson

punch down 
toattack or criticize someone who isin a worse or less powerful position than you =  (punch up)

He punched down atopponents who couldn't fight back. 
Simply put: punching up isokay; punching down isnot. 
the only people whocall out samefags are people who samefag 
its a paranoia thing 
likeifyoumurder people then you'll realize how easyit isand think everyonesgonna murder you 
yeah, logging isautistic, but helpful. Ever since I started logging, I literally went from 1 hrof dailyimmersion to 4 hours, just to trytobeat other people and see my numbers rack up. It's a good way to keep yourself accountable, which issomething 4chan users chronically avoid
There's no fixing that person = / /  = There's no way you can fixthat person
yeah but that's no excuse for himtoact like a bitchlol 
hewasacool guy like way back then 
emphasis on"was" 
then shit kinda went downhill, he had a spatwith Dave regarding some shit i didnt care about 
i didnt pay attention tbh
and then after some back and forths we just never reallytalked to each other 
maybe John can fill youinon the details, because ima secondary sourcehere  
because while they were raging ateach other i was out of the server being a productive member of society 

ye, i think i will try to find outabout allthislater 調
hewants to be alone he literally said that. So just give him some time and he will come back onhis own time. 
I went to the hospital to get blood work done  

getpick the best of everythingboth
get the best of both worlds
skim the cream
cherry pick 
Babble like an idiot using whatfew wordsyou already know, and then only look stuff up when you cannot properly express yourself.

I had a heart-to-heartwithStacy last night.
He had a heart-to-heart talkwithhis dad about his future.
Lets have a heart-to-heartconversation.
how do u keep coming up with these absolute bangers every day omg!!

They literally just slap the word "AI" oneverything now. AI
= They're literally just plastering the word "AI" ontoeverything now.
how much of the shitheisinis he responsible for?

that's like in the avg range 
my aunt is140 i think, my mom is150 140150

even for japanthat's onthe shorter side 
what the fuck have i been missing out on 
IdkIwas gone before and after that 

well thank you for letting us know sir 
weprideourselves onbeing the opposite of an echochamber so your complaints really help us! 
personallyim against inviting people we have bad bloodwith 
igot allofthe fairly common grammar points down just from looking up stuff while reading
it makesyou come off like passive aggressive 
Now we're talking" 
= That iswhatI wanted to hear; that's a goodidea or a good plan, especially compared to previous suggestions.

Let's have fish for dinner 
Ugh .. No 
Okay then , chicken  
Now we're talking 

There's no need to haggle. : 

haggle over the price of

haggle over [about] the price of
learn how to haggle atthe market

Never know when it's the good old days until they're gone 
communities always change when they get larger 
never gonna keep thatsmaller, more intimate thing going 

Idont liketotalktohim because he isfullofhimself. 
Healways tries to be bossy onpurpose. 
Youve changed. You used to be so cocky when we were in junior high school. 
Healways getscarried away when we party. I think we shouldnt let him drink much. 
My father was always high-handed towards other parents. 
Again, I'm just going off my memory from a year ago, so be skeptical of what I say. Here are a few things that come to mind:

like u just use the personality thing asa clutch to get urfoot in 使 (= asa starting point)
so if u talktosomeone u just nerd outabout learning japanese or something 
and thatslike the vanguard of urinitial engagement 

get one's foot in door
have [get] (a [one's]) foot in (the) door

 rear guard
learning japanese islike falling down an endless flight of stairs 
everytime you almost get yourgrip and are able to stop yourself, you realizethat youre not standing onastep and fall again 
stairway to hell 

flight of stairsa
Ineedtoget ontop of my sleep  asIget older I'm finding itmore difficulttomanage my ongoing sleep deficit.

get ontopof 

get ontopof
 We'll get ontop of the situation assoonaswe can. : 
haven't seen you post atallwhere the fuck were you 稿
Igot lifeshit haha  (= "I have life stuff" or "I have things going oninmy life.")
so do we all 
who are you? 
John knows me. Me n him goback 

go back ︿
Man they made itso much hard to see member lists in mobile now 
Ithink it's bydesign 

by design 
Ihatethat ithad to takethis just for people to stop sleepingon Mel

sleep on
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reading isn't inanymore = reading isn't popular anymore

I want Kamina to tell metobelieve in the himthat believes in me

the him

Don't believeinyourself. Believe in ME! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!

