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15355 (Arthur Hassal) 









15749使2[25]2使[26][27]2157410[25]15745915751576: De Griekse Natie1578 - 1590[25]William Rainolds: 1544 - 1594[28]

 (Liever Turuks dan Paaps)16使[29]

使[29][2] (D'Esquerdes) 


退1608 (Samuel Pallache) 1613使[30]


1618 - 1648[32]










1578使 (William Harborne) [44]3使[13][14]15853[46][47]
















1617[62]16調[63] (Pat Robertson)[64] (Jerry Falwell)[65] (Jerry Vines)[66]R (R.Albert Mohler, Jr.)[67] (Franlkin Graham)[68]2005


















  1. ^ Goody, p.42
  2. ^ a b c Schmidt, p.104
  3. ^ 「寛容」の意味については、寛容を参照のこと
  4. ^ The Ottoman Empire and early modern Europe, by Daniel Goffman p.111
  5. ^ Goofman, p.110
  6. ^ a b c Goffman, p.111
  7. ^ The Ottoman Empire and early modern Europe by Daniel Goffman, p.109
  8. ^ Quoted in Miller, p.208
  9. ^ a b Teaching world history by Heidi Roupp, p.125-126
  10. ^ Goffman, p.109
  11. ^ Goffman, p.110
  12. ^ a b c The Ottoman state and its place in world history by Kemal H. Karpat p.53
  13. ^ a b Kupperman, p.39
  14. ^ a b c Kupperman, p.40
  15. ^ a b Traffic and Turning by Jonathan Burton, p.62
  16. ^ Women and Islam in early modern English literature by Bernadette Andrea, p.23
  17. ^ Traffic and Turning by Jonathan Burton, p.64
  18. ^ Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Monarchy by Arthur Hassall p.224
  19. ^ Ottoman-Dutch economic relations by Mehmet Bulut, p.112
  20. ^ Singer and Galati quoted in Islam in Europe by Jack Goody p.45
  21. ^ a b Boxer, p.142
  22. ^ a b Schmidt, p.103
  23. ^ Parker, p.59
  24. ^ a b Parker, p.60
  25. ^ a b c Parker, p.61
  26. ^ Parker, P.61
  27. ^ Divided by faith by Benjamin J. Kaplan p.311
  28. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia
  29. ^ a b Bulut, p.112
  30. ^ The mirror of Spain, 1500-1700: the formation of a myth by J. N. Hillgarth p.210ff
  31. ^ In the Lands of the Christians by Nabil Matar, p.37 ISBN 0415932289
  32. ^ Britain and Morocco during the embassy of John Drummond Hay, 1845-1886 Khalid Ben Srhir p.14
  33. ^ a b The Moriscos of Spain: their conversion and expulsion by Henry Charles Lea p.281
  34. ^ Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614 by L. P. Harvey p.343
  35. ^ Atlas of British overseas expansion by Andrew N. Porter p.18
  36. ^ Vaughan, Performing Blackness on English Stages, 1500-1800 Cambridge University Press 2005 p.57
  37. ^ Nicoll, Shakespeare Survey. The Last Plays Cambridge University Press 2002, p.90
  38. ^ a b Nicoll, p.90
  39. ^ Speaking of the Moor, Emily C. Bartels p.24
  40. ^ New Turkes by Matthew Dimmock p.122 Note 63
  41. ^ a b c Vaughan, p.57
  42. ^ University of Birmingham Collections
  43. ^ Tate Gallery exhibition "East-West: Objects between cultures"
  44. ^ a b The Jamestown project by Karen Ordahl Kupperman
  45. ^ Nicoll, p.96
  46. ^ Kupperman, p.41
  47. ^ The genius of the English nation by Anna Suranyi p.58
  48. ^ "The study of Anglo-Turkish piracy in the Mediterranean reveals a fusion of commercial and foreign policy interests embodied in the development of this special relationship" in New interpretations in naval history by Robert William Love
  49. ^ "At the beginning of the seventeenth century France complained about a new phenomenon: Anglo-Turkish piracy." in Orientalism in early modern France by Ina Baghdiantz McCabe p.86ff
