
訃報 2020年1月

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
訃報 2019年
訃報 2020年
01月 02月 03月 04月
05月 06月 07月 08月
09月 10月 11月 12月
訃報 2021年

 20201 2020120201

(1 - 15)[]

11 - * 1915[1]

11 - ︿* 1929[2]

11 - * 1930[3]

11 - ︿* 1937[4]

11 - 4NBA* 1942[5]

11 - * 1953[6]

11 - WBC* 1959[7]

12 - * 1928[8]

12 - * 1931[9]

12 - * 1937[10]

12 - * 1938[11]

12 - * 1944[12]

12 - * 1946[13]

12 - * 1957[14]

12 - * 1965[15]

13 - * 1925?[16]

13 - * 1927[17]

13 - * 1928[18]

13 - * 1932[19]

13 - * 1996[20]

13 - 
* 1954[21]

* 1957[22]

14 - * 1927[23]

14 - * 1933[24]

14 - * 1935?[25]

14 - * 1940[26]

14 - * 1944[27]

14 - 12* 1948[28]

14 - F1* 1949[29]

14 - * 1956[30]

14 - * 1968[31]

15 - * 1927[32]

15 - * 1928?[33]

15 - * 1929[34]

15 - * 1931[35]

15 - 西* 1935[36]

15 - 4* 1941[37]

15 - * 1981[38]

15 - * [39]

16 - * 1947[40]

16 - * 1964?[41]

17 - * 1925[42]

17 - * 1926[43]

17 - * 1931[44]

17 - * 1931[45]

17 - * 1933[46]

17 - * 1935?[47]

17 - * 1936[48]

17 - * 1952[49]

17 - * 1967[50]

17 - * 1973[51]

17 - * 1974[52]

18 - * 1928?[53]

18 - * 1930[54]

18 - * 1932[55]

18 - * 1936[56]

18 - * 1936[57]

18 - * 1938[58]

18 - * 1943?[59]

18 - * 1950?[60]

19 - 8* 1922[61]

19 - * 1925[62]

19 - J* 1929[63]

19 - * 1930[64]

19 - * 1933[65]

19 - CEO* 1935[66]

19 - * 1936[67]

19 - * 1938[68]

19 - * 1939[69]

19 - * 1941[70]

19 - SF* 1942[71]

19 - * 1944[72]

19 - * [73]

110 - * 1925[74]

110 - 19524000m* 1931[75]

110 - * 1935[76]

110 - * 1935[77]

110 - 14* 1940[78]

110 - * 1953[79]

111 - * 1921[80]

111 - * 1927[81]

111 - * 1938[82]

111 - * 1942[83]

111 - * 1948[84]

111 - 2* 1966[85]

111 - * 1968[86]

112 - * 1921[87]

112 - * 1935[88]

112 - * 1936[89]

112 - * 1944[90]

113 - * 1923[91]

113 - HL* 1925[92]

113 - 49* 1931[93]

113 - 1956* 1933[94]

113 - * 1942[95]

113 - * 1945?[96]

113 - 調* 1953[97]

113 - * 1958[98]

114 - * 1924[99]

114 - * 1929[100]

114 - * 1932[101]

114 - * 1932[102]

114 - * 1936[103]

114 - * 1948[104]

114 - * 1951[105]

114 - * 1952[106]

114 - * 1955?[107]

114 - ECHOES* 1959[108]

115 - * 1923[109]

115 - * 1927[110]

115 - * 1930[111]

115 - * 1931[112]

115 - * 1936[113]

115 - WWF* 1944[114]

115 - * 1944[115]

115 - * 1944[116]

(16 - 31)[]

116 - JRR* 1924[117]

116 - * 1931[118]

116 - * 1932[119]

116 - * 1942[120]

117 - * 1919[121]

117 - * 1923[122]

117 - * 1926[123]

117 - * 1937[124]

117 - * 1941[125]

117 - * 1948[126]

117 - * 1992[127]

118 - * 1930[128]

118 - * 1933[129]

118 - * 1933[130]

118 - * 1934[131]

118 - * 1937[132]

118 - * 1946[133]

118 - * 1948[134]

118 - * 1963[135]

119 - * 1922[136]

119 - * 1925[137]

119 - * 1925[138]

119 - 寿* 1927[139]

119 - R&B* 1930[140]

119 - * 1931[141]

119 - 使* 1932[142]

119 - * 1932[143]

119 - * 1936[144]

119 - * 1937[145]

119 - * 1947[146]

120 - TBS* 1931[147]

