

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

flat tax[1]1981(R.E.Hall)(A.Rabushka)







1974 (Andrews)(expenditure tax)[7]()[6]



















 19% 9.5%調調



() 1995  




地域 税率
アブハジアの旗 アブハジア[12] 10%
アルメニアの旗 アルメニア[13] 22%
アルツァフ共和国の旗 アルツァフ共和国[14] 21%
ベラルーシの旗 ベラルーシ[15] 13%
ベリーズの旗 ベリーズ[16] 25%
ボリビアの旗 ボリビア[15] 13%
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナの旗 ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ[17] 10%[注釈 1]
ブルガリアの旗 ブルガリア[15] 10%
東ティモールの旗 東ティモール[18] 10%
エストニアの旗 エストニア[15] 20%
ジョージア (国)の旗 ジョージア[15] 20%
グリーンランドの旗 グリーンランド[19] 36, 42 or 44%[注釈 2]
ガーンジー島の旗 ガーンジー島[15] 20%[注釈 3]
ハンガリーの旗 ハンガリー[15] 15%
ジャージー島の旗 ジャージー島[15] 20%
カザフスタンの旗 カザフスタン[15] 10%
クルディスタン[21] 5%[注釈 4]
キルギスの旗 キルギス[22] 10%
マダガスカルの旗 マダガスカル[15] 20%
モルドバの旗 モルドバ[23] 12%
モンゴル国の旗 モンゴル[15] 10%
ナウルの旗 ナウル[24] 10%
北マケドニアの旗 北マケドニア[25] 10%
ルーマニアの旗 ルーマニア[15] 10%
南オセチアの旗 南オセチア[26] 12%
トランスニストリア[27] 10%
トルクメニスタンの旗 トルクメニスタン[28] 10%
ウクライナの旗 ウクライナ[15] 19.5%[注釈 5]
ウズベキスタンの旗 ウズベキスタン[15] 12%



国または地域 地方政府 税率 地方政府 税率
デンマークの旗 デンマーク[29] すべての自治体 [注釈 6] 22.8 to 26.3%[注釈 7]
フェロー諸島の旗 フェロー諸島[31] すべての自治体 16 to 22%[注釈 7]
フィンランドの旗 フィンランド[32] すべての自治体 16.5 to 23.5%[注釈 7]
アイスランドの旗 アイスランド[33] すべての自治体 12.44 to 14.52%
イタリアの旗 イタリア[34][35][注釈 8] アブルッツォ州 1.73% いくつかの自治体 0.2 to 0.8%
ヴァッレ・ダオスタ州 1.23%
カラブリア州 1.73% 一部の市町村 0.4 to 0.8%
カンパニア州 2.03% 一部の市町村 0.2 to 0.8%
サルデーニャ州 1.23% 一部の市町村 0.08 to 0.6%
シチリア州 1.23% 一部の市町村 0.5 to 0.8%
ベネト州 1.23% 一部の市町村 0.2 to 0.8%
その他の州 累進課税 一部の市町村 0.1 to 0.8%
日本の旗 日本[36] すべての都道府県 4% 全ての市町村 6%
ノルウェーの旗 ノルウェー[37][注釈 9] 全ての郡 2.7% すべての自治体 12.15%
スウェーデンの旗 スウェーデン[39][注釈 10] ゴットランド郡 ゴットランド市 33.6%
その他の郡 10.83 to 12.08% すべての自治体 17 to 23.8%
スイスの旗 スイス[注釈 11] オプヴァルデン準州[40] 6.03% すべての自治体 6.768 to 9%[注釈 7]
ウーリ州[41] 7.1% すべての自治体 6.39 to 8.52%[注釈 7]
イギリスの旗 イギリス[注釈 12] ウェールズの旗 ウェールズ[44] 10%
アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国[注釈 13] アラバマ州[注釈 14] 累進課税 マコン郡[46] 1%
一部の自治体[46][47] 0.5 to 3%
コロラド州[48] 4.55%
デラウェア州[注釈 15] 累進課税 ウィルミントン[49] 1.25%
イリノイ州[50] 4.95%
インディアナ州[51] 3.23% すべての郡 0.5 to 2.9%
カンザス州}[注釈 16] 累進課税 一部の郡[52] 0.75%[注釈 17]
一部の自治体[52] 0.125 to 2.25%[注釈 17]
ケンタッキー州[53][注釈 18] 5% 多くの郡[55][59] 0.45 to 2%
一部の自治体[57] 0.5 to 2.5%
いくつかの学区[58][60] 0.5 to 0.75%
メリーランド州 累進課税 すべての郡[61][注釈 19] 2.25 to 3.2%
マサチューセッツ州[62] 5%
ミシガン州[63][注釈 15] 4.25% 一部の自治体[64] 1 to 2.4%
ミズーリ州[注釈 15] 累進課税 カンザスシティ[65] 1%
セントルイス市[66] 1%
ニューハンプシャー州[67] 5%[注釈 17]
ノースカロライナ州[68] 5.25%
オハイオ州[注釈 20] 累進課税 ほとんどの自治体[69] 0.5 to 3%
一部の学区[70] 0.25 to 2%
ペンシルベニア州[71][注釈 21] 3.07% ほとんどの自治体[72] 0.312 to 3.8712%
ほとんどの学区[72] 0.5 to 2.05%
ユタ州[73] 4.95%