  50. ^ Anglo-Turkish piracy in the reign of James I by Grace Maple Davis, Stanford University. Dept. of History, 1911
  51. ^ The Encyclopedia of world history by Peter N. Stearns, p.310
  52. ^ An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire Halil İnalcık, Suraiya Faroqhi, Donald Quataert, Bruce McGowan, Sevket Pamuk, Cambridge University Press, 1997 ISBN 0521574552 p.424-425
  53. ^ The winter king, Brennan C. Pursell p.112-113
  54. ^ History of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey by Ezel Kural Shaw p.191
  55. ^ Halil İnalcık, p.424-425
  56. ^ An economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire, Halil İnalcık, Suraiya Faroqhi, Donald Quataert, Bruce McGowan, Sevket Pamuk, Cambridge University Press, 1997 ISBN 0521574552 p.424-425
  57. ^ The New Cambridge Modern History by F. L. Carsten p.513
  58. ^ The Hungarians by Paul Lendvai, p.113
  59. ^ Badiozamani, p.182
  60. ^ Maquerlot, p.17
  61. ^ a b CBS News
  62. ^ Islam in Europe by Jack Goody, p.49
  63. ^ The Politics of Secularism in International Relations by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, p.59
  64. ^ http://rawstory.com/2009/2009/11/robertson-islam-not-religion/
  65. ^ ADL Condemns Falwell's Anti-Muslim Remarks; Urges Him to Apologize
  66. ^ Cooperman, Alan (2010-04-28). "Anti-Muslim Remarks Stir Tempest". The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A14499-2002Jun19?language=printer.
  67. ^ Not to be outdone by Robertson, Mohler claimed that Buddhism, Hinduism, and Marxism are "demonstrations of satanic power"". Media Matters for America. 2006-03-20. http://mediamatters.org/items/200603200013. Retrieved 2010-04-21.
  68. ^ Muslims at Pentagon Incensed Over Invitation to Evangelist, 74:Pentagon's Preacher Irks Muslims, Graham To Host Good Friday Service; Has Called Islam 'Evil' - CBS News 、75:NN.com - Franklin Graham conducts services at Pentagon - Apr. 18, 2003
  69. ^ a b Eurabia by Bat Yeʼor, p.221
  70. ^ Islam in Britain, 1558-1685 by Nabil I. Matar p.123
  71. ^ Works of Martin Luther by Martin Luther p.101
  72. ^ Fundamentalism by Steve Bruce, p.101
  73. ^ a b Battleground by Amy Lind, Stephanie Brzuzy, p.488
  74. ^ Kings or people by Reinhard Bendix, p.47
  75. ^ Islam in the world by Malise Ruthven p.363
  76. ^ Orientalism, postmodernism, and globalism by Bryan S. Turner, p.93
  77. ^ Religion in global civil society by Mark Juergensmeyer, p.16


  • Mehmet Bulut Ottoman-Dutch economic relations: in the early modern period 1571-1699 Uitgeverij Verloren, 2001 ISBN 9065506551
  • Charles Ralph Boxer The Dutch seaborne empire, 1600-1800 Taylor & Francis, 1977 ISBN 0091310512
  • Benjamin Schmidt Innocence abroad: the Dutch imagination and the New World, 1570-1670 Cambridge University Press, 2001 ISBN 0521804086
  • Dimeaniel Goffman The Ottoman Empire and early modern Europe Cambridge University Press, 2002 ISBN 0521459087
  • Jonathan Burton Traffic and Turning: Islam and English Drama, 1579-1624 University of Delaware Press, 2005 ISBN 0874139139
  • Karen Ordahl Kupperman The Jamestown project Harvard University Press, 2007 ISBN 0674024745
  • Jack Goody Islam in Europe Polity Press, 2004, ISBN 9780745631936
  • Geoffrey Parker, Lesley M. Smith The General crisis of the seventeenth century Routledge, 1978 ISBN 0710088655
