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ジャンルホラー小説, ゴシック小説
出版社Archibald Constable and Company (UK)














[1] [ 1][3][4]191218[5]189518987[6][ 2] [8]


100[9] 1913221970[10] 196218951896[11]1972[12]T18951897[13] [14]S189038稿[15] [15] 2[16]

稿[17] 1880[14] [18] 稿稿稿[19][ 3] 調[21]



1962153[22]31972TIn Search of Dracula[23] H33[ 4][24]調[25][24] 33[26][ 5]

Dracula Was A Woman198317[29] 使[30] [31][32][33] The Book of Were-Wolves[34] [35] 2000Dracula: Sense and Nonsense[36][ 6]

1872[38] [39][ 7] [41] [42] 3[43] [44]稿1[45]

 Abhartach [46][47]



189756[48] 2002[49] 661000[4] 1899[49] 1930[50] 21[49] [51] 1[52]

1901Valdimar ÁsmundssonMakt Myrkranna[53] 1980[54]



[55] 2[56] [57] [58] 1[59]

[60]3[60] [61] [62] J1897[63]

[ 8] 33[65] [65] A54[44] [66] [67]


[68][69] Jules Zanger20[70][ 9] 188119006[72] [73] 18381895[74]

[75][ 10] [77] [78] 調[79]

[80] 退[81] [82][ 11] [83] [84]


[85] 1[86] Yiddish bloodsuckers[87] [88][ 12] [90]



[91] 419[92] [93][94] [95] 調調[96] 調[94]


E 西調[97] [98] [99] [100] [101]

1990[102] 30[103] W西調[104] [105]


1859[106] The Bookseller[107] Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science and Art[108]90[109] [110][48]

[111] [112] [113] [114]

1897[115] [114] [116] [117]

[48][118] 2012[119] [120] 91調104336[121]




1897518Dracula, or The Undead1[ 13] [123][122]

1921Drakula halála[124]21922FWNosferatu  Eine Symphonie des Grauens[125] E[126] 19245[127]

調姿[128] [129] 1992[130][128] [131]

S7001000[128] 1[132] [133]


[134][52] [135] [134] BSAS[136][ 14] [137] [ 15][138] 調[139] [140]

[141] 使[142]


出版年 タイトル 出版社 文庫名 訳者 ページ数 ISBNコード 備考
1956年 魔人ドラキュラ 東京創元社 世界大ロマン全集 平井呈一 348 抄訳
1958年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 表現社 川崎淳之助ほか 203 川崎淳之助・師岡尚水口志計夫による共訳、抄訳
1963年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 東京創元新社 創元推理文庫 平井呈一 415 1956年版の改版
1971年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 東京創元社 創元推理文庫 平井呈一 完訳版
1973年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 偕成社 世界の怪奇名作 中尾明 230
2000年 ドラキュラ : 完訳詳注版 水声社 新妻昭彦 538 ISBN 4891764201 短編『ドラキュラの客』も収録
2014年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ KADOKAWA 角川文庫 田内志文 669 ISBN 978-4041014424
2023年 ドラキュラ 光文社 光文社古典新訳文庫 唐戸信嘉 837 ISBN 978-4334100858


出版年 タイトル 出版社 文庫名 訳者 ISBNコード 備考
1972年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 朝日ソノラマ 少年少女世界恐怖小説 石上三登志
1984年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 金の星社 世界こわい話ふしぎな話傑作集 瀬川昌男
1985年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ ポプラ社 ポプラ社文庫怪奇シリーズ 中ぞの蝶子
1989年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 第三文明社 21C文庫 紀田順一郎 ISBN 4-476-11606-X 紀田順一郎・新田正明共訳
1991年 ドラキュラ 金の星社 どきどきミステリーランド 宗方あゆむ S.スピナーによる改作の翻訳版
1995年 ドラキュラ物語 集英社 子どものための世界文学の森 礒野秀和 ISBN 4-08-274027-9
1999年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 金の星社 フォア文庫 瀬川昌男 ISBN 4-323-09008-0
1999年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ 講談社 痛快世界の冒険文学 菊地秀行 ISBN 4-06-268016-5 2002年に『菊地秀行の吸血鬼ドラキュラ』として再版
2014年 吸血鬼ドラキュラ・女吸血鬼カーミラ 集英社 集英社みらい文庫 長井那智子 ISBN 978-4-08-321197-3 カーミラ』も収録