120 - * 1933[130]

120 - * 1934[148]

120 - * 1939[149]

120 - * 1939[150]

120 -  * 1938[151]

120 - * 1951[152]

121 - * 1920[153]

121 - * 1925[154]

121 - * 1927[155]

121 - * 1928[156]

121 - * 1930[157]

121 - * 1934[158]

121 - * 1936[159]

121 - * 1939[160]

121 - * 1939?[161]

121 - * 1942[162]

121 - * 1960[163]

121 - * 1932

122 - * 1933[164]

122 - * 1950[165]

122 - * 1951[166]

123 - * 1924[167]

123 - * 1926[168]

123 - * 1928[169]

123 - * 1928[170]

123 - * 1931[171]

123 - * 1934[172]

123 - * 1936[173]

123 - * 1952[174]

123 - * 1980[175]

124 - * 1923[176]

124 - * 1927[177]

124 - 1952* 1929[178]

124 - * 1932[179]

124 - * 1936[180]

124 - * 1947[181]

124 - * 1951[182]

124 - * 1971[183]

124 - * 1978[184]

124 - * 1982[185]

124 - * 1984[186]

125 - * 1927[187]

125 - * 1936[188]

126 - * 1917[189]

126 - * 1925[190]

126 - * 1934[191]

126 - * 1937?[192]

126 - * 1947[193]

126 - * 1956[194]

126 - * 1956[195]

126 - * 1957[196]

126 - * 1978[197]

127 - * 1929[198]

127 - * 1933[199]

127 - * 1937[200]

127 - * 1966[201]

128 - * 1923[202]

128 - Jr* 1923[203]

128 - * 1929[204]

128 - 使* 1929[205]

128 - * 1933[206]

128 - * 1936[207]

128 - * 1936[208]

128 - NFL* 1961[209]

128 - * 1963[210]

128 - * 1965[211]

128 - * 1967[212][213]

129 - * 1924[214]

129 - * 1926[215]

129 - * 1932[216]

129 - * 1933[217]

129 - * 1941[218]

129 - * 1943[219]

129 - AQAP* 1978[220]

130 - * 1933[221]

130 - * 1937[222]

130 - * 1938[223]

130 - * 1950[224]

130 - * 1956[225]

130 - * 1963[226]

131 - * 1922[227]

131 - * 1925?[228]

131 - H* 1927[229]

131 - * 1927[230]

131 - * 1931[231]

131 - * 1932[232]

131 - * 1944[233]

131 - 調* 1944[234]

131 - * 1948[235]


(一)^ . . (202013). https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2020-01-03/doc-iihnzahk1775805.shtml 202014 

(二)^ "Don Larsen, only pitcher to throw a perfect game in World Series, dies at 90". Los Angels Times. Los Angeles Times. 1 January 2020. 202012

(三)^ "". LiVE. 8 January 2020. 20201312022128

(四)^ "Скончался государственный деятель Серикболсын Абдильдин" (HTML). SPUTNIK (). Rossiya Segodnya. 1 January 2020. 202011

(五)^ "David Stern, Transformative N.B.A. Commissioner, Dies at 77" (HTML). New York Times (). The New York Times Company. 1 January 2020. 202012

(六)^ 66. . . (202013). https://www.sanspo.com/article/20200103-IR6XZOPU4NLWHH6NBHAO7EN3IQ/ 202013 

(七)^ "RIP Carlos De Leon dead aged 60: Boxing legend and four-time cruiserweight world title holder passes away" (HTML). The SUN (). News Group Newspapers of News International. 2 January 2020. 202013

(八)^ 91 . . (202019). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200109/ddl/k12/060/160000c 2020112 

(九)^ John Baldessari, radically influential Conceptual artist, dies at 88 (). Los Angels Times. (202015). https://www.latimes.com/obituaries/story/2020-01-05/john-baldessari-dead 202019 

(十)^ "". . . 9 January 2020. 202019

(11)^ Bruce McEwen, Stress Hormone Researcher, Dies (). The Scientist. (202016). https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/bruce-mcewen--stress-hormone-researcher--dies-66918 202019 

(12)^ "  NPO 75". . 5 January 2020. 2020172022128

(13)^ LORRAINE CHANDLER DIES.... (). Soul and Jazz and Funk. (202013). 2020131. https://web.archive.org/web/20200131150243/http://www.soulandjazzandfunk.com/news/6690-lorraine-chandler-dies.html 202019 

(14)^ 8 . . . (202012). https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN1251M7N12UHBI00P.html 202012 