 = dig a hole

Heis digging himself into his little hole pretty well all byhimself.

There's no driving incentive to push far ahead when already standing in front of the pack, and it's already too late if you start slipping behind.

 only to do  for someone to do 

Like I finally think I understood, do a word correctly, mark the correct accent for the professor to pronounce itin some way I've never heard of and mark itincorrect

ChatGPT: The speaker feels they finally grasp the concept, correctly pronounce a word with the appropriate accent, only to have the professor pronounce itdifferently in a way they've never heard before. Asa result, the professor marks the pronunciation asincorrect

 He's a blight student. 
level itup into/to something 

i ended up leveling itup into a Gardevior.

I'm leveling itup into a sports car

can't be bothered don't bother 

1. 使

2.  do not bother 使

Idon't bother cooking (to cook) because it's easier to eat out

3. can't be bothered使

Ihaven't eatenanything all day and I'm starving. I can't be bothered to cook. I'm going to grab some takeout.

 can't be bothered使


roll off the tongue

trip [roll, slip] off the tongue
get onsomeone's good side

she/he loves to get oneveryone's good side
Ialways had this image in my mind that .... = 

Ialways had this image in my mind that25was the year I'd get my shit together
that method doesn't involve actually producing anythingofyour own.
=Youwon't actually produce anythingofyour own with that method.

Isthere a chance thatthere willbemore earthquakes? Or are we in the clear so far?

after quakes can happen several days after
so nobody knows for sure

in the clear

We can get outofhere nowthat we're in the clear. : 

The waves seem to arrive any time now
The waves seem to be coming atany moment

leveledby the earthquake be 

7.6 isno joke, Turkey had their cities leveledat like 7.4

 houses have been leveled, roads destroyed and there's a massive fire.

Its gonna be hard to sleep through this

askew  Jaw becoming graduallyaskew 
Going onAdate - 
Dating - dating = be in a relationship
A: what does XXX mean? 

B: where did you find it?it's allaboutcontext 

A: *explains the context the sentence isused in* 

B: cant make out using thiseither unfortunately 
its mostly way too rare for any information 
what book isthis excerpt from? 
On time Intime 

on time intime使
Permalink | (1) | 08:39 


Refuting the “Israeli” Claims Regarding Evading their responsibility for the Massacre of the Gaza Baptist Hospital

Today, the “Israeli” Occupation Entity is trying to evade their responsibility for the crime of bombarding the “Baptist” Arab National Hospital in Gaza City, which the Israeli” Occupation Forces (IOF) committed on the evening of Tuesday, 17 October 2023. This heinous crime was committed against innocent Palestinian civilians while taking the hospital as a shelter from the flames of the “Israeli” brutal aggression, which left nowhere safe in the besieged enclave. It is necessary to affirm that, the Baptist Hospital belongs to the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, and was built before the occupation of Palestine.

It is obvious that the “Israeli” enemy has been spreading lies since the very beginning of his destructive war on our people, when he with no single evidence claimed that the Palestinian resistance killed children, cut off heads and raped women. In continuation of this series of lies, they tried to evade their crime, attributing it to one of the resistance factions. Accordingly, we present some of the conclusive evidence to prove the “Israeli” Occupation Entity responsible for this heinous crime:

1) It is no secret that the IOF, several days ago, threatened several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, contacting each hospital separately and requesting their evacuation and holding the hospitals directors responsible for the consequences of neglecting the threats. In fact, there are dozens of clear statements from the IOF spokespersons in this regard.

2) Since the beginning of the ongoing aggression, the “Israeli” army has ignored the principle of distinguishing between civilian and military targets. Thus, the bombardment has systematically targeted emergency services, ambulances, civil defense facilities, schools, mosques, and churches.

