

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
『アリストテレスの学校』(Gustav Spangenberg画)

: περιπατητικός: Peripatetic school

: περίπατος, peripatos








334 - 322

322 - 288

288 - 269

Lyco of Troas269 - 225

Aristo of Ceos225 - 190

Critolaus190 - 155

Diodorus of Tyre140





Clearchus of Soli

86Ammonius Hermiae50Andronicus of Rhodes11[6]Boethus of Sidon11[7]

Alexander of Aphrodisias20035Olympiodorus the Elder


使divinegodGodthe God[8][9]the God[ 1]使[8][9]






  1. ^ ο θεός


  1. ^ ペリパトス学派とは - 世界大百科事典
  2. ^ 逍遙学派とは - ブリタニカ国際大百科事典
  3. ^ 逍遥学派 - 大辞泉
  4. ^ David Ross,(1995), Aristotle, page 193. Routledge.
  5. ^ Athenaeus, v, 211e
  6. ^ Ammonius, In de Int. 5.24
  7. ^ Ammonius, In An. Pr. 31.11
  8. ^ a b Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), pp. 43-44. "the Platonists, the Peripatetics, and the Stoics do not just believe in one highest god, they believe in something which they must take to be unique even as a god. For they call it ‘God’ or even ‘the God’, as if in some crucial way it was the only thing which deserved to be called ‘god’. If, thus, they also believe that there are further beings which can be called ‘divine’ or ‘god’, they must have thought that these further beings could be called ‘divine’ only in some less strict, diminished, or derived sense. Second, the Christians themselves speak not only of the one true God, but also of a plurality of beings which can be called ‘divine’ or ‘god’; for instance, the un-fallen angels or redeemed and saved human beings."
  9. ^ a b Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Edited by Polymnia Athanassiadi, Michael Frede, CLARENDON PRESS • OXFORD(1999), p. 49. "As the principle of everything it is, according to Aristotle, the ultimate source of all order and goodness in the world. And Aristotle explicitly attributes unlimited power to it. So when Aristotle talks about the God, he means one particular divine being whose status, even as a divine being, is so unique that it can be called ‘the God’......Even if the order of things envisaged leaves room for beings which can be called ‘divine’, it is clear that they will be so fundamentally derivative and subordinate to the God that, for instance, talk of a ‘highest God’ is in some ways quite misleading. For the relation between a first principle and those things which depend on the principle involves a much more radical subordination than that involved in a pantheon or hierarchy of gods with one god at the apex. A fortiori, the analogy with Zeus is somewhat misleading."
  10. ^ Falcon, Andrea. "Commentators on Aristotle". In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (英語).


  • Walter Kaufman, History of Ancient Philosophy Vol 1-2.