Nosferatu  Eine Symphonie des Grauens1922 - 




 (Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht1974) - 1922

Bram Stoker's Dracula1992

 (Dracula 3D2012)

/The Last Voyage of the Demeter2023 - 7


Dracula1924 - 


1995213 - 24NHK-FM 



 - :




 - 1939



(一)^ Sensation fiction[2]

(二)^ 18981890[7]

(三)^ [20]


(五)^ 2[27]2006Gale[28]

(六)^ [37]H[27]

(七)^ 2007[40]

(八)^ New Woman19[64]

(九)^ 1895[71]

(十)^ [76]

(11)^ [80]

(12)^ [89]

(13)^ 1897使Stage Licensing Act[122]

(14)^ BSAS

(15)^ 1847


  1. ^ Hopkins 2007, p. 4.
  2. ^ Rubery 2011.
  3. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 301: "Most of his novels are sentimental romances in which the hero tries to win the love of a woman."
  4. ^ a b Belford 2002, p. 269.
  5. ^ Hopkins 2007, p. 1.
  6. ^ Belford & 2002, p. 363.
  7. ^ Belford 2002, p. 277.
  8. ^ Caine 1912, p. 16.
  9. ^ Bierman 1998, p. 152.
  10. ^ Barsanti 2008, p. 1.
  11. ^ Ludlam 1962, pp. 99–100.
  12. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 3.
  13. ^ McNally & Florescu 1973, p. 160.
  14. ^ a b Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 4.
  15. ^ a b Bierman 1977, p. 40.
  16. ^ Belford 2002, p. 255.
  17. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 15.
  18. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 245.
  19. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 318.
  20. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 320.
  21. ^ Belford 2002, p. 241.
  22. ^ Ludlam 1962, p. 100: "Bram sought the help of Arminius Vambery in Budapest [...] Vambery was able to report that 'the Impaler,' who had won this name for obvious reasons, was spoken of for centuries after as the cleverest and the most cunning, as well as the bravest of the sons of the 'land beyond the forest.'"
  23. ^ Dearden 2014.
  24. ^ a b Leblanc 1997, p. 360.
  25. ^ McNally & Florescu 1994, p. 150: "Unfortunately, no correspondence between Vambery and Stoker can be found today. Moreover, a search through all of the professor's published writings fails to reveal any comments on Vlad, Dracula, or vampires."
  26. ^ Miller 1996, p. 2: "If Stoker knew as much about Vlad as some scholars claim (for example, that he impaled thousands of victims), then why is this information not used in the novel? This is a crucial question, when one considers how much insignificant detail Stoker did incorporate from his many sources."
  27. ^ a b Leblanc 1997, p. 362.
  28. ^ Miller 2006.
  29. ^ Fitts 1998, p. 34.
  30. ^ McNally 1983, pp. 46–47.
  31. ^ Stephanou 2014, p. 90.
  32. ^ Kord 2009, p. 60.
  33. ^ Mulvey-Roberts 1998, pp. 83–84.