3) The IOF contacted the directors of 21 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those are located in the Gaza and the North of Gaza governorates, most notably: (Al-Awda, the Indonesian, Kamal Adwan, the Kuwaiti, Al-Quds, and Al-Mamadani), asking them to evacuate immediately, given that the hospitals are located within the geographical scope of “Israeli” military operations. In this regard, the official spokespersons for the IOF plus a number of hospital directors conducted interviews live on Al Jazeera, revealing the premeditated intention of the IOF to target hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

4) On 14 October, 2023, at 20:30, the IOF fired two shells towards the Baptist Hospital, and the next morning they called the hospital director, Dr. Maher الصفحة 2 من 3

Ayyad, saying to him: “We warned you last evening with two shells, so why have you not evacuated the hospital until this moment?!” Following that call, The hospital director contacted the bishop of the Evangelical Church in Britain and informed him of the incident, who in turn contacted international organizations before sending the hospital a message reassuring them that they could remain in the hospital. Yet with no warning, the IOF airstrikes returned, on Tuesday evening, to carry out the massacre against the hospital and the shelter-seekers of the displaced innocent Palestinian civilians.

5) Immediately after the massacre, the IOF spokesperson quickly published a statement on his page on the “X” and “Telegram” platforms at 21:17, which stated, “We had warned the evacuation of the Baptist Hospital and five other hospitals so that the Hamas terrorist organization would not take as a safe haven”. That statement is a clear claim of this massacre, and it is documented with a “screenshot” image attached to his page on Telegram, but he quickly deleted the post after seeing the massive scale of the massacre for the large number of victims, and the angry responses of the Arab, regional and international communities. Later on, he disavowed it, publish another

statement denying that he had issued the first statement.

6) Before and during the event, the resistance factions did not fire any missiles at the occupied territories, the “Israeli” sirens did not activate, and the Iron Dome missiles were not launched. Moreover, dozens of reconnaissance drones do not leave the sky of the Gaza Strip (365 km2 ), photographing and monitoring every inch around the clock. If the massacre was due to the resistance’s missiles, as the “Israeli” Occupation Entity falsely claim, why would not they show one picture their claims?!

7) The “Israeli” Occupation Entity claimed that this massacre was caused by a missile launched by the Islamic Jihad. However, we would wonder how they could identify and distinguish between the missiles of the resistance factions immediately after they were launched?!

8) The IOF military system documents and records all their operations by day, hour, minute and second, and in all previous times their media outlets came out to announce or deny much less severe massacres than this massacre, so what made them wait more than 4 hours before declaring their irresponsibility other than weaving scenarios of falsification, lies and deception?!

9) It is obviously known that the resistance’s missiles are somewhat “primitive” and do not have the destructive power that kills hundreds at one time. And throughout the history of previous confrontations and the current confrontation, no resistance missile has caused a tenth of this number of “Israeli” deaths.

10) The only video scene documenting the moment of the explosion reveals that the mass of flame and the sound of the explosion are identical to other “Israeli” bombs throughout the days of the ongoing aggression, which with no doubt proves that the “Israeli” origin of the missile.

الصفحة 3 من 3

The deliberate attack on hospitals is a war crime, stipulated in Article (8, 2, b, 9) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Accordingly, Hamas officially calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into this crime, which falls within the framework of a genocidal war, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Basic Law. These bloody acts are also based on the policy of denial pursued by the “Israeli” Occupation Entity, as they deny the existence of the Palestinian people.

There is no doubt that impunity fuels crime, and investigating crimes is a way to protect people. Furthermore, if a legal and judicial response is necessary, it is above all that the response to this crime must be humanitarian and global. Such actions must shock the conscience of the world, or else there would no longer be a reliable international community if the “Israeli” Occupation government free to decide to bomb hospitals!

In conclusion, we are facing a genocidal massacre committed by IOF against children, women, and the elderly. The “Israeli” Occupation Entity is the only responsible for the crime, no matter how much they try to weave lies and fabrications to get away with it, as they always do.

