
FFAG 加速器

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

FFAG FFAG  : Fixed-Field Alternating Gradient accelerator[1]1950fixed-field, [2][3][1]FFAG 

FFAG 196719801990[2] 

FFAG [4]



 I FFAG  400 keV   

FFAG WM1956[5]西 (MURA) 500 keV [6]1956 "FFAG accelerator"  "FFAG synchrotron" [7]1955 MURA [8]

[9]19571961 50 MeV 1957[10]使使[11] 50 MeV 1970退[12]

MURA  10 GeV  12.5 GeV  FFAG [13]720 eV [14]  500 eV [15] 

19631967 MURA [16]FFAG 使


1980Tat Khoe[]  [] FFAG 

FFAG 1983[17]2000 CERN 20002003 KEK  PAC, EPAC, [18]

16 FFAG : 1.6 GeV, Bmax = 4 TBmin = 1.2 T, : 26 m

FFAG [21]DFD  FDF  FFAG [21] FFAG M. Abdelsalam R. Kustom (ANL)  S. Martin [18][22]



FFAG 1956500 keV  FFAG Ib 使[6]使 FFAG 





:  0



  FFAG [24]

 FFAG 19502 FFAG W[6]FFAG 

 FFAG  EMMA Electron Machine with Many Applications) [25][26]

 FFAG []

 FFAG (VFFAG) [] FFAG [27]






1990 FFAG 2003 150 MeV  FFAG  dubbed PAMELA [28]  (KUCA)  100 MeV 



  1. ^ a b 日本が生んだ新しい加速器 ~ FFAG加速器 ~”. KEK (2003年2月27日). 2016年12月17日閲覧。
  2. ^ a b Ruggiero, A.G. (Mar 2006). “Brief History of FFAG Accelerators”. BNL-75635-2006-CP. http://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/31130.pdf. 
  3. ^ Daniel Clery (4 January 2010). “The Next Big Beam?”. Science 327 (5962): 142–143. Bibcode2010Sci...327..142C. doi:10.1126/science.327.5962.142. 
  4. ^ Mori, Y. (2004). “Developments of FFAG Accelerator”. Proceedings of FFAG04 /. http://hadron.kek.jp/FFAG/FFAG04_HP/pdf/mori.pdf. 
  5. ^ Lawrence W. Jones, Kent M. Terwilliger, A Small Model Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Radial Sector Accelerator, Technical Report MURA-LWJ/KMT-5 (MURA-104), April 3, 1956; contains photos, scale drawings and design calculations.
  6. ^ a b c Jones, L. W. (1991). “Kent M. Terwilliger; graduate school at Berkeley and early years at Michigan, 1949–1959”. Kent M. Terwilliger memorial symposium, 13−14 Oct 1989. en:AIP Conference Proceedings. 237. pp. 1–21. doi:10.1063/1.41146 
  7. ^ US patent 2932797, Keith R. Symon, "Imparting Energy to Charged Particles", issued 1960-04-12 
  8. ^ Jones, L. W. (2007). “A Brief History of the FFAG Accelerator”. Science 316 (5831): 1567. doi:10.1126/science.316.5831.1567. 
  9. ^ US patent 2932798, en:Donald William Kerst and Keith R. Symon, "Imparting Energy to Charged Particles", issued 1960-04-12 
  10. ^ US patent 2890348, Tihiro Ohkawa, "Particle Accelerator", issued 1959-06-09 
  11. ^ Schopper, Herwig F. (1993). Advances in Accelerator Physics. World Scientific. p. 529. ISBN 9789810209582. https://books.google.com/books?id=v9SoaCWFgigC&pg=PA529 
  12. ^ E. M. Rowe and F. E. Mills, Tantalus I: A Dedicated Storage Ring Synchrotron Radiation Source, Particle Accelerators, Vol. 4 (1973); pages 211-227.
  13. ^ F. C. Cole, Ed., 12.5 GeV FFAG Accelerator, MURA report (1964)
  14. ^ Cole, F. T. (1963). “Design of a 720 MeV Proton FFAG Accelerator”. Proc. International Conference on Sector-Focused Cyclotrons and Meson Factories. http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c63/papers/cyc63g05.pdf. 
  15. ^ Snowdon, S. (1985). “Design Study of a 500 MeV FFAG Injector”. Proc. 5th International Conference on High Energy Accelerators. http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=4453496. 
  16. ^ Jones, L.; Mills, F.; Sessler, A.; Symon, K.; Young, D. (2010). Innovation was not enough: a history of the Midwestern Universities Research Association (MURA). World Scientific. ISBN 9789812832832. https://books.google.com/books?id=Bn7Z4VVB9uUC&pg=PP1 
  17. ^ Martin, S.; Wüstefeld, G. (ed.) (1983).
  18. ^ a b Martin, S. (13–15 Oct 1992). “Study of FFAG Options for a European Pulsed Neutron Source (ESS)”. Proc. XIII National Accelerator Conference, Dubna, Russia. 
  19. ^ R. L. Kustom and T. K. Khoe, IEEE Trans.
  20. ^ M. Aiba et al., Development of a FFAG Proton Synchrotron, Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference, 2000, Vienna (Austria)
  21. ^ a b Meads, P. F. (1985). “An FFAG Compressor and Accelerator Ring Studied for the German Spallation Neutron Source”. Proceedings of PAC 1985 / IEEE Trans Nucl. Sci. NS-32 p. 2697. http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/accelconf/p85/pdf/pac1985_2697.pdf. 
  22. ^ S. A. Martin et al, FFAG Studies for a 5 MW Neutron Source, Presented at ICANS XII, Abington, UK, 24–28 May 1993
  23. ^ Livingston, M. S.; Blewett, J. (1962). Particle Accelerators. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 1114443840 
  24. ^ Typical Designs of High Energy FFAG Accelerators, International Conference on High Energy Accelerators, CERN-1959, pp 82-88.
  25. ^ Edgecock, R. (2008). “EMMA, The World's First Non-scaling FFAG”. Proc. European Particle Accelerator Conference 2008. http://cern.ch/AccelConf/e08/papers/thpp004.pdf. 
  26. ^ S. Machida et al, Nature Physics vol 8 issue 3 pp 243-247
  27. ^ Brooks, S. (2013). “Vertical orbit excursion fixed field alternating gradient accelerators”. Physical Review ST: AB 16. Bibcode2013PhRvS..16h4001B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.084001. http://journals.aps.org/prstab/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.084001. 
  28. ^ Peach, K (11 March 2013). “Conceptual design of a nonscaling fixed field alternating gradient accelerator for protons and carbon ions for charged particle therapy”. Phys Rev ST Accel. Beams 16. doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.030101. https://journals.aps.org/prab/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.030101.