(15)^  - 202016 202016.202016

(16)^  . . (202013). 202015. https://web.archive.org/web/20200105072820/https://www.sakigake.jp/news/article/20200103AK0019/ 2020112 

(17)^ Reuben Hersh passed away (). HP. https://math.unm.edu/news-events/news/reuben-hersh-passed-away 202019 

(18)^ Prif.Dr.Wolfgang Brezinka (). traueranzeigen.tt.com. (202017). https://traueranzeigen.tt.com/traueranzeige/2020-01-07-wolfgang-brezinka-129277-1 202019 

(19)^ 87. AUTO SPORT web. (2020115). https://www.as-web.jp/domestic/558148 2020116 

(20)^ 223FW. . (202014). https://jp.reuters.com/article/soccer-france-idJPKBN1Z304S 202019 

(21)^ 8. AFPBB NEWS. (202013). https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3261960 202019 

(22)^  . . . (202013). https://www.asahi.com/amp/articles/ASN133RKTN13UHBI00H.html 202013 

(23)^ "Addio alla scrittrice Lorenza Mazzetti". ANSA. Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata. 5 January 2020. p. 1. 202015

(24)^  . NHK BB NEWS. (202016). 202016. https://web.archive.org/web/20200106153236/https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200106/k10012236261000.html 2020112 

(25)^ Trois choses à savoir sur Élisabeth Rappeneau, la réalisatrice icaunaise disparue en ce début d'année 2020 (). L'yonne Républicaine. (202016). https://www.lyonne.fr/auxerre-89000/loisirs/trois-choses-a-savoir-sur-elisabeth-rappeneau-la-realisatrice-icaunaise-disparue-en-ce-debut-d-annee-2020_13718936/ 2020112 

(26)^  . . (202016). 2020112. https://web.archive.org/web/20200112120441/https://www.saga-s.co.jp/articles/-/473386 2020112 

(27)^ SAD DEATH OF A MUCH-LOVED US CONCERTMASTER. slippedisc.com. (202014). https://slippedisc.com/2020/01/sad-death-of-a-much-loved-us-concertmaster/ 2020112 

(28)^ 12. . (2020117). 2020117. https://web.archive.org/web/20200117005500/https://www.oita-press.co.jp/1010000000/2020/01/17/JD0058876842 2020128 

(29)^ " F1". nikkansports.com. . 10 January 2020. 2020110

(30)^ . . (202016). https://www.nikkansports.com/entertainment/news/202001060000401.html 202016 

(31)^ Australian actor Tom Long dies: report. The Sidney Morning Herald. (202015). https://www.smh.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/australian-actor-tom-long-dies-report-20200105-p53ow3.html 2020112 

(32)^  . . (2020116). https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO54461540W0A110C2CZ8000/ 2020118 

(33)^ 91   202018

(34)^ " ". . 8 January 2020. 2020182022129

(35)^ . . (202017). 202017. https://web.archive.org/web/20200107104100/https://www.toonippo.co.jp/articles/-/297472 2020112 

(36)^ Germany's 1966 World Cup goalkeeper Hans Tilkowski dies at age 84 (). . (202016). https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-1966-world-cup-goalkeeper-hans-tilkowski-dies-at-age-84/a-51901991 2020112 

(37)^ Ушел из жизни абхазский политический деятель Анри Джергения. . (202015). https://sputnik-abkhazia.ru/Abkhazia/20200105/1029151660/Ushel-iz-zhizni-abkhazskiy-politicheskiy-deyatel-Anri-Dzhergeniya.html 202015 

(38)^ .  . (202016). http://btbrasil.livedoor.biz/archives/55814434.html 2020112 

(39)^  . amass. (202017). http://amass.jp/129911/ 2020112 

(40)^ Kurt Bracharz (). todesanzeigen.vol.at. (2020110). http://todesanzeigen.vol.at/anzeigen/kurt-bracharz-85846/# 2020112 

(41)^ 55. . (202019). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200109/ddm/041/060/102000c 2020112 

(42)^ Le coiffeur des stars Jacques Dessange est décédé à 94 ans (). France24. (202017). https://www.france24.com/fr/20200107-le-coiffeur-des-stars-jacques-dessange-est-d%C3%A9c%C3%A9d%C3%A9-%C3%A0-94%C2%A0ans 2020113 

(43)^ Le philosophe Alexandre Matheron est mort (). . (202018). https://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2020/01/08/le-philosophe-alexandre-matheron-est-mort_6025204_3382.html 2020116 