  34. ^ Miller 1999, pp. 187–188: "The closest we have is that there is a short section on Bathory in Sabine-Gould's The Book of Were-Wolves which is on Stoker's list of books that he consulted. But a careful examination of his Notes shows that while he did make a number of jottings (with page references) from this book, nothing is noted from the Bathory pages. And there is nothing in the novel that can be attributed directly to the short Bathory sections."
  35. ^ Eighteen-Bisang & Miller 2008, p. 131.
  36. ^ Chevalier 2002, p. 749.
  37. ^ Clasen 2012, p. 379.
  38. ^ Signorotti 1996, p. 607.
  39. ^ Farson 1975, p. 22.
  40. ^ Hopkins 2007, p. 6.
  41. ^ Farson 1975, p. 144.
  42. ^ Milbank 1998, p. 15.
  43. ^ McGrath 1997, p. 43.
  44. ^ a b Senf 1982, p. 34.
  45. ^ Milbank 1998, p. 14.
  46. ^ Curran 2005, p. 64.
  47. ^ Curran 2000.
  48. ^ a b c Davison, 'Introduction' 1997, p. 19.
  49. ^ a b c Belford 2002, p. 272.
  50. ^ Stoker & Holt 2009, pp. 312–313.
  51. ^ Belford 2002, p. 274.
  52. ^ a b Davison, 'Introduction' 1997, p. 21.
  53. ^ Davison, "Blood Brothers" 1997, pp. 147–148.
  54. ^ Escher 2017.
  55. ^ Spencer 1992, p. 197.
  56. ^ Kuzmanovic 2009, p. 411.
  57. ^ Craft 1984, p. 107.
  58. ^ Schaffer 1994, p. 382.
  59. ^ Schaffer 1994, p. 381.
  60. ^ a b Craft 1984, p. 110.
  61. ^ Craft 1984, p. 109.
  62. ^ Demetrakopoulos 1977, p. 106.
  63. ^ Auerbach & Skal 1997, p. 52.
  64. ^ Bordin 1993, p. 2.
  65. ^ a b Showalter 1991, p. 180.
  66. ^ Wasserman 1977, p. 405.
  67. ^ Senf 1982, p. 44.
  68. ^ Kane 1997, p. 8.
  69. ^ Arnds 2015, p. 89.
  70. ^ Zanger 1991, p. 33.
  71. ^ Zanger 1991, p. 41.
  72. ^ Zanger 1991, p. 34.
  73. ^ Halberstam 1993, p. 337.
  74. ^ Halberstam 1993, p. 338.
  75. ^ Tchaprazov 2015, p. 524.
  76. ^ Tchaprazov2015, p. 527.
  77. ^ Arnds 2015, p. 95.
  78. ^ Croley 1995, p. 107.
  79. ^ Tchaprazov 2015, p. 525.
  80. ^ a b Croley 1995, p. 89.
  81. ^ Arata 1990, p. 622.
  82. ^ Arata 1990, p. 623.
  83. ^ Arata 1990, p. 630.
  84. ^ Tomaszweska 2004, p. 3.
  85. ^ Willis 2007, pp. 302–304.
  86. ^ Halberstam 1993, p. 341.
  87. ^ Halberstam 1993, p. 350.
  88. ^ Clasen 2012, p. 389.
  89. ^ Stevenson 1988, p. 148.
  90. ^ Willis 2007, p. 302.
  91. ^ Dracula is also said to be a "folio novel — which is ... a sibling to the epistolary novel, posed as letters collected and found by the reader or an editor." Alexander Chee, "When Horror Is the Truth-teller", Guernica, October 2, 2023
  92. ^ Seed 1985, p. 64.
  93. ^ Seed 1985, p. 65.
  94. ^ a b Moretti 1982, p. 77.
  95. ^ Case 1993, p. 226.
  96. ^ Seed 1985, p. 70.
  97. ^ Hogle, 'Introduction' 2002, p. 12.
  98. ^ Miller 2001, p. 150.
  99. ^ Miller 2001, p. 137.
  100. ^ Arata 1990, p. 621.
  101. ^ Spencer 1992, p. 219.
  102. ^ Keogh 2014, p. 194.
  103. ^ Glover 1996, p. 26.
  104. ^ Keogh 2014, pp. 195–196.
  105. ^ Ingelbien 2003, p. 1089; Stewart 1999, pp. 239–240.
  106. ^ Review of PLTA, "Recent Novels" 1897; Lloyd's 1897, p. 80; The Academy 1897, p. 98; The Glasgow Herald 1897, p. 10.
