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天文年代学(てんもんねんだいがく、Astronomical chronologyまたはastronomical dating)は、天文学的現象に関連した出来事や遺物の年代を特定する専門的手法である。天文現象の記述を含む歴史的事件の文字記録は古代オリエントの年代学を明らかにするのに大いに役立ってきた。恒星や惑星の配置を描いた美術品や天体が特定の時に昇るまたは沈む方向に向けて立てられた建物は全て天文学的計算によって年代が特定された。

それは精密で印象深くみえても根拠のない憶測に基づいている結論を簡単に作り出してしまう ー

—John Steele, "The Use and Abuse of Astronomy in Establishing Absolute Chronologies."



3  [3]





±15° 1737007816318[6] 1° 1[7]

1540 - 159171615811212[8]


[9]F. C. [10]




  1. ^ Anthony Grafton, "Some Uses of Eclipses in Early Modern Chronology," Journal of the History of Ideas, 64 (2003): 213-229.
  2. ^ F. R. Stephenson and J. M. Steele, "Astronomical Dating of Babylonian Texts Describing the Total Solar Eclipse of S.E. 175", Journal for the History of Astronomy, 37 (2006): 55-69.
  3. ^ John M. Steele, "The Use and Abuse of Astronomy in Establishing Ancient Chronologies," Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada, 59 (2003): 243-8, p. 247.
  4. ^ Jona Lendering, "Astronomical Diaries" Archived 2011-05-14 at the Wayback Machine.
  5. ^ Michael Witzel, "The Pleiades and the Bears viewed from inside the Vedic texts," Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies Archived March 20, 2008, at the Wayback Machine., 5 (1999), issue 2
  6. ^ Richard Mostert and Marco Mostert, "Using astronomy as an aid to dating manuscripts, The example of the Leiden Aratea planetarium", Quaerendo, 20 (1999): 248-261; see esp. § 6. Reliability of the Dating Method, p. 258.
  7. ^ William D. Stahlman, "Astronomical Dating Applied to a Type of Astrological Illustration," Isis, 47 (1956): 154-160, p. 158.
  8. ^ Arthur Beer, "Astronomical dating of works of art", Vistas in Astronomy, 9 (1967): 177-223.
  9. ^ Norman Lockyer and F. C. Penrose, "An Attempt to Ascertain the Date of the Original Construction of Stonehenge from Its Orientation", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 69. (1901 - 1902): 137-147.
  10. ^ Penrose, F. C. (1893). “On the Results of an Examination of the Orientations of a Number of Greek Temples with a View to Connect these Angles with the Amplitudes of Certain Stars at the Time the Temples were Founded, and an Endeavour to Derive therefrom the Dates of their Foundation by Consideration of the Changes Produced upon the Right Ascension and Declination of the Stars by the Precession of the Equinoxes”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: A 184: 805-834. 
  11. ^ Dinsmoor, William Bell (1939). “Archæology and Astronomy”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 10: 95-173. 


  • Neugebaer, Otto. A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, (3 vols). New York: Springer, 1975. Vol. 3, pp. 1071–1076 provides a brief introduction to astronomical chronology.


  • Giovannetti-Singh, Gianamar. "Astronomical Chronology, the Jesuit China Mission, and Enlightenment History". Journal of the History of Ideas, 83(3) (2023): 487-510. https://doi.org/10.1353/jhi.2023.a901491
  • Gingerich, Owen and Barbara Welther. Planetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions, A. D. 1650 to 1805, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 59S. Philadelphia, 1983.
  • Neugebauer, Paul V. Astronomische Chronologie (2 vols). Berlin: De Gruyter, 1929.
  • Steele, John M. "The Use and Abuse of Astronomy in Establishing Absolute Chronologies", Physics in Canada/La Physique au Canada, 59 (2003): 243-248.
  • Tuckerman, Bryant. Planetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions, 601 B.C. to A, D. 1, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 56. Philadelphia, 1962.
  • Tuckerman, Bryant. Planetary, Lunar, and Solar Positions, A. D. 2 to 1649, Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 59. Philadelphia, 1964.
