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(Baptist successionism)(Baptist perpetuity)(The Trail of Blood)  [1](Martyrs Mirror)



1652(John Spittlehouse)使[8]

[9]William Willams[10][11]Breda, 1819[12] 

    使  16  [13]


Trail of Blood ,J.M.

 T.[14] J.M.[15]1931 [16]G.H.J.M.D.B.[17][18][19]

(Jesse Mercer)1811  

使 使 使使   (MOTHER OF HARLOTS)[20]   使   [21][22][23]

(Charles Spurgeon)[24]

   使  [25]


1917[26]1898(William Whitsitt)[27]


  1. ^ Morgan W. Patterson, Baptist Successionism - A Critical View, page 9, Valley Forge: Judson Press - 1969
  2. ^ Torbet, Robert G. (1975). A History of the Baptists (3rd ed.). Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press. p. 18. ISBN 978-0817000745. "One of the oldest and most generally accepted theories until recent times may be called for our convenience the successionist theory. According to this opinion, Baptists have been in existence ever since the days of John the Baptist's ministry along the Jordan River." 
  3. ^ McGoldrick, James Edward. Baptist Successionism: A Crucial Question in Baptist History. ISBN 0810836815 
  4. ^ Brackney, William H.. A genetic history of Baptist Thought: With Special Reference to Baptists in Britain and North America. ISBN 0865549133 
  5. ^ a b Morgan W. Patterson, Baptist Successionism - A Critical View, page 6, Valley Forge: Judson Press - 1969
  6. ^ McBeth, H. Leon (1987). The Baptist Heritage. Nashville: Broadman Press. p. 58. ISBN 9780805465693 
  7. ^ Torbet, Robert G. (1975). A History of the Baptists (3rd ed.). Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press. p. 19. ISBN 978-0817000745 
  8. ^ Spittlehouse, John and John More (1652). "A Vindication of the Continued Succession...". London: Printed by Gartrude Dawson. Online at www.reformedreader.org
  9. ^ Christian, John T. (1922). A History of the Baptists. Vol. 1. Nashville: Broadman Press. pp. 83–282 
  10. ^ McBeth, H. Leon (1987). The Baptist Heritage. Nashville: Broadman Press. p. 445. ISBN 9780805465693 
  11. ^ Williams, William R. (1877). Lectures on Baptist History. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society. ISBN 978-1120635044. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=5whFAAAAIAAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s&redir_esc=y&hl=ja 
  12. ^ 原題:"Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk"by.Annaeus Ypeij and Izaak Johannes Dermout, Breda, 1819
  13. ^ 原文(英文):We have already seen that the Baptists - those who in former times were named Anabaptists, and in later days Mennonites - were originally Waldensians, the men who, in the history of the church, in times so far back, have obtained a well-deserved renown. In consequence, the Baptists may be regarded as being from of old the only religious denomination that have continued from the times of the apostles, as a Christian society who have kept the evangelical faith pure through all the ages hitherto. The constitution, never perverted internally or externally, of the society of the Baptists, serves them as a proof of that truth, contested by the Romish Church, that the reformation of religion, such as was brought about in the sixteenth century, was necessary, was indispensable, and serves, too, as the refutation, at the same time, of the Roman Catholic delusive fancy, that their own is the oldest church society.
  14. ^ Christian, John T. (1922). A History Of The Baptists (2 vols.). Broadman Press 
  15. ^ Carrol, J.M. (1931). The Trail of Blood. Lexington, Kentucky: Ashland Avenue Baptist Church. http://www.trailofblood.com/The%20Trail%20Of%20Blood.htm 
  16. ^ McBeth, H. Leon (1987). The Baptist Heritage. Nashville: Broadman Press. pp. 57–58. ISBN 9780805465693 
  17. ^ Thomas Crosby, G.H. Orchard, J.M. Cramp, William Cathcart, Adam Taylor and D.B. Ray
  18. ^ H. Leon McBeth, The Baptist Heritage, pages 59-60, Nashville, Broadman Press - 1987
  19. ^ Robert Torbet, A History of the Baptists, page 18 Valley Forge: Judson Press - 1975
  20. ^ ここでは、黙示録の“淫らな娼婦”に象徴される宗教的な都市帝国=大バビロンを暗に示唆しているのであろうか。
    • 新約聖書・ヨハネの黙示録17章5~6節 :その額には、秘められた意味の名が記されていたが、それは、『大バビロン、みだらな女たちや、地上の忌まわしい者たちの母』という名である。わたしは、この女が聖なる者たちの血と、イエスの証人たちの血に酔いしれているのを見た。この女を見て、わたしは大いに驚いた。《新共同訳》,
    • Revelation(17;5-6) And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. 《NEW KING JAMES Version》
  21. ^ 原文:But if it should be said, that the apostolic succession cannot be ascertained, and then it is proper to act without it; we say, that the loss of the succession can neither prove it futile, nor justify any one out of it. The Pedobaptists, by their own histories, admit they are not of it; but we do not, and shall think ourselves entitled to the claim, until the reverse be clearly shewn. And should any think authority derived from the MOTHER OF HARLOTS sufficient to qualify to administer a Gospel ordinance, they will be so charitable as not to condemn us for preferring that derived from Christ. And should any still more absurdly plead that ordination, received from an individual is sufficient; we leave them to shew what is the use of ordination, and why it exists. If any think an administration will suffice which has no pattern in the gospel; they will suffer us to act according to the divine order with impunity.
  22. ^ Mercer, Jesse (1838). A History of the Georgia Baptist Association. pp. 196–201. http://baptisthistoryhomepage.com/1811cl_mercer.html 
  23. ^ J.H. Grime, History of Alien Immersion and Valid Baptism, pages 49-51 - 1909
  24. ^ The New park Street Pulpit, Volume VII, Page 225 http://www.reformedreader.org/
  25. ^ 原文:We believe that the Baptists are the original Christians. We did not commence our existence at the reformation, we were reformers before Luther and Calvin were born; we never came from the Church of Rome, for we were never in it, but we have an unbroken line up to the apostles themselves. We have always existed from the days of Christ, and our principles, sometimes veiled and forgotten, like a river which may travel under ground for a little season, have always had honest and holy adherents.
  26. ^ Cross, I.K. (1990). The Battle For Baptist History. Columbus, GA: Brentwood Christian Press. p. 174. ISBN 9780892113378 
  27. ^ McBeth, H. Leon (1987). The Baptist Heritage. Nashville: Broadman Press. pp. 457–58. ISBN 9780805465693 



  • 使徒継承(使徒の教会) - キリストの直弟子である十二使徒による直接の主教座の連鎖を継承する信仰の理論。カトリックや東方正教会が主張する概念
  • 教会のしるし - 使徒継承によらない、真のキリストの教会であるところの徴を主張する理論。 おもにプロテスタント教会が主張する概念。
  • 真理の回復 - 中世以来の大暗黒時代を経て、終末時代に真のキリスト教会が回復するという理論。 おもにキリスト教系の新宗教が主張する概念。
  • 幼児洗礼 - カトリック教会などで現在でも秘蹟(サクラメント)として乳児や幼児に洗礼を施す儀式。 バプテストは伝統的に一切認めていない。


  • Trail of Blood, J. M. Carroll の『血まみれの道』オンライン・バージョン。(英語)
  • Trail of Blood Timeline, J.M. Carroll の『血まみれの道』タイムライン・チャート図, "Trail of Blood.org" (英語)