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X:X-inactivationX11=(Lyonization):Barr body

XX1X2XX[* 1]XXX[* 2]


X[1][2][* 3]XX


1890[* 4]X1900[* 5]


1949(Murray Barr)1(sex chromatin)[3][* 7]

19592X1[4]19602X[* 8]1961(Mary Lyon)X=[5]X2XX[* 9]X1X1使

-6-(G6PD) Ernest Beutler[6]



2-4X[7][8][9](trophectoderm)X[* 10]








Xist(X-inactive specific transcript)RNAX[10]X(Xi)Xist RNA[11]XaXistXiXaXistX[12]Xist[13][14]

2XXist RNAXaXist RNAXiXist RNAXiXist RNAXIC[13]XiXist RNA

TsixXistRNATsix RNAXistRNATsixXistXistDNARNA[15]TsixXistTsixXistX

XistTsix RNAXXXiTsix RNAXaTsix RNA



XiDNAXa[16][* 11]









XiX (XO)   (XXY, XXXY...)XX[* 12]


(一)^ XYXOXLucchesi JC, Kelly WG, Panning B (2005). Chromatin remodeling in dosage compensation. Annu Rev Genet 39: 615-651. doi:10.1146/annurev.genet.39.073003.094210. PMID 16285873. http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.genet.39.073003.094210 2009319. 

(二)^ X196-197

(三)^ X202-210Gomez MR, Engle AG, Dewald G, Peterson HA (1977). Failure of inactivation of Duchenne dystrophy X-chromosome in one of female identical twins. Neurology 27: 537-541. http://neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/27/6/537. 

(四)^ X12-15 Henking, H(1891). L. Zeit. Wiss. Zool. 51.

(五)^ X21-28 McLung CE(1902) Biological Bulletin 3: 43; McLung CE(1901) Anatomischer Anzeinger 20: 220; Steven NM(1905). Journal of Experimental Zoology 2: 371; Wilson EB(1905). Science 22: 500.

(六)^ XOX80-83

(七)^ X182-185

(八)^ X185Ohno S, Hauschka TS (1960). Allocycly of the X-chromosome in tumors and normal tissues.. Cancer Res 20: 541-545. PMID 14428472. http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/20/4/541. 

(九)^ X185-188

(十)^ X198-199

(11)^ DNARNAH34927 : 63-66

(12)^ X222-231

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  9. ^ a b Okamoto I, Otte A, Allis C, Reinberg D, Heard E (2004). “Epigenetic dynamics of imprinted X inactivation during early mouse development”. Science 303: 644-649. PMID 14671313. 
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  11. ^ Ng K et al (2007) Fig.1
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  13. ^ a b Herzing LB, Romer JT, Horn JM, Ashworth A (1997). “Xist has properties of the X-chromosome inactivation centre”. Nature 386: 272-275. doi:10.1038/386272a0. PMID 9069284. 
  14. ^ Lee JT, Jaenisch R (1997). “Long-range cis effects of ectopic X-inactivation centres on a mouse autosome”. Nature 386: 275-279. doi:10.1038/386275a0. PMID 9069285. 
  15. ^ Lee JT, Davidow LS, Warshawsky D (1999). Tisx, a gene antisense to Xist at the X-inactivation centre”. Nat Genet 21: 400-404. doi:10.1038/7734. http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v21/n4/abs/ng0499_400.html. 
  16. ^ Ng K et al (2007) Table 1 - 引用元 Chow JC, Yen Z, Ziesche SM, Brown CJ (2005). "Silencing of the mammalian X chromosome". Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 6: 69–92. PMID 16124854; Lucchesi JC, Kelly WG, Panning B (2005). "Chromatin remodeling in dosage compensation". Annu Rev Genet 39: 615–651. PMID 16285873
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X() 2004ISBN 978-4791761524

 : 2005ISBN 978-4000074414

RNAmRNA-like non-coding RNA2009-03-16

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Goto T, Monk M (1998). Regulation of X-chromosome inactivation in development in mice and humans (Review Article). Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 62: 362-378. PMID 9618446. http://mmbr.asm.org/cgi/content/full/62/2/362?view=long&pmid=9618446 2009318. 


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 XDNA200210Vol.47 No.131822-18282002


Lyon M (2003). The Lyon and the LINE hypothesis. Semin Cell Dev Biol 14: 313-318. PMID 15015738. 

Chow J, Yen Z, Ziesche S, Brown C (2005). Silencing of the mammalian X chromosome. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 6: 69-92. doi:10.1146/annurev.genom.6.080604.162350. PMID 16124854. http://arjournals.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.genom.6.080604.162350?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%3dncbi.nlm.nih.gov.