  107. ^ The Bookseller 1897, p. 816.
  108. ^ Saturday Review 1897, p. 21.
  109. ^ Publisher's Circular 1897, p. 131.
  110. ^ Browning 2012, Introduction: The Myth of Dracula's Reception: "Dracula's writing was seen by early reviewers and responders to parallel, if not supersede the Gothic horror works of such canonical writers as Mary Shelley, Ann Radcliffe, and Edgar Allan Poe."
  111. ^ The Daily Telegraph 1897.
  112. ^ The Advertiser 1898, p. 8.
  113. ^ Of Literature, Science, and Art 1897, p. 11.
  114. ^ a b Vanity Fair (UK) 1897, p. 80.
  115. ^ TMG 1897.
  116. ^ Land of Sunshine 1899, p. 261; The Advertiser 1898, p. 8; New-York Tribune 1899, p. 13.
  117. ^ San Francisco Wave 1899, p. 5.
  118. ^ Browning 2012, Introduction: The Myth of Dracula's Reception: "That the sample of reviews relied upon by previous studies [...] is scant at best has unfortunately resulted in the common misconception about the novel's early critical reception being 'mixed'".
  119. ^ Browning 2012, Introduction: The Myth of Dracula's Reception: "Rather, while the novel did receive, on the one hand, a few reviews that were mixed, it enjoyed predominantly a critically strong early print life. Dracula was, by all accounts, a critically-acclaimed novel."
  120. ^ Browning 2012, Introduction: The Myth of Dracula's Reception: "That the sample of reviews relied upon by previous studies [...] is scant at best has unfortunately resulted in [a] common misconception about the novel's early critical reception [...]"
  121. ^ Browning 2012, Introduction: The Myth of Dracula's Reception: "firstly, generally positive reviews that include perhaps one, sometimes two negative remarks or reservations, of which I have discerned ten examples; secondly, generally mixed reviews in which scorn and praise are relatively balanced, of which I have found four examples13; and, thirdly, wholly or mostly negative reviews, of which I managed to locate only three examples. What remains are some seventy positive reviews and responses. And, in addition still are thirty-six different laudatory press notices".)
  122. ^ a b Buzwell 2014.
  123. ^ Stuart 1994, p. 193.
  124. ^ Rhodes 2010, p. 29.
  125. ^ Skal 2011, p. 11.
  126. ^ Hensley 2002, p. 61.
  127. ^ Hensley 2002, p. 63.
  128. ^ a b c Browning and Picart 2011, p. 4.
  129. ^ Cengel 2020; The Telegraph 2015.
  130. ^ Sommerlad 2017.
  131. ^ Clasen 2012, p. 378.
  132. ^ Retamar & Winks 2005, p. 22.
  133. ^ Browning and Picart 2011, p. 7.
  134. ^ a b Miller 2001, p. 147.
  135. ^ Beresford 2008, p. 139.
  136. ^ Doniger 1995, p. 608.
  137. ^ Miller 2001, p. 152.
  138. ^ Miller 2001, p. 157.
  139. ^ McGrath 1997, p. 45.
  140. ^ Hughes 2012, p. 197.
  141. ^ Hughes 2012, p. 198.
  142. ^ Stoker 2011, p. 2.



