
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』



119 - 1542015

3 - 5502,200[1]

719 - 1552016



1542015 1[2]


1552016 7[3]


52 - 

44 - 

38 - 

50 - 

15 - 

13412 - [4]


 - アメリカ合衆国の旗

 - アメリカ合衆国の旗The Sellout

 - イタリアの旗

2015 - イギリスの旗 You Don't Have to Live Like This

 - イギリスの旗

























1 - 3[]

11 - 93[5]

118 - 91

23 - 84[6]

218 - 68

219 - 89[7]

219 - 84

319 - 77[8]

331 - 200286

4 - 6[]

47 - 84[9]

48 - 89

420 - 57

426 - 85[10]

428 - 87

430 - 80[11]

54 - 68

512 - 49

521 - 西91[12]

528 - 73[13]

66 - 90[14]

614 -  - 66[15]

623 - 76[16]

7 - 9[]

71 - 93[17]

72 - 198687[18]

714 - 66

724 - 93[19]

730 - 73

82 - 97

88 - 70

822 - 84[20]

824 - 89[21]

826 - 西75

828 - 86

916 - 88[22]

10 - 12[]

1014 - 71

1022 - 87

1026 - 84

1029 - 99

117 - 82[23]

1115 - 98

1120 - 88

1224 - 96


(一)^   . . (201639). http://mainichi.jp/articles/20160309/dde/018/040/027000c 2016316 

(二)^ 154 - 2016119

(三)^   -  Sponichi Annex  2016719

(四)^  2016- 2016413

(五)^  . . (201615). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ155D7DJ15UCVL01N.html 2016316 

(六)^  . . (201624). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ244GTHJ24UTFL003.html 2016316 

(七)^  . . (2016219). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ2N1TV5J2NUHBI001.html 2016219 

(八)^  . . (2016321). https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDG21H06_R20C16A3000000/ 2016322 

(九)^ 使. . (2016413). https://www.sankei.com/article/20160413-TT4E6WJPR5KL5KJKMDH7D2I4TM/ 2016414 

(十)^  85   2016426

(11)^  -  2016/05/06

(12)^ 西. . (2016521). http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2016052100245&g=soc 2016521 

(13)^  . . (2016528). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ5X6R4XJ5XUCVL003.html 2016528 

(14)^ . . (201667). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ6733C6J67UHBI00R.html 201667 

(15)^ . . (2016615). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ6H30WCJ6HUCVL001.html 2016615 

(16)^   76. . (2016626). http://mainichi.jp/articles/20160626/ddm/041/060/126000c 2016626 

(17)^ . . (201673). http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2016070300030&g=int 201673 

(18)^ Elie Wiesel, Auschwitz Survivor and Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dies at 87. New York Times. (201672). http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/europe/elie-wiesel-auschwitz-survivor-and-nobel-peace-prize-winner-dies-at-87.html 201673 

(19)^  . . (2016725). http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASJ7T4172J7TUCVL00C.html 2016725 

(20)^ 84 . . (20168241941). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20160825/k00/00m/040/041000c 2016824 

(21)^ . . (2016825). https://web.archive.org/web/20160826180939/http://www.sankei.com/life/news/160825/lif1608250023-n1.html 2016825 

(22)^ . . (2016917). http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2016091700161&g=int 2016917 

(23)^ Leonard Cohen, singer-songwriter of love, death and philosophical longing, dies at 82