The Islamic Resistance Movement


Wednesday, 18 October 2023






タイトル記者 日付乳首個人的抜粋引用
セフィロスは『スマブラSP』史上もっとも“乳首”が明瞭に描かれたファイターに Ayuo Kawase 20-12-18 31マリオ乳首は、シュルクセフィロスよりも艶やかかつ鮮やか。
イチャイチャアクションRPG『Haven』はどんなゲームなのか。オープニングで「3度」キスをする駆け落ちラブラブゲーム Ayuo Kawase 20-12-03 1 ふたりの間には肉体の絆もあり、そうした関係性を示唆する描写がたびたび仕込まれている。乳首露出されるわけでもなく、喘ぎ声が響くわけでもないが、
任天堂の「マリオ」がポルノ界隈でも脚光浴びる。セクシャルな魅力も放つ世界的スター Ayuo Kawase 20-09-24 5 人々の心を巧みに弄んでいる。マリオ乳首が見られるのではないかと期待し、『スーパーマリオ 3Dコレクション』を購入。結果としてその乳頭を確認できず、フラストレーションをPornhubにぶつけたユーザーがいることは想像に難くない。
任天堂の暑中見舞いにて、「マリオの乳首」が消失。近年親しまれたマリオのアイコンが突如消える Ayuo Kawase 20-08-13 31任天堂にはマリオ乳首を描くという確固たる意志があったことがうかがえる。
Nintendo Switch『Waifu アンカバード』で“さきっちょ”が映り配信停止。たとえ1フレームでも、識者は見逃さない Taijiro Yamanaka 20-07-17 7(さきっちょ 4) 本件について配信停止前の段階で販売元Eastasiasoftにうかがったところ
ゴアFPS『Serious Sam 4』のハーピー、乳首出てるか出てないか問題。有翼獣の乳房をめぐり激論勃発Yuki Kurosawa 20-05-25 11 『Serious Sam 3』におけるハーピー。(乳首の部分は弊誌にて自主規制



japanaizationjapan's lost 3 decade
socialismlong termnot good atall i think 
it's obvious but a lot of japanese can't understand such a easy structure because they are totally ignorant and haven't read decent books