 - 200910-15%

 - 200741.515% [74]


 - 201010[77][78]



  1. ^ The national government does not tax income, but all three subdivisions (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Brčko District) tax income using the same flat rate.[17]
  2. ^ The national government imposes an income tax rate of 10%. Residents of a municipality also pay a joint municipal tax of 6% (collected by the national government and distributed to the municipality) and a municipal tax of 26% or 28% (depending on the municipality), for a total income tax rate of 42 or 44%. Residents of an unincorporated area pay an additional tax of 26% (set by the national government for the area), for a total income tax rate of 36%.[19]
  3. ^ Applies to Guernsey and Alderney.[15] Sark does not tax income, but taxes assets at a flat rate with minimum and maximum amounts.[20]
  4. ^ The autonomous region of Kurdistan taxes personal income at a flat rate instead of the progressive rates set by the federal government of Iraq.[21]
  5. ^ Composed of a regular tax rate of 18% and a military tax of 1.5%.[15]
  6. ^ In Ertholmene, which is not part of a municipality, there is no municipal tax.[30]
  7. ^ a b c d e Plus church tax for members of certain religions, also at a flat rate.
  8. ^ Most municipalities in every region, including all municipalities in ヴァッレ・ダオスタ州, do not tax income. Of the municipalities that tax income, most in every region, including all in Basilicata, Molise and Sicily, use a flat rate, but some use progressive rates.[35]
  9. ^ Also applies to other Norwegian territories except Svalbard.[38]
  10. ^ The combined county and municipal tax rate ranges from 29.08 to 35.15%.[39] In Gotland, the only municipality handles both county and municipal functions, so the county does not tax income and the municipality uses a tax rate similar to the combined rate in other counties.
  11. ^ All other cantons and municipalities use progressive rates.
  12. ^ The national progressive rates apply to England and Northern Ireland without modifications. They are reduced in Wales, whose government adds a flat rate.[42] Scotland replaces the national rates with its own progressive rates.[43]
  13. ^ All other states, counties and municipalities either use progressive rates or do not tax income.
  14. ^ Most counties and most municipalities in this state do not tax income,[45] and all those that do use a flat rate. Where a county or municipal tax exists, the combined rate ranges from 0.5 to 4% depending on the location.
  15. ^ a b c Most municipalities in this state do not tax income. All those that do use a flat rate.
  16. ^ No counties or municipalities in this state tax income from work, but some tax interest and dividends, all using a flat rate. Where a county or municipal tax exists, the combined rate ranges from 0.5 to 3% depending on the location.[52]
  17. ^ a b c Only applies to interest and dividends. This jurisdiction does not tax income from work.
  18. ^ Most counties, some municipalities and some school districts in this state tax income, most using a flat rate but some using regressive rates.[54] Where a county, municipal or school district tax exists, the combined rate ranges from 0.45 to 4.25% depending on the location.[55][56][57][58]
  19. ^ Including the city of Baltimore, which is equivalent to a county.
  20. ^ Most municipalities and some school districts in this state tax income, all using a flat rate. Where a municipal or school district tax exists, the combined rate ranges from 0.25 to 4.5% depending on the location.[69][70]
  21. ^ Most municipalities and most school districts in this state tax income, all using a flat rate. Where a municipal or school district tax exists, the combined rate ranges from 0.312 to 3.8712% depending on the location.[72]



(二)^ ab&  BRICs PHP2005

(三)^ Flat tax

(四)^ ab[1]

(五)^ BBL (200596)

(六)^ abcdefg (2003-12).  --. (). https://warp.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/9597291/www.mof.go.jp/pri/research/discussion_paper/ron113.pdf.  

(七)^ (expenditure tax)20061115

(八)^ Meade Committee (1978)The Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation,Allen &Unwin.

(九)^ 調 19517() 調  

(十)^ Slemrod, Joel and Bakija, Jon(2004), Taxing Ourselves A Citizens Guide to the Debate over Taxes 3rd edition, MIT Press.  --200312

(11)^ KON188 

(12)^ Law on the income tax on individuals Archived 12 June 2019 at the Wayback Machine., Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia. ()

(13)^ Armenia  Individual  Taxes on personal income, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 13 July 2020.

(14)^ Guide to investment Archived 3 September 2018 at the Wayback Machine., Artsakh Investment Fund, 2016.

(15)^ abcdefghijklmnopWorldwide Personal Tax and Immigration Guide 201920, Ernst & Young, November 2019.

(16)^ Income and business tax act chapter 55.  Income Tax Department of Belize. 20181072019217

(17)^ abBosnia and Herzegovina tax system Archived 25 October 2018 at the Wayback Machine., Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 26 January 2016.

(18)^ Annual income tax return Archived 18 February 2019 at the Wayback Machine., Timor-Leste Ministry of Finance.

