

Cornelis de Houtman156542-159991貿貿



15921594 compagnie van Verre 1595424
Monument for Cornelis and Frederick de HoutmaninGouda, Netherlands

70 Dutch Cemetery [1]1596627西

De Houtman was introduced to the Sultan of Banten, who promptly entered into an optimistic treaty with the Dutch, writing "We are well content to have a permanent league of alliance and friendship with His Highness the Prince Maurice of Nassau, of the Netherlands and with you, gentlemen." The local Portuguese traders became very conspicuous when De Houtman did not buy any black pepper, and wanted to wait on the next harvest. Unfortunately, De Houtman was undiplomatic and insulting to the sultan, and was turned away for "rude behaviour", without being able to buy spices at all.

The ships then sailed east to Madura, but were attacked by pirates on the way. In Madura, they were received peacefully, but De Houtman ordered his men to brutally attack and rape the civilian population in revenge for the unrelated earlier piracy.[2]

The ships then sailed for Bali, and met with the island's king. They managed to obtain a few pots of peppercorns on February 26, 1597. Two of the crewmembers stayed on the island. At Bawean one of the ships, the Amsterdam was purposely set on fire, and the crew divided over the other three ships. When the sailors had enough of the exhausting voyage, it was decided not to go to the Moluccas and return to Holland. That evening another one of the skippers died. De Houtman was accused of poisoning him.[3]

Portuguese ships prevented them from taking on water and supplies at St. Helena. Out of the 249 man crew, only 87 returned, too weak to moor their ships themselves.



Though the trip was a humanitarian disaster and financially probably just broke even, it was a symbolic victory. It may be regarded as the start of the Dutch colonisation of Indonesia. Within five years, sixty-five more Dutch ships had sailed east to trade. Soon, the Dutch would fully take over the spice trade in and around the Indian Ocean.

On his second trip to the East, for a different company, Cornelis de Houtman and his troops got into a confrontation in Aceh, because of his rude temperament, and soon there were fierce battles with the Acehnese Navy, led by Aceh's female admiral, Keumalahayati (Malahayati) and successfully killed Cornelis de Houtman. Because of that incident, Queen Elizabeth I of England decided to sent an emissary to the Sultan of Aceh, asking permission to enter Malacca Strait.[要出典]


See also



  1. ^ http://www.hakluyt.com/journal_articles/2007/Lambert%20Biesman.pdf
  2. ^ Winchester, Simon (2003). Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded, August 27, 1883. New York: HarperCollins. p. 17. ISBN 0-06-621285-5. "In retribution for the piracy he ordered a brief campaign of systematic rape and pillage off the coast of Madura." 
  3. ^ http://www.hakluyt.com/journal_articles/2007/Lambert%20Biesman.pdf

[[Category:1565年生まれ]] [[Category:1599 deaths]] [[Category:Dutch explorers]] [[Category:16th-century explorers]] [[Category:People from Gouda]] [[Category:People associated with the Dutch East India Company]] [[Category:Explorers of Asia]]