Permalink | (2) | 02:13 




Japan review

Japan review it's been a year since I

moved to Japan and I thought it made

sense to finally rate Japan I will talk

about things I like and the things I

don't like which seems to be the only

two options available if you have

opinions about this country

so sugoi or did you know Japan is

actually really bad it's got a lot of

survival issues okay I will list one

good thing and bad thing and I will not

hold back there's no trash bins

where I'm gonna put my trash

I have to put in my pocket


there's always these generic things that

you hear or yes when we you visit it's

kind of weird but then you realize it's

not a big deal anyway let's start off

with number one reason I like Japan

it feels like a giant playground no I

don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of

sense of doing whatever the hell you


but rather there's a infinite things all

right lazy feels like to explore and

experience and I've been here a year now

and I don't think I'm gonna get bored

anytime soon although I am having a

child so I don't know how much more I

have time to experience

but it really feels like a whole new

world and if you visited you can

probably relate to it and I'm glad that

even a year in it still feels incredibly

fresh and I even would say that you

realize that the best part of Japan

aren't the touristy places kind of

obviously but there are so many areas

that I found that I really enjoy

visiting and this is probably more

specific to me but you know Tokyo is

very busy and so many times I just catch

myself surrounded by what feels like

hundreds of people and they have no idea

who I am

everyone is just doing their own thing

and that feels so [ __ ] good

now once it was staring at me no one's

following me no one's being weird you

guys are weird and I'm just kidding I

just love the feeling of being able to

exist in public and uh not worrying

about what everyone else is doing like

I've said this before but I genuinely

enjoy talking to fans or when people

approach me it always makes me happy but

it can be kind of frustrating to always

wanting to just do your own thing and

always be

you know so yeah let's move on to the

bad things of Japan number one reason

Japan is bad it's kind of a heavy

subject and I haven't seen anyone else

really talk about it it's not brought up

very often at least and that is cones

there's too many cones in Japan once you

see it you cannot unsee it they're

everywhere they say oh Japan has so many

vending machines there's like five per

one person no the opposite

there's more cones than people why are

there so many cones I need to know we

got the tall ones we got the small ones

we got the funny ones the cute ones the

sexy ones I do like those I just don't

understand that whoever plays these

cones think I'm just gonna barge through

oh thank God there's cones here

otherwise I had no idea what I was gonna

and I realized the cone history of Japan

stretches centuries okay if you played

Animal Crossing sometimes it's a

Japanese game so sometimes you get these

items right you're like oh that's kind

of weird I don't know exactly what that

is but it's probably something Japanese

and then you get the bamboo thing and

you're like what the hell is that what

am I even gonna do with that and then

you see it in real life here in Japan

you're like holy [ __ ] it's a cone that's

a cone they're everywhere

I feel like they are following me

I'm glad I was able to talk about this

I'm for one and willing to call out

Japan knock it off man no more cones

there's enough cones let me tell you

something even better than cones you may

have noticed new merch finally it's been

forever my mom came over she had

unofficial merge because I literally

have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't

merch I'm sorry Mom so we spruced up the

logo got a cool back design the team

that worked on it really truly

understand how my brand and I think they

did such a good job these pieces look

amazing and I think you guys are gonna

really like them as well these are

available for limited time only so make

sure you order now so excited to finally

have this merch available thanks to

amaze for making this happen we are

gonna have one piece that will stay on

the store so my mom will not buy the

wrong merch but for a limited time that

piece will be available in this color

off-white kind of color it looks really

nice and then after that you can still

get it but not in this color that's

you want this one yeah I get it

so yeah check that out if you're

interested I'm so happy about these

designs and I hope you guys would like

them as well all right reason number two

I like Japan yay when we first announced

that we were gonna move to Japan there

was so many people just saying how bad

Japan is actually did you know Japan is

really bad did you know this I have to

list all these reasons now because

everyone is like thing and then thing

Japan ah so I have to tell them and I

it's actually but one thing in

particular that people said was that old

people really don't like foreigners they

hate them so when I was gonna stop by to

say hi to our neighbors who was a little

older at least some of them I was

terrifying I heard all these stories you

know like what are they gonna do to us

so I had my guard up ready for the worst

and I was met with nothing but kindness

and welcoming and I felt like a total

dick for having this preconceived ideas

thanks to other people

and just a side comment like yes there

are definitely probably people that

don't like foreigners and all that stuff

but I realized I should let my own

experience is dictate how I feel about

certain things maybe that's just

ignoring a problem I don't know it just

feels like it's a bad way to approach

life if you always have a negative

expectation you know it's smiling people

may Smile Back

smiled back

thank you sometimes they don't and

that's okay you know anyway my point

being Japanese people are very in my own


are very nice and friendly the majority

at least and yes even to foreigners I

feel like they are especially nice to

foreigners because they think we're like

a kid lost at Disneyland or something

I just asked for directions I didn't

need you to walk me for half an hour to

this specific place I was going but

thank you I appreciate it a lot of times

I go bouldering alone and there's always

other groups of people being supportive

and yelling like I'm about there like go

you can do it I love it I think it's

great you know or if you're small

talking with people people generally

want to communicate with you and I love

having those moments but of course

there's times where people are like oh

you're a foreigner I don't feel like

even trying

which again it's fine speaking of which

reason I don't like Japan number two

their language

I have lived here for a year and I'm not

fluent in Japanese

I am dumb I am very dumb I remember the

moment we moved here I had studied some

Japanese and I was like

Let's test out this knowledge that I

have acquired let's go I'm just gonna

come in it's gonna be dangerous and you

enter a store for the first time and

they're like


what oh

what the classic the most common

experiences that you have aren't

necessarily what you're taught in the

textbook yay I know I think that's the

same for anyone learning a language for

the first time but don't even get me

started on the kanji main what the [ __ ]

is this I feel like Japanese is such a

hard language obviously but I don't

think people realize how hard it is at

least me personally because the more you

learn the more you realize you don't

know [ __ ]