(19)^ abSet percentages for the 2020 income year, Tax Agency of Greenland, 4 December 2019.()

(20)^ The Direct Taxes for 2020 (Sark) Ordinance, 2019, Guernsey Legal Resources.

(21)^ abIraq Highlights 2020, Deloitte, April 2020.

(22)^ Kyrgyzstan highlights 2018 Archived 18 February 2019 at the Wayback Machine., Deloitte.

(23)^ Moldova  Individual  Taxes on personal income, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2 July 2020.

(24)^ Employment and Services Tax Act 2014, Republic of Nauru Law.

(25)^ North Macedonia  Individual  Taxes on personal income, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 30 July 2020.

(26)^ Law on the income tax on individuals ().  Committee on Taxes and Duties of the Republic of South Ossetia. 20131152017619

(27)^ A Low Flat Tax Has Been Adopted in Pridnestrovie Archived 10 June 2015 at the Wayback Machine., Alvin Rabushka, 17 August 2007.

(28)^ Turkmenistan highlights 2019 Archived 18 February 2019 at the Wayback Machine., Deloitte.

(29)^ Local government personal taxation by time, region and tax rate, Statistics Denmark.

(30)^ Residents of Danish island cannot vote, DR, 21 November 2017.()

(31)^ Table of municipal tax, church tax and child deduction 2021, TAKS. ()

(32)^ List of municipal and church income tax rates in year 2021, Tax Administration of Finland, 1 December 2020. ()

(33)^ Municipal tax rates, Icelandic Association of Local Authorities. ()

(34)^ Regional additional to the personal income tax, Department of Finance of Italy, 2020. ()

(35)^ abMunicipal additional to the personal income tax, Department of Finance of Italy, 2020. ()

(36)^ Overview of individual tax system, Japan External Trade Organization.

(37)^ Advance payment 2021, Norwegian Tax Administration, 22 December 2020. ()

(38)^ Jan Mayen and the Norwegian dependencies in Antarctica, Norwegian Tax Administration. ()

(39)^ abLocal tax rates 2021, by municipality, Statistics Sweden, 17 December 2020.

(40)^ Tax bases 20012020, Canton of Obwalden, 6 January 2020. ()

(41)^ 07 Natural persons  tax rates and tariffs 20122021, Canton of Uri. ()

(42)^ Welsh Rates of Income Tax, Welsh Government, 3 March 2020.

(43)^ Income Tax in Scotland, Gov.uk.

(44)^ Welsh Rates of Income Tax 20202021, Welsh Parliament, 3 March 2020.

(45)^ Alabama, TimeTrex, July 2020.

(46)^ abOccupational Tax Return, Avenu, November 2019.

(47)^ Occupational tax reporting, City of Tuskegee.

(48)^ Individual Income Tax Guide, Colorado Department of Revenue.

(49)^ Earned income tax regulations, City of Wilmington, February 2011.

(50)^ Income Tax Rates, Illinois Department of Revenue.

(51)^ How to compute withholding for state and county income tax, Department of Revenue of Indiana, 1 January 2021.

(52)^ abcLocal intangibles tax return 2021, Kansas Department of Revenue.

(53)^ Individual Income Tax, Kentucky Department of Revenue.

(54)^ Rates, Kenton County.

(55)^ abTax Administrator, Mercer County.

(56)^ Important Documents, Cumberland County.

(57)^ abCity Occupational Tax Rates, Kentucky League of Cities, 21 October 2019.

(58)^ abTaxes, Kentucky Department of Education, 5 January 2021.

(59)^ Occupational Tax Forms, Montgomery County.

(60)^ Form W1 instructions, Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government.

(61)^ Tax Rates, Comptroller of Maryland.

(62)^ Personal income tax for residents, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

(63)^ What are the current tax rate and exemption amounts?, Michigan Department of Treasury.

(64)^ What cities impose an income tax?, Michigan Department of Treasury.

(65)^ Have you paid your KCMO earnings tax?, Kansas City, Missouri.

(66)^ Earnings tax, City of Saint Louis.

(67)^ Overview of New Hampshire taxes, Department of Revenue Administration of New Hampshire.

(68)^ Tax rate schedules, North Carolina Department of Revenue.

(69)^ abMunicipal Income Tax Rate Database, The Finder.

(70)^ abSchool District Income Tax Rate Database, The Finder.

(71)^ Personal income tax, Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.

(72)^ abcEIT / PIT / LST Tax Registers, Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, 15 December 2020.

(73)^ Tax rates, Utah State Tax Commission.

(74)^ "Poland brings in flat tax Archived 200939, at the Wayback Machine.", Adam Smith Institute

(75)^ Greece joins the flat rate tax bandwagon. By George Trefgarne, Economics Editor. The Telegraph. 2005. [2]

(76)^ "Flat tax rate on the cards." Kathimerini. 11 July 2005

(77)^ "Abbott floats tax idea", Australian Broadcasting Corporation

(78)^ "Abbott promises voter 'conversation", Sydney Morning Herald

(79)^ "Abbott's flat tax reform 'unfair'", Australian broadcasting corporation








︿() 7122004hdl:10131/7299NAID 500000278285https://hdl.handle.net/10131/7299 

BBL (200596)