(44)^ . . (202019). https://www.shikoku-np.co.jp/bl/news/national/okuyami-detail.aspx?kid=20200109000451 202019 

(45)^  . . (2020117). https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO54527120X10C20A1CZ8000/ 2020118 

(46)^ RAY A. MOORE OF AMHERST, MASS, NOVEMBER 14, 1933  JANUARY 7, 2020 (). douglassfuneral.com. (2020114). https://douglassfuneral.com/?p=1802 2020128 

(47)^ 84 . . (202019). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200109/ddl/k16/060/217000c 2020112 

(48)^ Colin Seeley, legendary frame builder, has died aged 84 (). MCN. (202018). https://www.motorcyclenews.com/sport/2020/january/colin-seeley-died/ 2020113 

(49)^ 67 . . (2020111). 2020116. https://web.archive.org/web/20200116090918/https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200111/k00/00m/040/114000c 2020111 

(50)^ Elizabeth Wurtzel obituary (). . (2020110). https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/jan/10/elizabeth-wurtzel-obituary 2020113 

(51)^ Former Saudi international Khamis Al-Owairan, 46, dies after cancer battle (). thenational.ae. (202017). https://www.thenational.ae/sport/football/former-saudi-international-khamis-al-owairan-46-dies-after-cancer-battle-1.961158 2020113 

(52)^  . . (202019). https://this.kiji.is/587846794826515553?c=39546741839462401 2020113 []

(53)^   . NHK NEWS WEB. (2020114). 2020116. https://web.archive.org/web/20200116055805/https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20200114/k10012245211000.html 2020116 

(54)^  . . (202019). 2020313. https://web.archive.org/web/20200313152328/https://this.kiji.is/587919217706665057 202019 

(55)^ Edd Byrnes, Who Combed His Way to TV Stardom, Dies at 86 (). . (202019). https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/arts/television/edd-byrnes-dead.html 2020113 

(56)^ Muere la infanta Pilar de Borbón a los 83 años (). La Vanguardia. (202018). https://www.lavanguardia.com/gente/20200108/472786378645/muere-infanta-pilar-borbon-hoy-hermana-rey.html 2020113 

(57)^ . . (2020111). https://www.asahi.com/articles/DA3S14323044.html 2020116 

(58)^ 81. (202019). 202019

(59)^  . . (202018). 2020112. https://web.archive.org/web/20200112160010/https://kumanichi.com/news/1315990/ 2020112 

(60)^ 69 . . (2020111). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200111/ddl/k28/060/275000c 2020116 

(61)^ 202019819222020. . https://royalty.charapedia.org/tag/%E3%82%B8%E3%83%A3%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%BB%E3%83%89%E3%83%BB%E3%83%9C%E3%83%83%E3%83%95%E3%83%AB%E3%83%A2%E3%83%B3-%E7%AC%AC8%E4%BB%A3%E3%83%9C%E3%83%83%E3%83%95%E3%83%AB%E3%83%A2%E3%83%B3/ 2020116 

(62)^ "TPC ". . 10 January 2020. 2020110

(63)^ Hero Story: A Tribute to Walter J. Boyne (). historynet.com. (2020111). https://www.historynet.com/hero-story-a-tribute-to-walter-j-boyne.htm 2020116 

(64)^ "Pampero Firpo, Vorbild von WWE-Idol Randy Savage, ist tot". Sport1 (). Constantin Medien. 10 January 2020. 2020110

(65)^ Ivan Passer, Director of Cutters Way, Dies at 86 (). Variety. (2020110). https://variety.com/2020/film/news/ivan-passer-dead-dies-cutters-way-1203462725/ 2020113 

(66)^ 84. . (2020119). https://www.nikkansports.com/baseball/mlb/news/202001190000134.html 2020121 

(67)^  . . (2020131). 202036. https://web.archive.org/web/20200306022113/https://this.kiji.is/595634801469260897 202021 

(68)^  . . (2020120). https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO54612170Q0A120C2CZ8000/ 2020121 

(69)^   2020111

(70)^ Online concert will remember Bobby Comstock, who died this morning (). 14850.com. (202019). https://www.14850.com/010912270-bobby-comstock/ 2020116 

(71)^ Mike Resnick Dies: Hugo Award-Winning Writer Dead at 77 (). heavy.com. (202019). https://heavy.com/entertainment/2020/01/mike-resnick-dead/ 2020113 

(72)^ Professor Kezilahabi, 'Mayai Waziri Wa Maradhi' writer, is dead (). hivisasa.com. (2020111). https://hivisasa.com/posts/86588970-professor-kezilahabi-is-dead 2020116 