for English speakers Japanese is

considered one of the most difficult

languages and because it's just so

different I listed it as bad because

that was my first kind of experience

with it coming here but the more I

interact with people the more it feels

like I'm unlocking new skills you know

oh I made a phone call for the first

time oh I could ask someone over the

phone I know big deal but it's like oh I

can actually do that or even just having

a small tiny yes shittiest conversation

with a stranger it's still something and

it feels good you start to all of a

sudden understand you know a movie if

you're watching oh I understand actually

what's going on here or I can play games

and kind of get what this they're saying

I have to look up words obviously but to

me all those new experiences that it

unlocks to me is very rewarding even

though it's such a challenge I would

actually now say it's a good thing I

played it on its head it was a good

thing all along but I obviously have a

long [ __ ] way to go

and it just I don't think it will damage

time reason number three I like Japan

this is nothing to do with Japan to say

it's more related to me taking a more

relaxed approach to YouTube for my

entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube

that was my life and that's okay but I

also think it was a little toxic

probably you know if I wasn't making

videos I sure as hell was thinking about

making videos I uploaded videos during

our honeymoon

and it feels really good to finally be

free from it you know and I can discover

other things in life there are other

things in life

a new hobbies and interest that I've

always wanted to do I can do and have so

much fun with it surfing I know I would

love for the longest time and I finally

get to do it and it's so [ __ ] amazing

I love learning new things anything that

isn't necessarily connected to all of

this on the internet and that is

something I'm very very grateful that I

discovered so yeah it's not really Japan

I could have done that anywhere but it's

largely why I enjoyed so much here

reason I don't like Japan number three

this is probably the most trickiest one

and it's the rules what are the rules

Japan has so many rules and it's a bit

conflicting for me to complain about

because a lot of the best stuff about

Japan not the best stuff but a lot of

the reasons why Japan works so well is

because of the rules you know the trains

are always on time things just work in

general it's hard to explain the streets

are clean people aren't loud in public

and so on and these are sort of societal

rules that make it happen more or less

but sometimes There are rules that just

don't make any sense and I have no

problem following rules as long as I

understand the reason for it you know

don't talk on the phone on the train

because it's generally annoying when

other people do that to you A lot of it

is just be thoughtful of other people

it's not just about you and that just

makes it more pleasant for everyone but

one rule is especially which I talked

about before is the fact that because of

kovid I'm not allowed to be in the

delivery room for our baby for more than

two hours that's because of covered

rules it just doesn't make sense to me

and I tell people about this like uh

family and friends and they're always

like well why don't you just ask them or

like why don't you talk to them I'm sure

you can there's got to be somewhere and

it's like no it's Japan okay there are

rules and people follow the rules for

better or worse you know so the more I

time I spend Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:06


t7s 6+7+8th Anniversary Live Along the way day3



777Across the Rainbow
Star Glitter

Permalink | (0) | 01:53 


[][]ZETA DIVISON、VCT stage1 準決勝にて敗退。3位決定。





Permalink | (1) | 15:30 


[][]ZETA DIVISION vs OpTic Gamingを予想する



VCT(Valorant Champions tour) Stage 1: Masters Reykjavík
2MastersChamiponsLCQ(Last Chance Qualifier)MastersMastersChampions
(Masters1ZETA DIVISIONMasters Stage2Champions)


OpTic Gaming(OPTC)2Playoff1 The GUARD2-11
        "El Diablo"yay



Permalink | (4) | 17:00 



In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. 

“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”



Daily in English

I recently go to the streaming on Reality.

Probably some one knows the app that everybody get the body of 2D and do the streaming easily.

In that world, someone act a anime character, someone sing a song, someone chat with listener… etc

I was visited hers streaming and that main topic was chatting of hers life.

It's no especial, no comical, and so general, but she has good opinion, it is difficult to explain, but it has a Reality.

I don't have the feeling of love for her, but I am respecting her.

Today, we were talking long time and the topic was moved to the culture(教養).

I searched "教養" in English at first time after hers streaming, I haven't known that meaning.

I didn't graduate the university then I don't have a school career, but she said "you have the culture(教養)".

I am not sure why she said that, I can use English a little than other Japanese people, or I can think reasons of other people.

Anyway, the topic was moved to culture.

However, I didn't know the 教養 in English. I assumed that culture has only ”文化” and if that word has other meanings, that is similar "文化".

I felt I touched "culture" in the real sense.

Maybe, all people better to think about opinion of other people beyond the scope of us opinion.