Arnds, Peter (2015). Gypsies and Jews as Wolves in Realist Fiction. Lycanthropy in German Literature. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 6996. doi:10.1057/9781137541635_5. ISBN 978-1-137-54163-5. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137541635_5 

Bauman, Zygmunt (1991). Modernity and the Holocaust. Cambridge: Polity Press 

Belford, Barbra (2002). Bram Stoker and The Man Who Was Dracula. London: Hachette Books. ISBN 0-306-81098-0 

Beresford, Mathew (2008). From Demons to Dracula: The Creation of the Modern Vampire Myth. London: Reaktion. ISBN 978-1-86189-742-8. OCLC 647920291. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/647920291 

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Davison, Carol Margaret (1997). Introduction. In Davison, Carol Margaret. Bram Stoker's Dracula: Sucking through the Century, 18971997. Toronto: Dundurn Press. ISBN 978-1-55488-105-5. OCLC 244770292. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/244770292 
Davison, Carol Margaret (1997). Blood Brothers: Dracula and Jack the Ripper. In Davison, Carol Margaret. Bram Stoker's Dracula: Sucking through the Century, 18971997. Toronto: Dundurn Press. ISBN 978-1-55488-105-5. OCLC 244770292. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/244770292 

Eighteen-Bisang, Robert, ed (2008). Bram Stoker's Notes for Dracula: A Facsimile Edition. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. Pub. ISBN 978-0-7864-5186-9. OCLC 335291872. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/335291872 
Barsanti, Michael (2008). Foreword. In Eighteen-Bisang, Robert. Bram Stoker's Notes for Dracula: A Facsimile Edition. Jefferson: McFarland & Co. Pub. ISBN 978-0-7864-5186-9. OCLC 335291872. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/335291872 

Farson, Daniel (1975). The Man Who Wrote Dracula: A Biography of Bram Stoker. London: Michael Joseph. ISBN 0-7181-1098-6. OCLC 1989574. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1989574 

Glover, David (1996) (). Vampires, Mummies, and Liberals: Bram Stoker and the Politics of Popular Fiction. Duke University Press. ISBN 978-0-8223-1798-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=cmlmfAmLzo4C 

Hogle, Jerrold E. (2002). Introduction. The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 

Hopkins, Lisa (2007). Bram Stoker: A Literary Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4039-4647-8. OCLC 70335483. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/70335483 

Houston, Gail Turley (2005). From Dickens to Dracula: Gothic, Economics, and Victorian Fiction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-511-12624-7. OCLC 61394818. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/61394818 

Hughes, William, ed (1998). Bram Stoker: History, Psychoanalysis and the Gothic. Basingston: Macmillan Press. ISBN 978-1-349-26840-5 
Bierman, Joseph S. (1998). A Crucial Stage in the Writing of Dracula. In Hughes, William. Bram Stoker: History, Psychoanalysis and the Gothic. Basingston: Macmillan Press. ISBN 978-1-349-26840-5 

Milbank, Alison (1998). 'Powers Old and New': Stoker's Alliances with Anglo-Irish Gothic. In Hughes, William. Bram Stoker: History, Psychoanalysis and the Gothic. Basingston: Macmillan Press. ISBN 978-1-349-26840-5 

Mulvey-Roberts, Marie (1998). Dracula and the Doctors: Bad Blood, Menstrual Taboo and the New Woman. In Hughes, William. Bram Stoker: History, Psychoanalysis and the Gothic. Basingston: Macmillan Press. ISBN 978-1-349-26840-5 

Hughes, William (2000). Beyond Dracula: Bram Stoker's Fiction and Its Cultural Context.. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-349-40967-9. OCLC 1004391205. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1004391205 

Kord, Susanne (2009). Murderesses in German Writing, 17201860: Heroines of Horror. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-51977-9. OCLC 297147082. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/297147082 

Leblanc, Benjamin H. (1997). The Death of Dracula: A Darwinian Approach to the Vampire's Evolution. In Davison, Carol Margaret. Bram Stoker's Dracula: Sucking through the Century, 18971997. Toronto: Dundurn Press. ISBN 978-1-55488-105-5. OCLC 244770292. https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/244770292 

Ludlam, Harry (1962). A Biography of Dracula: The Life Story of Bram Stoker. W. Foulsham. ISBN 978-0-572-00217-6. https://books.google.com/books?id=UlBbAAAAMAAJ 

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(1971), , ( ed.),  

(2000),  : , , ISBN 4891764201 

(2014), , , KADOKAWA, ISBN 978-4041014424