(73)^ Fate/stay night . AppBank. AppBank. (202019). http://www.appbank.net/2020/01/09/anime/1844036.php 2020110 

(74)^ . . (2020122). 2020125. https://web.archive.org/web/20200125022630/https://www.chugainippoh.co.jp/article/contents/obituaries/20200122-002.html 2020128 

(75)^ Addio a Guido Messina, era la maglia rosa più anziana (). gazzetta.it. (2020110). https://www.gazzetta.it/Ciclismo/10-01-2020/addio-guido-messina-era-maglia-rosa-piu-anziana-3502567924088.shtml 2020113 

(76)^ Pianist Wolfgang Dauner ist tot (). Der Tagesspiegel. (2020110). https://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/praegende-figur-des-deutschen-jazz-pianist-wolfgang-dauner-ist-tot/25422042.html 2020113 

(77)^  . (2020116). 2020116

(78)^  . . (2020111). https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN1C34Q7N1CUHBI00W.html 2020111 

(79)^ Preminula Neda Arnerić (). www.blic.rs. (2020110). https://www.blic.rs/sudbine/preminula-neda-arneric/tqmzddp 2020116 

(80)^  . . (2020118). https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO54571300Y0A110C2CZ8000/ 2020120 

(81)^ 92. . (2020114). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200114/k00/00m/060/315000c 2020116 

(82)^ 81 . . (2020115). https://mainichi.jp/articles/20200115/ddl/k27/060/237000c 2020116 

(83)^ Obituary: Denmark's first F1 driver Tom Belso 1942-2020 (). autosport.com. (2020113). https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/147879/obituary-denmark-first-f1-driver-tom-belso 2020116 

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(165)^ HERCULES AYALA PASSES AWAY AT 69 YEARS OLD (). Ringside News. (2020123). https://www.ringsidenews.com/2020/01/23/hercules-ayala-passes-away-at-69-years-old/ 2020124 

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(178)^ Preminuo Duje Bonačić, najstariji hrvatski olimpijac i osvajač zlatne olimpijske medalje 1952. u Helsinkiju (). tportal.hr. (2020124). https://www.tportal.hr/sport/clanak/preminuo-duje-bonacic-najstariji-hrvatski-olimpijac-i-osvajac-zlatne-olimpijske-medalje-1952-u-helsinkiju-20200124 2020126 

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(184)^ Chris Wilson AKA Justice Pain Passed Away At Age 41 (). Fightful. (2020124). https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/chris-wilson-aka-justice-pain-passed-away-age-41 2020126 

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(187)^ È morto il cantante fiorentino Narciso Parigi, aveva 92 anni (). ilpost.it. (2020125). https://www.ilpost.it/2020/01/25/morto-narciso-parigi/ 2020128 

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(189)^ Lucy Jarvis, Who Took TV Viewers Far and Wide, Dies at 102 (). . (202025). https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/04/arts/television/lucy-jarvis-dead.html 202029 

(190)^ Morto il grande matematico Louis Nirenberg (). Maddmaths!. (2020126). http://maddmaths.simai.eu/news-2/morto-il-grande-matematico-louis-nirenberg/ 2020128 

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(194)^ Santu Mofokeng, Photographer Who Elegantly Immortalized Lives of Black South Africans, Is Dead at 64 (). ART News. (2020127). https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/santu-mofokeng-dead-1202676360/ 2020128 

(195)^ Le romancier Hubert Mingarelli, prix Médicis 2003, est mort (). . (2020127). https://www.lefigaro.fr/livres/le-romancier-hubert-mingarelli-prix-medicis-2003-est-mort-20200127 2020128 

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(199)^ Jack Burns, 'The Muppet Movie' and 'Muppet Show' Writer, Dies at 86 (). Hollywood Reporter. (2020128). https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jack-burns-dead-muppet-movie-muppet-show-writer-was-86-1274178 2020130 

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(203)^ Harriet Frank Jr., Oscar-Nominated Screenwriter on 'Hud' and 'Norma Rae,' Dies at 96 (). Hollywood Reporter. (2020129). https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/harriet-frank-jr-dead-oscar-nominated-screenwriter-hud-norma-rae-was-96-1219562 2020131 

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(209)^ Hall of Fame DE Chris Doleman dies at age of 58. NFL. (2020129). https://www.nfl.com/news/hall-of-fame-de-chris-doleman-dies-at-age-of-58-0ap3000001099609 2020130 

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