Iwas born to love you
Don't stop me now
Killer QueenAnother one bites the dust2RadioGa GaSpread yourwings
Bohemian RhapsodyLove somebody

The Beatles

All My Loving
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Let It Be
Hey JudeYesterday
Yellow SubmarineAll Together NowHello Goodbye


Viva LaVida
Hymn for the Weekend

Maroon 5

Sunday Morning
This Love
Give A Little More


Don't Look Back In Anger
Live Forever


Led Zeppelin

IStill Haven't Found What I'm Looking for/U2Can't Stop/Red Hot Chili PeppersWalk/Foo FightersBasket Case/Green DayHarder Better Faster Stronger/Daft Punk

Permalink | (1) | 11:57 



In current (??) media, there isa saying that your performance and your victories remind us of a ??? old style Japanese. How do you think those comments or what do you think of your own identity?
What do your mean? Im old stubborn..?

No, yeah your.. remind everyone of an old Japanese style.
with tennis?
 Not.. ah I havent really seen the article

Its said your existence ischanging the way how people see Japanese. What do you think about that?

Permalink | (1) | 20:44 


All, what was your dinner today? Virgins or those who haven't had yet can post your favorite sushi



Europa Universalis IV: ArtofWarEl DoradoDLC

Yakuza 00


Cliff Empire

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem




Stellaris: FederationsDLC

 -Branded Azel-


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord


Sid Meier's Civilization VI: PLATINUM EDITION



Europa Universalis IV: Common SenseRights of Man

Space Haven

Crying Suns 


Clicker Heroes2






Crush Crush Suzu in-game character



Railway EmpireEpic



Airport CEO


Space Crew



Little Big Workshop - The Evil DLC

Project Hospital 

Project Hospital - Hospital Services 

Creeper World 4 




Airborne Kingdom


Dungeon Warfare

Permalink | (2) | 18:12 

「 #えんとつ町のプペル 」の感想

AI Dugeon


(No.)  ...







WhatIamabouttowrite ismy impressions of "Pupel of Entotsumachi," an animated film basedon King KongNishino's picture book.
Ihaven't seen this movie, and I wouldn't gosee iteven if I were bribed to do so.
In other words, this isan opinion piecebasedon my imagination. Itmayormay not be accurate.
But I don't care. This isastorythat needs telling. And itdeserves to be told in its entirety. So let's get started!
Asabasic premise, itisnecessary to notethat King KongNishino isa flaming influencer pretending to be a comedian. This appears to be a common theme amonghis work.
I have no real questions aboutthis except why?Isthis some sort of ironic commentary onthe modern tendency towards ironyas a crutch for the weak-willed? Was he really this pretentious? Was he even that funny? (No.) Was he trying to be the next laugh centered comedian Yanko Urla released after hisprison term? (No.)
Where was I?
Now, let's talkabout the important part of the story.
It seems to be a juvenile fantasyabout a boy named "Pepuru", but since I haven't read the original, I guessed itthatway. I haven't read the original, so I'm guessing that's what it's about, but maybeit's steampunk or something similar, since there's something likeasteam engineinit. I suppose itdoesn't really matter, since the point is, this thing was made for children.
Now, I'm not one to grumble ata child's movie (I mean, who is?!) but this one just bored me. The characters were all one-dimensional, the predictable, and none of them COULD sing.
Infact, I knew the reputation of this movie beforehand.
Iwas told that "the shadowofKing KongNishino flickers in the background and interferes with the viewing.
I think this isnatural.
As I mentioned above, King KongNishino isa "flame influencer". It's no surprise that he appeals himself relentlessly. That's because it's his specialty.
All "flame influencers" are wards of the law or worse who need to stand outtomakemoney, so let's just laugh atthem and let them be disciplined.
In this case, however, King Kong might be in the right. Yes, this movie isterrible. But I'm not convinced the world would be a better place if people didn't goto see it.
I knowthis may sound extreme, but I sincerely hopethat every single "flaming influencer" in this world will die out. There are too many of them.
It isbetter for the world in general, that these people should die out, and I think it isbetter for our kind specifically, that they should die out.
Of course, there isfreedom of choice, so itisdifficult to say for sure, but I assure youthat there isnothingwrongwith the sudden death of those who attract attention with their radical words (or similar actionson YouTube).
I think the world would be a better place if they were to just goextinct. If they are unable to makemoneywith their talents, they will eventually disappear, and that's good for all of us.
Permalink | (0) | 07:27 
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