
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
診療科 血液学, 心臓, 呼吸器
ICD-10 I26
ICD-9-CM 415.1
DiseasesDB 10956
MedlinePlus 000132
eMedicine med/1958 emerg/490 radio/582
Patient UK 肺血栓塞栓症
MeSH D011655


: pulmonary thromboembolismPTE: pulmonary embolismPE[1]


: deep vein thrombosisDVT[5]




D : Wells[9]0 - 4D-dimer<1000ng/mLWells4.5 - 6D-dimer<500mg/mLD1,32567.3 %[10]

CTCT; CT pulmonary angiography


ISIIIQTSIQIIITIII8.5 %96.7 %V1 - V3T10.5 %96.0 %V3V44.8 %97.2 %100/28.8 %84.3 %[11]









  1. ^ a b c "What Is Pulmonary Embolism?"
  2. ^ a b "Who Is at Risk for Pulmonary Embolism?"
  3. ^ "What Causes Pulmonary Embolism?"
  4. ^ Pantaleo, G; Luigi, N; Federica, T; Paola, S; Margherita, N; Tahir, M (2014).
  5. ^ "Other Names for Pulmonary Embolism".
  6. ^ a b "What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism?"
  7. ^ Tintinalli, Judith E. (2010).
  8. ^ Goldhaber SZ (2005).
  9. ^ JAMA. 2006;295(2):172-179.
  10. ^ Kearon, Clive; de Wit, Kerstin; Parpia, Sameer; Schulman, Sam; Afilalo, Marc; Hirsch,;rew; Spencer, Frederick A.; Sharma, Sangita; D’Aragon, Frédérick; Deshaies, Jean-François; Le Gal, Gregoire; Lazo-Langner, Alejandro; Wu, Cynthia; Rudd-Scott, Lisa; Bates, Shannon M.; Julian, Jim A. (2019). “Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism with d-Dimer Adjusted to Clinical Probability”. New England Journal of Medicine 381 (22): 2125-2134. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1909159. PMID 31774957. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa1909159. 
  11. ^ Marchick MR, et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2010;55:331-5.
  12. ^ Masami, Kosuge; Toshiaki, Ebina; Kiyoshi, Hibi; Kengo, Tsukahara; Noriaki, Iwahashi; Masaomi, Gohbara; Yasushi, Matsuzawa; Kozo, Okada; Satoshi, Morita; Satoshi, Umemura; Kazuo, Kimura (10 2012). “Differences in negative T waves among acute coronary syndrome, acute pulmonary embolism, and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy”. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care (Oxford University Press (OUP)) 1 (4): 349-357. doi:10.1177/2048872612466790. ISSN 2048-8726. https://doi.org/10.1177/2048872612466790. 
  13. ^ 沢山俊民「心電図が決め手であったのに:「心筋梗塞」と誤診されてしまった2剖検例」『心臓』第43巻第7号、日本心臓財団、2011年、1045-1047頁、CRID 1390282679025814912doi:10.11281/shinzo.43.1045ISSN 0586-4488 
  14. ^ "How Is Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosed?"
  15. ^ a b "How Is Pulmonary Embolism Treated?"
  16. ^ "Living With Pulmonary Embolism".
  17. ^ "How Can Pulmonary Embolism Be Prevented?"
  18. ^ Raskob, GE; Angchaisuksiri, P; Blanco, AN; Buller, H; Gallus, A; Hunt, BJ; Hylek, EM; Kakkar, A; Konstantinides, SV; McCumber, M; Ozaki, Y; Wendelboe, A; Weitz, JI; ISTH Steering Committee for World Thrombosis, Day (November 2014).
  19. ^ a b Rahimtoola A, Bergin JD (February 2005).
  20. ^ Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Mitchell RN (2010).
